Get Paid $20 for Video Reviews

Put your digital camera or webcam to use, help others make the right decision when it comes to buying some of the most popular products and services in the world, and make some money!

Everybody wants to know if stuff really works, whether it’s the latest diet craze, the latest kitchen gadget, or that new money-making opportunity that’s getting popular.

If you’ve already bought one of these products, or tried out a service, you have the information they need. Before, there wasn’t a really good way to share that information and get paid for it as well. With the Paid Video Reviews program we have here, you can finally turn your opinion into cash.

You send us the review, and we will send you $20. It’s that fun and easy, just be yourself, act natural, and give your honest opinion. We’ll take care of the rest.

Your video will be posted to our YouTube channel, and on our website. We’re the leading provider of quality reviews that answer Does It Really Work? and your video will have a built-in audience of visitors. Why wait around for weeks or months to have people see your video?

We have a list of products that we need video reviews on. Use our contact form or send an email to with a product you had in mind and we’ll let you know if we need it or not.

    Video Requirements

    • Must own the product and be able to show it in the video.
    • Must be good video & audio quality. You don’t have to be the next Spielberg, but we should be able to see you and hear you clearly in the video.
    • Must be at least 30 seconds long, and always keep it information packed and interesting.

    Tips to Make Your Video Top-Notch

    Smile! – People like people that are happy, so even if you have a negative review, you don’t have to have a grumpy face to go along with it.

    Tell the Truth – It’s OK to point out some things you don’t like about a product, even if your overall recommendation is that it’s good.

    Lighting is Important – Don’t lurk in the shadows, make it so that there is a light source behind the camera so that your face is illuminated, and also so we can see the product you’re displaying.

    Messing Up is OK – You don’t have to get this in one take. If you stutter, or forget what you were going to say, just wait for it, it will come. You don’t have to do 20 takes until you get it perfect, and you don’t have to memorize a bunch of lines. Keep it real, people will appreciate that you’re not some slick salesperson pitching them on a product. They like that you’re a real person giving them a real review that they can trust.

    Video Examples

    This video review is great, and is a way for you to do the review without necessarily having to be in front of the camera. The dog gets more face time than the person giving the review, but that’s OK because the product is also in the spotlight and we get a good idea of what it would actually be like to own it. Plus, it doesn’t go as planned, the dog doesn’t obey at first, but she recovers nicely and it adds to the realism of the review.

    This is an example of a webcam style review, where it’s as if the reviewer is talking right to you. She shows off the product, and proves that you don’t have to dress fancy or be someone you’re not in order to give your personal review. Just be who you are and that will come through on the camera. You don’t have to be fake, or sound a certain way. She holds the product right up to the camera so you can
    get a good look at it. This is a way of providing information, because on a sales page you usually just get a picture and don’t know how it will actually look when you get it. And she smiles a lot! 🙂

    Get creative! If you’re camera shy but still want to give your opinion you can be the director and put your family members to work. In this video the mom made a good decision because she put the product in the hands of the end user. Rather than rattle on about whether she thinks it works, she just showed it in action in a real life setting. Short and to the point.

    If you have any questions, be sure to let us know. We’d be happy to help you along the way, and give you any advice and pointers. It’s definitely not rocket science, so keep it easy, fun, and you can turn your opinion into some cash in your pocket.