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Does the Hummingbird Vine Really Work?

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Does the Hummingbird Vine work?Does the Hummingbird Vine work?The Amazing Hummingbird Vine says they’re the answer to boring birdhouses that go unused, and that they’re a magnet for attracting hummingbirds to within viewing distance. So the big question is whether these actually do serve to get these sometimes elusive birds to choose your yard over another, and if they really do grow “as tall as a man” in their first year.

It can be tricky getting hummingbirds to call your backyard home, and they’ll usually want you to sweeten the pot. Literally. You can buy an artificial nectar feeder that gives them the sweet stuff and affords you an opportunity for picture taking, or just basic birdwatching. But these aren’t exactly the most attractive way to go, and they don’t really add much to the decor of your yard. The big advantage of using these types of flowers is that they’re colorful and pretty, so even when they’re not getting some hummingbird action they still make your yard look better.

The Claim
The Hummingbird Vine says that you’ll be able to attract hummingbirds easily with flowers that they’re naturally drawn to, the campsis radicans, also known as the Trumpet vine. They say these plants are pretty easy to grow, being able to make it in lots of different conditions including sunny spots and shady ones as well, and in various types of soil. These claims are backed up by several gardening reference sites.

The Hype
The hype is that unless you live in a region that already has some hummingbirds in it, you might be out of luck as far as seeing them goes. These plants will be able to swing them your way if they’re already nearby, but there are some parts of the country that are not conducive to hummingbird populations, and if you reside in one of them your efforts will be futile. There’s also some hype from their chintzy video promo, wherein they most definitely superimposed footage of a hummingbird over pictures of these flowers.

The Cost
The deal for the Amazing Hummingbird Vine is a double offer times two. You end up getting a total of four plants for a total of $22, which is competitive when you look at buying them from a gardening store, or directly online. Most gardening enthusiasts don’t really mind splurging on purchases for their hobby, and since these should grow on their own and produce flowers year after year, this is something that can keep paying dividends again and again.

The Commitment
Once you’ve got the plants it’s now time to tend to them to make sure that they reach their full potential. Pick a strategic part of your yard, giving them the best chance to grow as tall as they can. You’ll also have to spend a good amount of time pruning them throughout the year, but compared to other plants and flowers they are not that high maintenance. Since they’re a vine, the bigger problem you’ll want to watch out for is for them growing too aggressively, rather than dying off on you.

The interesting thing about deciding whether to get a Hummingbird Vine or not is that this offer is not exclusive, and they are basically selling a package deal that you can pick up from most local gardening shops, for the same price or better. You also should decide if you want to get these flowers or go with an artificial nectar dispenser. This allows you to make “nectar” using ordinary sugar diluted in water.

One extra feature that they fail to mention is that this species of plant is also known for its ability to attract butterflies. This can double your chances at seeing something beautiful, and is a feature that might sway those that are still on the fence as to whether they want to get this.

Final Hummingbird Vine Review

A four pack Hummingbird Vine set for right around $20 isn’t a bad deal, and there’s no reason

why you can’t get both the flowers and use an artificial nectar feeder as well to increase the chances of both attracting them, and having them stick around. If you’re an avid bird watcher, this is a way to make it easier to spot them, and if you’re just looking to beautify your yard or garden, it’s also a good idea as well.

Our Recommendation
We’d recommend doing your research first if you haven’t already spotted a hummingbird in your neighborhood. It would be rather disappointing to go through all of this trouble to try to lure them to your yard if they just aren’t in the vicinity. Check with your local bird watching group, or gardening store to see if they recommend trying to spot them. If you get the green light, you can go with these flowers or pick a different way of getting your hummingbird fix.

Official Website: Hummingbird Vine

What do you think? Does the Hummingbird Vine work or not?

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  • Not only does the hummingbird vine look pretty, but I think it'll be a real fun activity for my children if it can actually attract some hummingbirds. I remember the first time I saw a hummingbird and I thought it was the most adorable animal in the world. My children take this trait after me and they love birds of all kinds. I'll make the order and pray that it works :)

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