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Does the Pocket Chair Really Work?

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Does the Pocket Chair really work?Does the Pocket Chair really work?Considering a Pocket Chair because you’re tired of standing? Or sitting on uncomfortable bleachers? Or did you ever find yourself exhausted or worn-out after standing in line for a long time? Or have you ever tried having fun at a picnic, but end up removing stains after sitting on the grass for a long time?

It would not be feasible to carry a conventional folding chair around with you everywhere you go. Instead, you can use the new Pocket Chair, which enables you to take a seat anywhere you want. With the Pocket Chair, there is no more standing or sitting on hard and uncomfortable seats. The Pocket Chair will give you time to just sit, relax, and enjoy. Or so it the theory goes.

This sitting gadget is very handy when you want to sit down after hours of standing at football arenas, stadiums, or when standing in a long line, wandering around, looking for seats to relax your limbs and rest your butt. No one likes standing for long periods, and some health conditions make it not recommended. For many it brings pain in the knees and joints. And no one would want to stay and stand in just one spot. We want to be in a comfortable position as sitting, which is why the Pocket Chair was dreamed up.

You won’t really be in a very comfortable sitting position, it’s more of a squatting position, which can be just as uncomfortable for those that aren’t used to having their knees by their ears.

The Claim
Pocket Chairs seem ideal in various situations. Say for example, when you go on camping trips, the Pocket Chair would not take a lot of space because it can be stored even in a very small space. If you are out on the beach, you can sit beside it without having to lug around heavier chairs. Or if you are with friends at your kid’s games, you can sit and watch using this chair.

The Pocket Chair is made from strong materials. Although it is handy, it is very durable. It can carry a weight

of up to 250 lbs. It will hold you and give you a very sturdy support. There are a lot of exciting benefits you can get from Pocket Chairs. One of which is its handiness. It is light in weight and convenient to carry, also because it is easily folds up for storage and transport. It is strong and durable because it has a built-in lock, which prevents it from stretching or buckling. And because it is handy, you can bring it anywhere you want, thus, allowing you to sit wherever you feel somewhat comfortable.

The Cost
The Pocket Chair is definitely priced right for what it is. With all its features, anyone inclined to pick one up can do so. The Pocket Chair retails for only $14.99 for a set of two chairs, plus shipping and handling. And what makes it a full package is that each chair comes along with a carrying bag. This is an item each one of us should have, for every day and emergency purposes.

This item will really fit perfectly in any situation. It is easy to carry. And since it is called the Pocket Chair, then perhaps it could really fit into a large front jeans pocket. Maybe, but it would have to be very large indeed. Don’t expect that it would be comfortable to carry in this way. It is best placed in a small bag, or backpack, or on side pockets of cargo pants. But really, the name is a misnomer, and you likely won’t be putting in your pocket at any point for very long.

One must remember that the Pocket Chair is easy to use, easy to assemble, and most of all, handy. It can be used everywhere to stop the agony of standing for long hours, or sitting on uncomfortable seats while enjoyably watching a game. The Pocket Chair is made with versatility and stands up to repeated use.

Final Pocket Chair Review

The Pocket Chair really works as far as being a small, lightweight, sturdy chair. It solves one of the most common problems we have today like standing for long hours, or wanting to sit but not having a place to. Whether it is standing or waiting, you will always have Pocket Chair with you to use wherever and whenever we want to.

The Pocket Chair lives up to what you have seen or heard about it. It works just as you expected it to be. It is perfect in any sporting events, or in fishing, picnic, gardening, local parks, beach, or any outdoor concerts. It is not said to be the best chair you can sit on. However, it is the most convenient, efficient, and portable seat you can use anytime you need it.

Our Recommendation
It is recommended that you get a Pocket Chair if you can relate to the types of situations represented in the infomercial. It will not only give you a fabulous-looking chair or a durable looking one. Instead, it will provide you something to give you comfort everywhere you go. With the Pocket Chair, something close to comfort is everywhere you take it.

What do you think? Does the Pocket Chair work or not?

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  • While there are more comfortable fold-up chairs on the market than the Pocket Chair, few are more compact and lightweight. This product has a surprisingly sturdy design, and getting two for under $20 is a fantastic value. I can remember seeing people on the subway bringing their own bulky fold-up stools years ago. Now they should bring the pocket chair! This product is also useful for festivals, outdoor concerts and anything where you are generally just sitting around doing nothing for long periods of time. Or there’s also waiting in line for hours to be the first to see the next big movie premiere. This solid chair fits many purposes and is ridiculously compact.

  • Just looking at this chair makes me a little nervous. I think I'd get an abdominal workout at the same time - not only from the lowering to an almost squat to sit, and then standing from what would amount to an advanced yoga pose afterward. No, I think my aerobic activity would come from not being able to relax once I got down there. I'm nowhere near 250 pounds, but I believe I'd still worry about one of those arrow-like projections coming through the fabric seat. (And how did they configure the 250 pounds? It does not look wide enough to hold a linebacker.) Perhaps I should hold my skepticism until I hear from someone who's actually tried it. Anybody?

  • It looks like a good product concept. But for those of use with who can't been down that far because of health issues, there might be a problem. Because of the height of the chair legs, it would be difficult to get up or down to use the chair. The leg height should be adjustable. Then you'd have a great product.

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