Categories: As Seen on TV

Do EZ Pockets Really Work?

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EZ Pockets is a way to make individually portioned pies quickly and easily using your oven. The secret is in the pan’s shape, which keeps everything shaped correctly. But does this actually work as shown?

They definitely make a strong case against conventional pie making, saying that it’s a lot of work, and doesn’t always come out the way you want it to. It’s true that it can be a pain to get the dough just right, and that when the pie comes out it has a tendency to go all over the place when trying to plate it. Also, you do have to let the pie cool some before you can even serve it.

The Claim
The claim by the makers of EZ Pockets is that this pan is specially designed so that you can make up to 6 mini pies at a time. They say you can make them all with the same filling, or switch each one up as needed. They say that you can use savory ingredients as well, and you aren’t limited to just sweet ingredients. This means that you can make pies filled with pizza toppings, or Mexican food stuffed in them. You just use pre-made pie crust which rolls out to just the right size to cover the bottom of the pan. Put a covering crust over it all and bake it.

The Hype
The hype on this comes from just how easy they show it being used. They show someone unroll the pie crust, place it right on the pan, place the filling in each portion, seal it up, and then pop it in the oven. Next they cut to a finished product and someone enjoying it immensely. Maybe it is that easy, but the way they show it off it looks so simple anyone could do it.

The Cost
The total cost for EZ Pockets is $28 which includes shipping. They have an offer where you can get

the bonus pan for an extra $8, for a total of $36 for two pans. The bonus pan is rectangular and makes 12 square shaped mini pies instead of 6 triangle shaped ones, which would be better for entertaining or for larger families.

The Commitment
This should reduce the amount of time you spend making pies, and could even make it so you are able to create new meals for your family in less time, and make it be something they really enjoy. For example, if they like taco night or enchilada night you can put those same ingredients into this and it’s a bit of a novelty to keep things interesting.

There is no reason to suspect that EZ Pockets doesn’t work, as the materials they’re using don’t exactly reinvent the wheel. Nonstick pans and baking sheets have been around for quite some time, and this is simply shaped in a specific way to get a specific result. The feedback from users backs this up, and this is getting pretty good reviews from initial reports. Most of the time when a product sticks to the basics and doesn’t try and do too much, it ends up being a success, and that’s what’s happening here.

A lot of products like these say you’ll get a recipe guide included, but with this one they’re actually letting you check out the recipe book before you buy. You can see that there’s about a dozen different recipes covering all three meals, plus snacks. All of the recipes they allude to in the promo video are covered. But here’s the kicker: with the recipes they do show you can easily get your creative juices flowing and come up with new recipes of your own, just by modifying what you already know.

Final EZ Pockets Review

The EZ Pockets is getting our Thumbs Up rating because they’ve kept this simple but have also figured out a way to provide foods that most families will love, while giving you

quality control over the specific ingredients you choose. This allows you to make foods that are fun and a novelty but keep them healthy by choosing organic foods to go inside them. Or you can easily entertain for larger crowds because these are a nice mini size. Imagine making the buffalo chicken pies for a Super Bowl party or something similar. They’re sure to be a hit.

Our Recommendation
When amassing your kitchen arsenal you’ll end up getting some products that have only one purpose. For those types of products you have to be very picky, because if you don’t use them enough they just take up space and make you regret your purchase. These pans have so many potential uses that you can use them quite often, you just have to remember to pick up a two-pack of pre-made pie crust each time you go to the store so you’ll always be ready.

What do you think? Do EZ Pockets work or not?

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  • I agree with you on the EZ works. The only problem is finding a longated pie crust for the 12 pocket pan. The 9 inch crust works for the 6 pie pan but the 12 pocket pan is another story.
    Any ideas?

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