Categories: Anti-Aging

Does MaxiLift Face Lift Serum Really Work?

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Does MaxiLift work?Does MaxiLift work?It’s tempting to think that the MaxiLift face lift serum might be able to give you results in just 2 minutes, and that last for up to 8 hours, but with the flood of anti-aging products hitting the market, we’ve become skeptical of products that try to pull off big promises. We wanted to see if this can really do what is says, and if it’s worth trying out or not.

There are generally two types of anti-aging products that you’ll see being marketed to those that are worried about their fine lines and wrinkles. One type is for long-term use and involves applying a cream to your trouble spots, or your entire face every day, and seeing small incremental improvements over time. The other type is fast-acting, but doesn’t provide long term results, and you have to keep reapplying it if you want to see the same results day in and day out.

The Claim
They say that you’re able to use this in conjunction with makeup, or all by itself. It’s projected to last from 6-8 hours, which would cover most people during the day at work. They further claim that it can reduce your wrinkles by up to 98%, and the average for most is 53%. Other promises are that it’s invisible, so you won’t have to worry about someone calling you out on using anti-aging creams or lotions. They say that part of the reason it works is that it contains collagen and hyaluronic acid.

It’s being hailed as a way to avoid getting Botox injections for lines and wrinkles on the face, and they’re showing before and after pictures of the eye area where crows feet are the biggest problem for most. Most people would also want to treat their forehead area for the expression lines that go across it.

The Hype
Anything that says it can help restore more youthful looks in just a few minutes is going to get its share of attention. Most people don’t have the patience to stick with an anti-aging cream long enough to see the results they want, because it takes several applications over a long period of time in order for the skin to start showing improvement. The 2 minute claim is the main source of the hype, and it is presented well in the video promo for this product.

The Cost
This product is sold on a true buy one get one free set-up so you’re getting two bottles of it for $35 delivered right to your door. There’s a 60 day guarantee, and since you’re only paying $5 for shipping that’s all you’re risking to give it a try. So they’re sending you a 60 day supply and giving you a 60 day evaluation period, plus not charging a large shipping cost, so this seems legitimate in regards to it being consumer friendly instead of favoring the manufacturer.

The Commitment
They really play up the fact that you don’t have to commit to much of your time or patience to see this product produce results. And you shouldn’t really need the 60 days to figure out if it’s working for you or not because you should see some sort of results in about 2 minutes. We recommend taking a before picture before applying it so that you can get an objective look at what it’s doing. But it’s supposed to go on quickly and easily, and last all day, so this is something that you don’t really need to invest a lot of time or hassle with, but rather just benefit from the results.

MaxiLift is set up in a way that should limit the number of disgruntled customers they have, and as long as they hold up their end of the guarantee they should have a lot of people trying this out. It’s a great offer, and even if it provided limited results and took 4 minutes instead of 2 it would still be a great product. We’ll keep our eye on the reviews that come in to see what sort of response it gets.

When it comes to products that are only sold online, and not in stores, it becomes a matter of choosing the ones with the least likelihood of taking your money and providing nothing in return. This is set up in a way where you really don’t have much to lose, with the company taking the lion’s share of the risk.

Final MaxiLift Review

We’re giving MaxiLift the Solid Try rating, as there isn’t enough feedback yet to

make a determination on whether it works, but the company is doing its level best to put the risk on them and they seem confident that you’ll like it and want to order more later. We like that they have an extended trial period of 60 days instead of 30, and we like that they don’t automatically set you up for recurring shipments if you don’t call and cancel. We also like that don’t charge an arm and a leg for shipping, or make you pay an extra shipping charge on the second bottle.

Our Recommendation
When waging the anti-aging war you need both a long and short term strategy. This would be a good product to have on hand for special events and functions when you want to look your best, but you should also be using a product every day in order to help turn back or at least delay the signs of aging. This combination will give you a more youthful appearance now, and set you up so that your skin looks better and better over time.

What do you think? Does MaxiLift work or not?

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  • Sir/Madam
    Good day! I just want to know where can i buy Max Lift here in Rome, Italy.
    Thank you so much! Have a nice day

  • I like beauty products like this. Instead of making bold promises to make you look 20 years younger in 30 days, it's about giving you the appearance of being young. It's like makeup, but the only difference is that it's more technologically advanced and it wears out quicker. It would have been nice if it could last for about 10 hours, but maybe they'll improve it eventually to last longer.

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