Categories: Pillows

Is the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow Really That Comfortable?

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Does Mediflow Waterbase Pillow work?Does Mediflow Waterbase Pillow work?Getting a good night’s sleep is essential, and the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow goes into great detail about how they can help you with that quest. There’s only so many things you can do to improve your sleeping environment. Your bed, sheets, and pillow are probably the top three things that can insure your comfort and tip the scale into your favor on getting good rest. With so many high-priced and highly touted pillows out there, how can you tell if the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow is the right choice?

Over the years we’ve seen many outlandish pillow commercials on TV, where they drop bricks and bowling balls onto pillows that end up protecting an egg underneath. While that’s good for a bit of showmanship, it doesn’t say much about how well a pillow will support your head and neck while you sleep. The Mediflow Waterbase Pillow is one of the first pillows we’ve seen that actually has an innovative way to provide both comfort and support.

The Claim
They say that their pillow bridges the problem of needing softness for comfort, but firmness for support. They claim that these two qualities are at odds with each other, because a soft pillow might feel nice at first but won’t provide the support your head and neck need. A firm pillow will provide this support, but won’t be comfortable enough to get to sleep on.

They also cite a John’s Hopkins report that says that a night full of deep rejuvenating sleep does more than just rejuvenate your body. It can also restore your energy levels to their peaks. You should also notice an improvement in how you look overall. It does this mostly by helping the skin stay tight and smooth. A good night’s sleep can also work wonders on your daily stress levels, and help you keep your cool when problems start piling up.

Few can argue with the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, but it’s nice to know that some of the top medical schools in the country and doing research to verify this.

The Hype
There isn’t a lot of hype associated with the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow, even their commercial is understated and doesn’t try to over-exaggerate things like you see in many other product infomercials.

The Cost
The cost of a Mediflow Waterbase Pillow is around $40, which should include shipping and is just about the going rate for specialty pillows. Their sales process is straightforward and they don’t over-complicate things with buy one get one free promos, or gouge you on overpriced shipping charges.

The Commitment
You have to commit to working with your Mediflow Waterbase Pillow until you get it right. Right out of the box it’s not going to be the miracle pillow that everyone is describing it as. You’re going to need to experiment with it, which could take a few nights of getting used to it and finding the water level that is suited best for you.

Their major selling feature is the fact that the pillow has a water reservoir in it and is adjustable based on your preferences. One thing that has been noted is that the pillow is actually quite heavy for a pillow once it’s got the water in it. This shouldn’t pose too much of a problem while you’re sleeping, it’s not as if you have to lift your pillow while you sleep, but it can be a little hard to adjust it if you do happen to wake up in the middle of the night.

One complaint about the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow is that the water filling process is a little complex. They include a special wrench that you use to take the cap off. It does seem like a rather convoluted process, but at the end of the day it’s just a matter of getting the water into the pillow, and they designed it this way so that water doesn’t leak out, and stays in the pillow. You’ll appreciate the design when you’re able to sleep on the pillow for weeks and months at a time without worrying about leaks and the water level running low.

It’s been reviewed and shown to be extremely comfortable by nearly every third-party rating system, and individual users have said that it has really helped them with things like neck pain, even after being involved in a car accident. For those with allergy concerns the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow comes in two varieties, a down filled as well as a fiber filling so it’s hypoallergenic.

Final Mediflow Waterbase Pillow Review

We’re giving the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow our Thumbs Up review. The concept of putting water into your pillow to adjust the firmness level is pretty solid, and the feedback from real users has been positive. We also like it because of the price. The market for pillows can get pretty extreme, with manufacturers charging a pretty penny for a night of blissful sleep. The Mediflow Waterbase Pillow is priced right for what you’re getting.

We also like that the Mediflow corporation makes other products besides the Waterbase Pillow. It’s a little odd when a company just makes one product, especially when it’s a pillow.

Our Recommendation
You owe it to yourself to see what all the fuss is about. At this price point you don’t want to kick yourself for missing out on what could be a great relief to neck strain, and a big improvement on your sleep overall.

What do you think? Does Mediflow Waterbase Pillow work or not?

View Comments

  • BUYER BEWARE - Poor return policy by MediFlow.

    This pillow seems to be hit or miss on if it will work for you. But if it doesn't, don't expect that MediFlow will let you return it. We gave two of these for Christmas gifts, but by the time they were opened and tried MediFlow's return window expired and there was no flexibility. They appear to include shipping time in their "return window" as well as not offering any flexibility around Christmas season (as most stores do) for the fact that it will sit under a tree for a week or so prior to being opened.

    This ranks right up there with the worse customer service I have seen from a company.

    (I wish I had bought through Amazon who would have likely stood behind it, but I bought directly from MediFlow and am now stuck with two completely useless water balloons).

  • I have had so many neck and shoulder issues. My doctor has suggested that it could definitely be related to my pillow, so I am looking for that perfect pillow. I've heard buckwheat pillows could help, but I've never heard of this one. I will definitely check into it. $40 is not a bad price. I've paid almost as much for a down-filled pillow. Thanks for the review!

  • Big THX Melissa for your comment review. I wasn’t going to even consider this whole water pillow concept until I read the article and with your comment I’m really seriously considering this.

    I currently see a Chiro for neck adjustments at least every month or so and always have pressure and pain issues when I sleep. Tried everything and my Chiro didn’t recommend this but will definitely ask him about it next visit. THX for sharing.

  • back in oct of last year my chiropractor recommended that i get the water pillow to help with my neck going out and the headaches i was getting from my neck...i take this pillow with me everywhere i go. i wont sleep without fact i call it my 3rd "baby" i would recommend this pillow to any that suffers from headaches or neck problems. its the only pillow i will ever use from now on!!!!!

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