Categories: Cleaning Supplies

Does the HAAN Multiforce Pro Really Work?

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Does the HAAN Multiforce Pro work?Does the HAAN Multiforce Pro work?The HAAN Multiforce Pro is pitched as an indoor and outdoor steam cleaning scrubbing mop. It’s supposed to be able to power through stuck on dirt and grime because of the use of steam, coupled with the dual action scrubbing it provides. Let’s see how it fares under real world scrutiny.

Scrubbing is hard to do. That’s why there are so many products out there that try to make it so we don’t have to do it. Consider the Scrubbing Bubbles brand and their gimmick that the bubbles do the work so you don’t have to. Then transfer that to steam and you have the basic premise at work for steam cleaning products of all shapes and sizes. It’s easy to see the appeal of these kinds of cleaning products, especially using steam since it consists of just water so you don’t have an ongoing cost of ownership, you just use the cleaner as much as you want.

The Claim
The HAAN Multiforce Pro is purported to be able to deep clean hard surfaces as well as carpeting using nothing but steam. The way this happens is because of what they’ve termed “reciprocal movement technology” which is a fancy way of saying that the scrubbing brushes move in opposite directions, covering more ground and resulting in a more efficient scrubbing action.

The Hype
We all want cleaner homes, and we want to exert the least amount of effort possible to get a good clean. The latest trend is also to go green, so steam cleaning products like this one hit on multiple levels because it should be easy to use, while not working against the planet. Aside from that the HAAN name has built a reputation for producing quality product for the home, so they are riding on their good name a bit.

The Cost
The HAAN Multiforce Pro is listed at their official website for $240. Amazon has it for the same price with free shipping. This makes it a pricey steam mop, but when you consider what it can do, where you can use it, and the company that’s behind it, it starts to make more sense. There are less expensive steam mops, even ones offered by the same company, but what you’re buying here is the ability to use it all over the house, even on carpets and outdoors. It may be able to replace a few different cleaning gadgets in your home.

The Commitment
This should represent a reduction in your commitment level, since it is not only adding steam to the equation, but adding two directional scrubbing action so you don’t have to do the scrubbing, you should be able to just put it on a spot that you want cleaned and let it do its thing.

The HAAN Multiforce Pro get good reviews from real users, which is surprising given its price point. Usually when the price creeps up people get more picky about the performance of a product and expect it to do more in order to justify the price. It’s obvious by looking at the available data that most buyers are happy with their purchase and say that it performs either as expected or better. That’s about all you can go on when considering whether to buy it for yourself, see what the general consensus is from those that have gone before you.

We’ve looked a lot of steam mops, regular mops, steam vacs and more. What we typically see is mixed reviews and complaints that the unit is defective or falls apart shortly after use. This is not the case with the Multiforce, and it appears to be well built so you can get a lot of use out of it.

When considering a steam cleaning product you should go with a company that has a reputation for making them. It’s no easy feat to be able to heat up water to the point of making steam, as this can be a real strain on the machine and can lead to leaks and overheating, which leads to ineffective cleaning results. Many companies have thrown their hat into the ring and are trying to capitalize on this steam cleaning trend, but it is not an easy market to break into. With HAAN you’re looking at a company that is all about steam. It only makes sense that since it gets their primary focus they’ve figure out how to do it right.

Final HAAN Multiforce Pro Review

The HAAN Multiforce Pro is getting our Thumbs Up rating. The feedback on it is solid, the company has a long track record of successful products, and the innovation is there in regards to getting floors really clean. Compared to getting on your hands and knees and scrubbing up stuck on gunk from your floors this thing is a dream, and seeing it in action is enough to make you want one right away.

Our Recommendation
This is a solid choice for you if you don’t currently have a steam cleaner capable of cleaning multiple surfaces like hard surfaces, carpets, and outdoor surfaces. It’s handy to take out and do a quick scrub when you need it, so it’s easy to keep up with your floors rather than letting them get out of hand. But even if you do let it go to the point of no return this can help you quickly regain control and feel on top of the situation again, even if you have pets and small children to contend with.

What do you think? Does HAAN Multiforce Pro work or not?

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