Categories: Cleaning Supplies

Does Glass Wizard Really Work?

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Does Glass Wizard really work?Does Glass Wizard really work?Cleaning windows and other glass surfaces can be a pain, and that’s what Glass Wizard hopes to aleviate. If you’ve ever cleaned windows, sliding glass doors, and mirrors you’ve no doubt frowned at the streaks left behind. It seems to matter how good of a job you do, there’s still noticeable streaking, and the more you wipe the more they spread around. So does this gadget really work, and if so, how?

Glass cleaners are notorious at leaving streaks behind. Almost all of them report being streak-free, but still they don’t live up to their labels. If you end up getting a greasy substance onto the window or mirror, it just exacerbates the problem.

The Claim
Glass Wizard claims that it can provide a streak-free finish without the need for a lot of elbow grease on your part. Because of its micro-fiber cloth it

The Hype
The hype comes from the ad when they show a dirty, greasy window get cleaned in just one pass with the Glass Wizard.

The Cost
One pro about the buying process is that the manufacturers of Glass Wizard give you the option of taking the 2nd “free” item. Some companies force you into buying two units and paying shipping for the second free item.

If you just want one you can get it for $10 plus $7 shipping for a total of $17. That’s another nice thing about shopping from their website, they actually disclose to you how much shipping is before you submit your credit card details.

If you want two items, one for your home and one for your car as they suggest, or one for a friend, you can get the second one for another $7, bringing the per item cost to just $12, and a total order price of $24.

If you want to bypass the official website you can order it from Amazon for $7 and get it shipped for free if your get your order total over $25. What this essentially means is you could order for of them and have them delivered for free and keep the per item cost to just $7. You could find a friend that wants two of them and you could both have a set at the cheapest way possible.

The Commitment
If you don’t clean your windows and mirrors as often as you’d like because of the hassle, you might find yourself doing it more often when it’s easy. If there are very tall windows in your home, or big surfaces like sliding glass doors, you may be reluctant to wash them because it’s a big project.

The Glass Wizard makes it easier to get to these places and reach those hard to get to spots, so you may end up having an overall cleaner home than what you’re used to.

There were a few claims made in the ad spot that needed to be tested in a real world setting. The first was that you can use water to clean windows. The second is that it cuts through grease with one pass.

The testing done with just water from the tap proved that it is not as effective as using a glass cleaner. And the claim that it cuts through grease in one pass is also bogus. You’ll need to go over it more than once, but it finally does clean it up completely, and more quickly that if you were to use paper towels and do it by hand.

Does Glass Wizard Really Work?

Glass Wizard works, but it doesn’t live up to all of the claims made by the company. It’s not really good at cleaning with water, as they suggest. So be sure to use your preferred glass cleaner. It’s also a little tricky getting the cloths onto the unit. They’re meant to fit tightly, and this means it can be a struggle to get them on and correctly positioned. Once you do, you’re ready to rock.

Our Recommendation
Pick this one up. If you go the Amazon route you can get it for a song and you’ll never look back. If you have a hard to reach window, big sliding glass doors, or just a bathroom mirror where it’s hard to get behind the faucet, you’ll love the Glass Wizard.

What do you think? Does Glass Wizard really work?

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  • Noting that this is from the Damprid contact link found on the site. This Product definitely performstill as suggested, BUT as I've taken note while monitoring my sisters home while she was on her (Feb.) month long vacation... I found her winows completely full of condensation! Although she has Damprid bags EVERYWHERE, they just weren't able to keep up with the dampness. What I found out was appalling, whereas the her heating cooling man had recently been called out to check over system after a outside Gass leak had caused the loss of Gass to the home. Some years earlier another company installed anot AprilAir wholehome humidifier.
    That system has very likely been left in the TEST mode since it's installation!
    I found the air quality in home very pleasant but understood that in February (Minnesota's coldest month) the home must have indoor air at or near 20% (nose-bleed-levels) in order to keep windows from being damaged from condensation!
    I immediately turned off the AprilAir and turned central air fan to continuously ON!
    I then threw out every DampRid bag even though they were not full... Next I watered all plants (noting that the succulent plants were doing just fine up till that time, but now need to be constantly sprayed or kept moist.
    Thank you Randy

  • Please tell me how I can order four (4) replacement bonnets for my glass wizard and what would the total price be?
    Thank You. Sincerely,
    Mary Hansen

  • Please tell me how I can order 4 replacement Bonnets for my glass wizard and what would the total price be? Thank You.

  • The glass wizard has a lot of pros but it really does a sloppy job with only using water, I used windex and the results were amazing, It worked really good on my glass tables but for big windows it can be a bit small.

  • I tried glass wizard already and to me it worked fine, I used it for windows at home and also in the car. I guess every product works at some level but there are no miracles, I think it depends a lot on what each one expects when they purchase. The definite pro here is the price, since they give the second one free, and it really lasted more than the previous product I used, so to me it was worth to give it a try.

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