Categories: Pet Care

Does Pet Rider Really Work?

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Does Pet Rider really work?Does Pet Rider really work?Pet Rider was designed for you if you’re tired of your dog leaving the back seat of your car a mess. Between the dog hair, scratches, and accidents they can quickly leave your car a smelly, scratched up mess. Trying to clean the back seat of the car is a hassle, and something that none of us like to do because it’s just not very convenient to get back there. But does this glorified seat cover do the trick?

Bringing the dog along on trips is fun for everyone, until the trip is over and you’re left with the clean up. Dogs pretty much have their run of the land back there, and depending on whether your dog just sits calmly or runs from window to window for the best view, there will either be a big mess or a small mess. Some dogs get sick when they travel, and other dogs have accidents because they get too excited by being in the car, or the trip is too long. All of these problems are claimed to be fixed by Pet Rider.

The Claim
They say that Pet Rider is the perfect seat cover, mostly because it is waterproof, and completely protects the entire back seat. They claim that it instantly installs with adjustable straps so there’s no tools needed.

Because of the materials used they claim that the sharpest claws won’t penetrate it, which would have to be true or else this wouldn’t last long in the back seat with most dog breeds.

if you want to use it to protect the floor in the back of your SUV, they say that it is large enough to do so. When it gets dirty, which it inevitably will, you can just take it out and shake it off or throw in the the washer because it’s machine washable. You shouldn’t need to dry it because it’s waterproof.

The Hype
The hype is that really this is just a seat cover for the back of your car, and although a lot of thought has gone into it, it’s best not to think that this will be something to solve all of your dog-in-car problems.

The Cost
The Pet Rider is $15 and they have a double offer where you just pay the extra shipping and handling. Normally we don’t like this, but they have a really good idea for how you can use your second Pet Rider. You attach the additional unit to the front seat of your car and you create a sort of play pen for your pet in the back seat. This assures they won’t tumble off the seat and onto the floor board area. It’s a really good idea, almost to the point of being better than their original invention.

The Commitment
Since Pet Rider installs pretty quickly, there’s not too much commitment. When you weigh the time spent on cleaning up messes against the time it takes to install and remove the Pet Rider cover, you’re looking at a time savings, plus a big convenience factor. It’s definitely a winner in the commitment department, and should lead to an increase in the quality of your life.

It would be hard for Pet Rider not to work, but it does have a pretty good design. It fits well to most car makes and models, and installation really is a breeze. The material they use for it was the right choice by the manufacturer. It’s durable, yet forms to the seat, and is comfortable for your four legged friend. Clean up is really easy, and you don’t have to just use it in your car, you can use it on furniture you want protected in your house, or anywhere else you want to doggy-proof an area.

Final Pet Rider Review

We’re giving Pet Rider the thumbs up due to its simple premise and solid follow through. If you’re tired of cleaning up the mess they make in the back of your car, or you want to keep your new car looking new, this is the solution. As stated above, we recommend taking them up on the buy two offer, either to make the back of your car safe and secure, or for use in multiple cars, or for use on furniture inside your home. You can’t go wrong.

What do you think? Does Pet Rider work or not?

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