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Does Riddex Really Work?

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So you have pests in your house? You’re not the only one. The creators of Riddex take your critter and creepy crawler predicament into consideration with their ever-evolving product.

Riddex isn’t used for extermination, contrary to popular belief, but rather is used as a repellant for homes and apartments with infestation by using digital pulse technology through your walls to create a chemical free barrier against all your uninvited 4-8 legged guests.

Riddex is offered through television infomercials throughout the day, so certainly skepticism builds when you think of all those old Billy Mays commercials, but there may be something to be said for this product. Despite the infamy of infomercials, this product actually pulls through for some people that use it, only taking a few days to clear away the critters in a cost effective manner, while others complain that it is ineffective. So what’s the real deal with Ridex?

The Claim
Riddex claims to use electromagnetic technology to send a pulse up to 20,000 square feet from any electrical outlet it is plugged in to in order to deter pests from the home. For indoor use only, this product helps get rid of pests including mice, rats, and roaches. The company boasts that Riddex repels without any harsh chemicals to cause side effects in the home. Within two to four weeks, the product is said to reach full strength in deterring your creepy crawly pains, keeping your home pest free for the rest of the time it is plugged in.

The Hype
There is a lot of hype surrounding this product. Those that believe it works absolutely swear by it and would never try anything else, while those who have tested it and seen it fail have deemed it a waste of time and money. All

this buzz has generated polarized views of the product in the public eye. But take this advice with a grain of salt. Just like not everyone will fill out an employee review form when they receive good service at a restaurant but will when they have a bad experience, the same goes for product reviews. Those that like a product usually keep quiet about it.

The Cost
For only $28 dollars with shipping and handling included, Riddex certainly costs far less than it would for some exterminator to come to your house and do the job professionally with all the harsh chemicals to kill these little problems. Riddex is quite possibly the most economically feasible solution to your pest problems if you’re looking for a long term solution.

The Commitment
Riddex involves a commitment of patience more than anything else. This is a product you just plug in to the wall and let it do its own thing, but you do have to wait to actually see results. The company says that Riddex takes anywhere between two to four weeks to show full strength and effectiveness, but most customers that buy it and find it to work say that they began to see results within two or three days of usage. Most people who reviewed the product negatively did not see change within a few days and chucked the product out the door, creating a user error. If you don’t mind waiting for the product to work, most will agree that it is well worth any sort of waiting you will have to do.

Overall, there is no reason to not trust Riddex. Everyone that uses the product properly and waits the allotted amount of time finds that it is truly an effective way to get rid of pests. Plus, for such a low

cost, especially in comparison to the cost of an exterminator, Riddex seems to be a true steal. There is no reason you should rule this product off of your list, especially considering it has no potential of damaging your house, family, pets, or plants in the process of using it.

Final Riddex Review

So what do we think of Riddex? Overall, this product is worth the time and money involved to get rid of everything that’s crawling around your house, with little hassle. The only negative reviews of Riddex out there are most likely from people who simply didn’t use the product properly.

Our Recommendation
We highly recommend this product to the patient and pest-overwhelmed to try out. Follow the directions to the letter and you’ll be on your way to a pest-free home.

Official Website: Riddex

So what do you think? Does Riddex work or not?

View Comments

  • Had one in the bathroom and it kept guitar things out! Now I have 2 in my room! Let's see how well it performs

  • I have been using rid X in my homes and Barnes for nearly 20 years. I swear by it exclamation point I have not seen any sign of mice in my home or barn as long as I’ve had them plugged in.

  • Yes I was one of those people who did not think it works so I went out and brought one of them well two came in a pack so I put one in the back of the house the other in the front of the house two and a half weeks later my friend cane over with a hamster in a cage it went crazy I told her to take your hamster out of here well that was proof to me it works, Riddex plus I don't know how long the product will last but I willing to buy another one if need I'm letting my friends and family know about this product it works, some of my friends I had to let them know it also work in apartments too my sister live in a condo she said it works perfect to 👌

  • I bought several of these off the wish app. I was very hopeful they would work however, after a couple months and a huge infestation of fleas, I took the back off of one and all I found was three lights and nothing else! There is no unit of any sort in which a pulse, frequency or sound of any sort can originate! Feel free to email me for the pics I sent back to wish! DISAPPOINTED

  • I ordered mine through Publishers Clearing and saw evidence almost immediately. I used it in the basement and when/if i did see a cricket, roach/beetle or spider they were moving so slow I was able to take care of it. It worked so well that I ordered another one. NEITHER came with any instructions about how it was to work. The first one has a green light that is a constant. A red that blinks constantly and a blue light that is a constant. It has a button on the top that looks like the night light, but has never worked.
    But lately am noticing more & more bugs again..

  • I ordered mine through Publishers Clearing and saw evidence almost immediately. I used it in the basement and when/if i did see a cricket, roach/beetle or spider they were moving so slow I was able to take care of it. It worked so well that I ordered another one. NEITHER came with any instructions about how it was to work. The first one has a green light that is a constant. A red that blinksctonstantly and a blue light that is a constant. I
    But lately have noticed more &

  • This thing works! We were given one by my mother-in-law as a gift. She bought it while on vacation somewhere. We plugged it in with very low expectations but figured what the heck, say thanks for the gift, plug it in, and forget about it. Oddly after a while, I'd guess in terms of weeks, we started to notice there were less bugs around. We were having an issue, although not exterminator worthy, with European earwigs so anything was worth a try right? But as it turns out the thing worked. Very, very few bugs after that. Don't know how it works, and I don't care, but it works. I was surprised to say the least. Get one and plug it in a forget about it. Then in two months when you see it blinking you'll be able to give it an honest evaluation. :)

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