Categories: Anti-Aging

Does Lifestyle Lift Really Work?

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If you have been thinking that you’re looking a little older than you’d like, the LifeStyle Lift TV promo probably caught your eye. As more and more people look to plastic surgery to get their youthful looks back, it’s getting harder and harder for doctors to attract new clients. This would be one way for them to expand their client base, but how good are the results, and is this really better than going at it the old fashioned way?

This is billed as being an alternative to getting a traditional face lift, and would appeal to those that have wanted to get the procedure done, yet had their reasons for not doing it. The two biggest reasons why you’d opt for this over a standard face lift is the cost should be lower, and the procedure is supposed to be less painful. The other reason is that you may be able to get better results with less down time going this route. Whichever way you go, you want to one time it, because the costs and pain can really add up if you have to have the work redone if it isn’t done right the first time.

The Claim
They claim that they have a line-up of medical directors in place in insure that your procedure is handled properly. They also say that they have both surgical and non-surgical procedures, and that most patients recover in about a week, and that a typical procedure lasts for about an hour. This would be a sharp contrast to getting a regular face lift, eye lift, or neck lift, which could take several hours and leave you in pain for over a week.

The Hype
Lifestyle Lift gets the majority of its hype from it’s TV promo, where they show copious amounts of before and after pictures that is supposed to be proof that the procedure actually works. Of course there’s also a fair amount of make-up being used, and the old ploy of having the person look sad in the before pictures and happy in the after pictures.

The Cost
They don’t really let on to how much it costs

at their official site of course, they’d rather have you contact them for a consultation. This is common practice for services of this nature, and it’s pretty valid, as there’s no one-size-fits-all pricing structure, since everyone is going to have their own specific idea of what they want done. Prices have been tossed around, ranging anywhere from $1250 all the way to $5000 or more. That’s why it’s best to talk with someone face to face so you can get an accurate idea, and not just write it off based on someone else’s cost.

The Commitment
This is one of the bigger draws to going with Lifestyle Lift, as they say there’s very little down time to have it done, and aside from the financial commitment, you simply show up and have it done to you.

You can look at before and after pictures as much as you want, but it’s not as if they’re going to put the goof ups on their website, or use anything less than the top 1 percentage of people that have a good experience with it. Unfortunately this makes it a little harder to get an accurate read on how happy people are after their procedure. You can find people that have said they don’t like the results, but this would be the case if you looked up every single person that’s gotten a face lift the traditional way.

A face lift is not a perfect procedure, which means that not everyone is going to like the results they get from the Lifestyle Lift treatment. That being said, if you take into consideration the many people that have gotten it done, and compare that to the number of formal complaints that they’ve received to the BBB, then it seems like they’re doing pretty well, statistically. It’s also good to note that they resolve their complaints, so perhaps it is someone that didn’t like the results, but just needed to come in for a touch up or some reconditioning work.

Final LifeStyle Lift Review

We’re giving this our Get More Info rating, due to the fact that there’s really no way to make a broad determination as to whether or

not this is right for you. There may be other ways to improve your appearance without undergoing any sort of formal procedure. Or you might be better served talking to a cosmetic surgeon that’s not affiliated with the Lifestyle organization. There’s simply too many factors that play into it, and you should get a few professional opinions and then see how you feel about your situation and your different options.

Our Recommendation
Getting a consultation from a Lifestyle Lift office couldn’t hurt. The worst that could happen is that they’d recommend for you to get the procedure, but they can’t force you to. Unless you don’t like the stress of being in a sales situation, in which case you should see a few plastic surgeons to see what they recommend you to do. You may only need some simple spot treatments to get the look you want, and they’d be more likely to give you a straight answer instead of steering you into going with a lift of some sort.

What do you think? Does LifeStyle Lift work or not?

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  • To be fair with the Lifestyle Lift company, every other beauty products and procedures have their critics. However, as a consumer looking to get this treatment, it's hard to ignore the video that I just watched on this website. They are promising just as good of a result that a facelift would provide at a lower price and a less invasive procedure, so lesser price shouldn't translate to less expectation. I'll do more research on this, but I'm really not sure anymore.

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