Categories: Pet Care

Does Comfy Control Harness Really Work?

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We all know that conventional leashes and collars aren’t the best way to restrain dogs, and the Comfy Control Harness is designed to change all that. It uses the dog’s torso instead of their neck, which in theory should get rid of most problems associated with the traditional methods. But theory is one thing, let’s see how this stacks up to real user testing.

Most dog owners feel a little guilty when they hear their pet choking and struggling with the collar. It does seem a little inhumane to be tugging at this sensitive area. There are even choke collars out there that some owners use to train their dogs. The Comfy Control Harness moves the leash from the neck to the chest and shoulders, helping your dog to breath easier, and not get all choked up by a regular collar and leash set up.

The Claim
They say this won’t constrict your dog’s airways, because there is no central point of restraint. It disperses the pull from the leach over the broader part of the dog, the chest and shoulders. If your dog has a breathing problem, or is old, or has a short snout, this can be a really great thing for them.

They say there’s “no more coughing, choking or straining.” All you get is reliable and comfortable support that keeps your dog where you want them without causing pain and struggle.

The Cost
The Comfy Control Harness has a graduated pricing structure depending on the size. This makes sense because more material goes into making larger sizes. The cheapest you can get is the small size at $11, medium is $14, large is $17, and extra large is $20. They throw in a second one for an extra $5 regardless of size. They all ship for a flat $7, so your out the door cost is anywhere from $23 for the small to $32 for the extra large. You not only get the harness, but it also comes with a five-foot leash, and they throw in a Crazy Critter at no extra charge.

The Commitment
All you need to do is replace your current leach and collar with the Comfy Control Harness system. That’s all that’s needed in order to start using and benefiting from it. Your pet can’t talk, but you know they’d say thank you if they could, since they won’t be led by their neck any longer.

It comes in four different sizes, so you need to carefully consider which size to get for your pet. It ranges from small all the way up to extra large, depending on what breed you have. The product itself is adjustable, so you don’t have to get it exactly right, but the better choice you make in sizing will make it easier when you’re trying to adjust it.

They bill this as a more humane way to restrain your dog, and it’s tough to argue on that point. User feedback has been mostly negative, with people saying that the sizing is all wrong, and that their pets don’t like it. There are some out there that say it works just like it’s shown to, so either they got the sizing right the first time, or they are paid endorsements.

Final Comfy Control Harness Review

It’s strange to find a product with so many differing opinions, but we definitely think that it merits a try to see if your dog will like it. The method is so innovative, and long overdue, it would be a shame if they got this wrong and it’s a flop. With so many different dogs, with so many different personalities, sizes, and breeds, there’s no way to get an accurate read on whether this will work for everyone.

Trying products out like this one is a lot of fun. There’s almost no risk involved, and a lot of potential benefit to be gained. Your dog will love it if they don’t have to be choked any more, and if you try it and it doesn’t work, just return it. You’re only out shipping, and you’re back to the old system. No big deal.

Our Recommendation
If your

dog is always choking and tugging on the leash when you walk them, it’s probably a good idea to pick up a Comfy Control Harness. It is pretty good at making it so they are not being pulled by their neck, and it shifts the burden to the broader area of their chest and shoulders. It doesn’t take much imagination to realize that it would be much more comfortable to be restrained by your torso than your neck.

Another reason why this is a good product for your dog, is it uses the same sort of leash system that people use for their own kids. You don’t seem them pulling their kids around by the neck, they have it connected to a body harness that distributes the resistance evenly.

What do you think? Does Comfy Control Harness work or not?

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  • To fellow dog owners, my family is Not paid by the company for the soft mesh harness. We bought it to see if it worked. Before that, we used a regular harness on our little dog. She hates collors and is not to fond of harnesses eithern. She really likes the soft, mesh one and does,t growl any more when we put it on her.

  • I bought one of these harnesses after we got a new dog and she kept pulling on her traditional leash. This meant she would end of almost choking herself.
    Swapping over to the comfy control harness makes walking the dog so much easier. The dog doesn't choke and you feel like you have more control over the dog too.

    If you love your dog, treat them to one of these. I'm sure if they could talk they'd thank you for it :)

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