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Does AbsorbMax work?Does AbsorbMax work?AbsorbMax says that it helps you to absorb the nutrients from the food you eat, improving digestion, and aiding in weight loss. Can this really get your digestion in order?

It may seem counter-intuitive that our digestive system wouldn’t be able to digest the foods that we eat, but in our current environment we are presented with foods that just aren’t natural, and contain many additives and preservatives that weren’t used in foods just a few hundred years ago. Also, certain medications can sap our bodies of essential digestive elements. Also, as a whole we’re eating foods with less fiber in them, which tends to back up the digestive system, leading to a sluggish digestion as well as a lack of proper nutrient absorption.

The Claim
BioTRUST, the makers of AbsorbMax, say that it helps to support the breakdown of the food you eat, so that you can properly absorb the nutrients that these foods contain. The theory is that even if you have changed your diet and are eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, you might not be getting the full benefits of your efforts if you’re not taking the nutrients from these foods.

They also say that their product provides benefits to the digestive system, and improves the health of the immune system. In addition to this it should also help with the intolerance to different foods that they say they can lead to fat gain.

The Hype
In recent years probiotics and digestive enzymes have taken the spotlight. In previous years it was something that was only well-known within health food circles, but now more and more people are realizing the importance of getting your digestion in order if you want to get to or maintain your ideal weight.

The Cost
You can get a one-month supply of AbsorbMax for $50, and there are discounts to be had for ordering more bottles at once. For example, if you buy two at once your per bottle price

goes down to $33 a bottle. Usually we’d say it’s kind of a gimmick to hike up the price so much on the one-month supply, but with this if you like the results you’ll want to stay on it, and with the guarantee they have in place, you don’t have to worry about paying for a product that you don’t like.

The way the cost boils down is that it’s kind of pricey if you only order one month of it, but it drops to being reasonable and on par with similar products.

The Commitment
This requires taking one pill right before you eat your meals. This is a pretty similar commitment to other digestive enzymes, so it demands no more or less commitment than using those. You’ll likely want to pair this with other all-natural supplements for health and weight loss, and it would dovetail nicely with other pill schedules.

The feedback for AbsorbMax is lacking, but from what we’re seeing more people like it than not, and it appears not to have any reported side effects. The company behind it seems to be doing its best to provide quality products, and stand behind them with a generous guarantee so you have plenty of time to evaluate it.

The drawback of a product like this is that you’re meant to take it indefinitely. Some people might not like that idea, but one way to get around that is once you reach your goal weight you can cut back to using this every other day, or every other meal instead of with every meal or every single day. This way you can cut back greatly in both how much you’re using and how often you need to reorder. There is definitely some wiggle room with it, so you’re not forced to take it the same way as you do at the beginning.

Final AbsorbMax Review

The concept behind AbsorbMax is a solid one, and the execution is there so this is getting

our Solid Try rating. If you’ve been trying and trying to lose weight and have managed to change your dietary habits, but still haven’t managed to see any slimming effects, this may be something you want to look into. It should be used as part of a comprehensive approach, and not viewed as a sort of miracle product that will cure all of your digestive ills.

Our Recommendation
This is something that you’d likely want to try if you’re not already taking a probiotic or digestive enzymes. Coupling this with healthy eating will really be the one-two punch that your body needs for healthy living. If you’ve been noticing that you’re eating better but still not seeing the benefits, it may be because you’re not sucking all of the nutrients, or using them optimally. You might also consider a colon cleanse to help clear out any backed up digestion issues and get everything flowing again.

What do you think? Does AbsorbMax work or not?

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  • Taking advantage of a promotion on Absorbmax several years ago, I purchased 12 bottles and I am wondering if they have a limited shelf life as I still have 3 bottles. They work great for me so I plan to continue purchasing this product. Could you please clarify their shelf life. Thank you.

    • Hi Joe - The shelf-life for AbsorbMax is 2 years. There is a manufacturing date (MFG) on the bottle that will help you calculate the expiration date. Thank you!

    • Hello Joe,

      My name is Barbara, and I am BioTrust's Brand Monitoring Specialist. I happened to see your question while I was reviewing this website today, and I am happy to help! Thank you for sharing your experience with AbsorbMax! This product has a 2 year shelf-life. You can calculate the expiration date by adding two years to the "MFG" date on the bottle. Thank you for being a loyal BioTrust customer!

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