
Does Ortho Shock Really Work?

So many people have problems with their feet mostly because they are are on them all day. It is important…

9 years ago

Does Voxxsol Really Work?

Time to get out the golf clubs, and start practicing that perfect swing, and if you are looking for something…

11 years ago

Does Comfi Heels Really Work?

As soon as most of us can get rid of the winter boots, out comes those gorgeous high heels, and…

11 years ago

How Comfy are Dawgs Bendable Ballet Flats Really?

Dawgs Bendable Ballet Flats are meant to be carried around in your purse and slipped on whenever you get the…

12 years ago

Does Stretch Genie Really Work?

The Stretch Genie says that it can take those shoes you don't wear any more because they're too tight and…

13 years ago

Do Shape Up Shoes Work?

Wondering about all the fuss surrounding Shape Up Shoes and whether they actually work? A few years ago Skechers was…

13 years ago

Do Toning Shoes Work?

Toning shoes got a lot of attention a while back as a way to shape your legs and butt without…

13 years ago

Are Cushe Shoes Really That Comfortable?

Cushe shoes are based on a laid back, surfer dude style that tries to promote a feeling of carefree living.…

13 years ago

Do MBT Shoes Really Work?

MBT shoes are definitely unique in their design, and when people first see them they might think that you've got…

13 years ago