Categories: Gadgets

Does The Heft Really Work?

4/5 - (1 vote)

Does the Heft Work?Does the Heft Work?Sometimes the little items that we can buy can make life a whole lot easier for us. There are tons of gadgets on the market that do just this, and some work great while others are no more than a scam. We are looking at a Gadget called The Heft and you may find it to be a big help with some of the major chores around the house.

The Heft is a simple little but very impressive device that snaps onto the handle of some of your long handled tools that you use for your garden or other outside chores like snow shoveling. It is best described as a ergonomic secondary handle multi tool that can be a big back saver.

The Claim
The promoters claim that The Heft easily snaps onto any handle quickly and easily. It can be used on shovels, rakes or hoes, just as an example.

The Hype
The hype really focuses around The Heft being designed so that when you use these various tools it is not going to cause as much stress on your back as it normally does.

The Cost
It will all depend on where you are going to buy The Heft. For example if you buy it directly from the Heft site currently you can get a two pack for $35.99. Or if you just want one then it will cost you $17.99

The Commitment
There is no big commitment to make other than you will probably want to use this on multiple tools so it will take remembering to switch it from one to another as needed.

The Heft really is an innovative idea. What makes it so attractive is that its super easy to install, and you can use it on almost any long handled tool. Chances are after you have used it a few times you will want to order a few more so you don’t even have to bother changing it over to the tools as you need them, although its really easy to do.

Final The Heft Review

When you think about all the stain that is put on your back when using long handled tools then having something like The Heft to relieve this is a great tool to have. Think about where you position your hands when using these tools and it’s exactly where you will be positioning The

Heft. It now gives you more leverage and more control over the tool, and you won’t be bending as much to accommodate the action of the tool you are using. Back injuries are so common when it comes to using these types of tools and really up until now there hasn’t been much that can help reduce this. So, we are prepared to give The Heft a Thumbs Up rating.

Our Recommendation
Another intriguing gadget for garden work that you may want to check out is the Garden Groom.

What do you think? Does The Heft work or not?

View Comments

  • The Heft does NOT work as advertised. On my metal handled snow shovel it slid up and down constantly and was more of a nuisance than a help. I fixed the problem with duct tape and now the shovel is easier to lift. However, you certainly can't snap the HEFT off one tool and onto another in the way the videos show - unless all the tools have identical shafts of the correct diameter.

  • Works as advertised. I use it on one of our snow shovels, and it definitely eases the strain on my back(not having to bend so far over) as well as making things a bit easier on my arms. The only hitch is that just snapping it on only allows you to shovel for a short period before it starts to twist off. A hole is provided in one of the clamps to screw it onto the handle, but I found I needed to drill a hole in the other clamp to set a second screw. With both screws in place, so far it works like a charm.

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