Categories: Diet Pills

Does Bombay Green Really Work?

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Does Bombay Green work?Does Bombay Green work?Bombay Green is presented as a way to simplify the decision making process when choosing a green coffee bean extract. But how can you really tell if this is the one you should go with, and if you’ll get the results from it that you’re seeking?

Green coffee bean extract is of course a natural source, and is therefore preferred by dieters over other weight loss pills and supplements that contain chemicals and other manmade stimulants that can have plenty of adverse side effects. We did a full write up on whether or not green coffee bean extract itself works, so be sure to check it out.

The Claim
The makers of Bombay Green say that they’re using green coffee bean from India, and that their formula includes 850mg per day. They say that it helps your body block the sugar that you consume, and at the same time it’s able to boost your metabolism so that you’re burning more fat. They say it is made up of 50% chlorogenic acid, which reduces the absorption of fat and further boosts your metabolism. They say if you’re worried that you’ll get caffeine jitters like you do from coffee you won’t get them from this because it’s jitter-free.

The Hype
They’re right, green coffee bean extract is trending right now and has shown up on talk shows as being an all natural way to lose weight. That’s why you have to be careful not to get swept up in the craze and make purchases you later regret.

The Cost
They have a 2 for 1 offer on Bombay Green which means that the original sales price of $10 gets two $7 shipping charges on it and the total cost comes to $24. They’re including a $15 voucher for a purchase of another As Seen on TV product, which is designed to offset the cost, but really just entices you to make another purchase.

The Commitment

main draw to these pills and any others claiming effortless weight loss is the effortless part. Who wants to diet and workout when you can simply take a pill? Nobody! But what we’re seeing across the board is that the only pills that work without diet and lifestyle changes are the ones that provide negative side effects and end up getting pulled from shelves. You’re expected to commit to at least changing your diet and getting a little more exercise, and that’s when diet pills show the best results, as a supplement rather than the main reason.

This is the first time that we’ve seen a supplement get quoted by the day, usually it will say how much is in each pill, or how much is in each serving if you need to take multiple pills. Either way, Dr. Oz recommended taking 400mg capsules three times per day so there doesn’t seem to be a way you can do this with these pills, you’d either be getting too little or too much.

While green coffee beans have been studied and evaluated, we’re left in the dark as to whether Bombay Green itself works. Were any studies performed on its effectiveness? No testimonials are provided, and no sort of authentication of the ingredients is shown, so we’re left taking the word of a corporation that you’re actually getting what is claimed to be in it. When you compare this with competing products you’ll see that there is a big difference, and other products will provide you with FDA inspected facilities, and a detailed ingredients list.

Final Bombay Green Review

Bombay Green is getting our Thumbs Down rating, due to a lack of transparency on the ingredients, and a cookie-cutter FAQ page that doesn’t answer any of the most pressing questions that a person would have when considering buying a weight loss supplement. Important questions like what exactly is in it, how many pills are required each day, and what sort of facility are the pills made in. Also, they refer to studies in the infomercial but do not cite these studies or provide links to them for further evaluation.

Our Recommendation
They noted that there are many green coffee bean extracts to choose from, and that’s a good thing because we’re recommending going with a brand that puts all of their cards on the table and provides the details you need to make an informed decision. This is a classic example of a company riding on the hype of a new weight loss trend and hoping to cash in. On top of all of that they’ve set this up so that if you try it and don’t like it and try to get a refund you’ll only be getting $10 back and you’ll be out $14 plus return shipping costs. All of the risk is on you, and that doesn’t sit well with us.

What do you think? Does Bombay Green work or not?

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  • I bought it from dollar tree for $1 just being curious, and I took all the pills and list 40lbs in 30 days and it really came off of my legs and stomach the most. Now I'm mad because the dollar store doesn't have it anymore and I desperately want more! Any suggestions on where to buy it from???? It works hands down all natural to me because I didn't experience any side effects or jitters it was as if I wasn't taking anything.

    • try another dollar store in / around your area, im upstate ny, I bought some too and haven't tried yet, but I think I will, I haven't seen them inany more dollar tree stores yet...but u say they really worked for you, ok I will give a try... thank you.

    • I bought them from the dollar atore the other day too and i want to know did you do any excerise with them or had a diet change

  • This looks like one of the many types of dieting scams on the market today. How exactly is this going to help you lose weight? Like Kaila and Claude mentioned, if they won't list the ingredients of their product how do we truly know if safe for us? It's extremely deceptive and trends on scamming waters. It's also giving people the wrong idea that you only need their product. If you don't supplement this with healthy eating and exercise I doubt it's actually going to work in the long term. Remember people speedy weight loss is dangerous and could cause some unwanted side-effects you won't be prepared for. There's a better way to lose than this. If you do use this product, keep in mind it's not to be used by itself. Otherwise it will NOT work.

  • I agree with Kaila on this particular product. Anything that doesn't show its full ingredients is a no-no in my book. But it is nice to see that this product worked for Baby-Girl. I would be interested to know if she experienced any strange side effects or if she has any further clarity on what exactly is inside of the pill?

  • This seems like a pretty fishy product to me. I am naturally wary of weight loss supplements at all, but it's strange the way this company is advertising their product. If they were proud of the way they processed their product, and the ingredients in it, they would be starting with that when they advertised it.

    It's good that it's worked for Baby Girl, and it probably has worked for other people too. But I wouldn't personally want to intake something that isn't providing me with the ingredients. Tons of processed foods do show ingredients, despite some of them being gross or unpronounceable, so if a company is trying to hide something, that seems sketchy. Also, the warning that only people who want serious results should apply is alarming. Unless that's a trick to get people to think they'll lose a lot of weight? I don't know, but I wouldn't try it.

  • After I heard about coffee bean extract and the benefits of losing weight I decided to try this product. I am glad that I did. It is far more than hype, and after using it for just over two months I have been able to safely shed 14 pounds. I still have much more to go, but so far, so good. The supplement is easy to use and works wonderfully without the harm of side effects that so many weight loss products bring your way. And, the fact that it is affordable wins my heart over even more. there is a money-back guarantee with this supplement but you are going to see results and will not need to use it. It is still satisfying to know that it is there.

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