Categories: Anti-Aging

Does Derm Exclusive Really Work?

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Does Derm Exclusive work?Does Derm Exclusive work?Derm Exclusive is an anti-aging skin care system promoted by Dr. Ordon of The Doctors, and marketed by the BeachBody corporation. It’s getting a lot of attention these days, and we were asked by many visitors to try and determine if it actually works and is worth a trial run.

There’s plenty of money to be made in the anti-aging market, and many products have come and gone in recent years. It’s an easy market for grifters that just want to put up a sham product and make off with some quick cash, much like the snake oil salesmen of old. But with a major Hollywood plastic surgeon vouching for the methods and ingredients being used, and a reputable company backing it, this has the early signs of being a winner.

The Claim
The big claims for Derm Exclusive are that you’ll be able to see lines and wrinkles vanish almost instantly. This would be good enough if it was just for the short term, but the products are also supposed to contain ingredients in them that help your skin look better over time. They say that within two months of continual use you should see dramatic results.

The Hype
Most of the hype stems from Dr. Ordon, a celebrity plastic surgeon and a co-host of The Doctors. By being on television and providing advice to millions of viewers each day, he’s established his credibility as a trusted source for health and beauty advice. There is also an infomercial for it that is pretty convincing, as well as BeachBody reps that are pushing the product in order to make a commission.

What is BeachBody?
You might be familiar with BeachBody for other products in their line-up, including workout programs like P90X and Insanity, as well as Shakeology, their meal replacement shakes. Across the board they seem to be offering products that go above and beyond the competition in the given market. For example, the production values on their workout DVDs are very high, the quality of their shakes is hard to match, and many reports say that the quality of the creams and lotions in the Derm Exclusive line-up have a high-end feel.

The Cost
$47 gets you a 30 day supply of four different treatments. It also signs you up to receive a 90 day shipment 30 days later. You can also upgrade to a 7 piece kit for an extra $8 per month. Since the products they send are supposed to provide both short term and long term results, it should be easy enough to determine if you want to keep it within the 30 day window, and definitely in the 90 day window if you get one of their 90 day supplies which come with an extended guarantee of 90 days.

Customer Service
We’ve had nothing but a pleasant experience dealing with BeachBody and their customer service. In our experience they cancel subscriptions when asked,

provide confirmation numbers, and try to do business on the up and up. Would we prefer it if they would let you opt out of the subscription service at the time or ordering? Sure, but that shouldn’t stop you from ordering, because this is one company that isn’t simply trying to take your money and run.

The Commitment
You’d want to use this for a month straight if you want to make an objective judgement. They say that after just one week you should see enough results to outdo a microdermabrasion treatment. An additional week should be better than a chemical peel, and if you go for a month or longer you should be experiencing the sort of results you get from a photofacial.

You’ve got to give them credit for posting negative as well as positive reviews at their own website. It might not mean that you can trust every glowing review on there, but it does give insight into the fact that Derm Exclusive doesn’t work for everyone. We’ve noticed that what they’ve done with their products is break things down into different areas, and different steps for each part you’re having trouble with.

Facial Cleanser – This is an all around cleanser that is meant to be used as a starting point to rid your face of dirt and debris and prepare it for the rest of the treatments. One bonus is that it doesn’t dry out your skin like many other facial cleansers are known to. Another bonus: the smell!

Age Defense Moisturizer – Moisturizing goes a long way to keep the skin looking its best, and this one is specially formulated with antioxidants and has enough SPF to protect your skin from further damage as you go along.

Volume Lip Therapy – A lot of the limp plumpers out there don’t really take into consideration the long-term health of your lips and leave them stinging due to an allergic reaction. With this you not only get SPF added to protect your lips from the sun, but you also get moisturizers to keep them soft as well as plumped up.

Micro Peel Resurfacing Pads – These you don’t use daily, as they’re pretty effective at sloughing off dead skin cells and other impurities of the skin. The good news is that they include soothing moisturizers so you can exfoliate without feeling like you just took off the top layer of your epidermis.

Intensive Repair Serum – They say that their treatments are akin to getting a photofacial after a month’s use, and this is the Derm Exclusive product that is supposed to provide those results. It does this by going to work on your dark spots, and evening out your skin tone over time.

Collagen Lift – No anti-aging skin care system would be complete without a collagen-based product in it. This is for the fine lines and wrinkles in areas around the eye, and on your forehead. It’s also for use in areas with sagging, to boost the skin back up so it looks more youthful.

Fill & Freeze Wrinkle Treatment – This is the item that they give you the least amount of, and the one that you might get hooked on. It’s the one that gets the best reviews out of the entire kit, probably due to the fact that it’s to be used on the problems that are the hardest to treat: the deeper wrinkles, laugh lines, and forehead lines.

Final Derm Exclusive Review

Derm Exclusive doesn’t seem to work for everyone that tries it, but since it appears to work for a good number of people we’re giving it a Solid Try rating. We’re confident that if you don’t like it BeachBody is good on their word and will process your refund according to their money back guarantee, and if you do like it it’s a reasonably priced product in an industry filled with creams and serums that cost twice as much.

Our Recommendation
It’s a good idea to get in the right mentality when trying to turn back the clock with topical treatments. Aging gracefully means accepting that you’re getting older, but there’s nothing that says you can’t do your best to look your best. While you wage physical war with your wrinkles and problem areas, try to go easy on yourself mentally.

Official Website: Derm Exclusive

What do you think? Does Derm Exclusive work or not?

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  • I have been sending emails after emails to you for a refund on my product.You people
    are not replying,that's poor customer service.If i don't get a answer i will go BBB.
    Now my PHONE # is2503380533 and my customer #15248527.may my order expired because
    you people haven't answered my emails asking you to call. Now I Live in Canada every time I call you
    are closed.At least get a mail box for customers.I am going to be waiting for a call,i would like a refund.

  • A good, dependable customer service is always important. The first sign of a bad product is either a bad customer service or those that don't get you anywhere once the automated line picks up. So with that and the fact that they allow people to freely review their products on their website are two very important trust building factors. I'm tempted to give them a try.

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