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Do Rocket Languages Really Work?

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If you’ve ever searched for a way to learn a language quickly and easily, you might have stumbled upon Rocket Languages. They offer 11 different courses and are one of only a few language learning programs that have online support and a mix of different learning activities.

Rocket Languages was formed in 2004 and originally consisted of one single course: Spanish. From there it expanded and now consists of 11 different languages, all conducted by native speakers of the respective language.

The Claim
Their catchphrase is “the way language learning should be”. They claim that they have a comprehensive program that has been tested and proven to be effective. They go on to claim that over 800,000 people have tried Rocket Languages and have been satisfied.

They don’t make any outlandish claims like you’ll be able to speak a language fluently in a week, or learn a difficult language like Chinese in a month or two. In fact, they mostly focus on how effective their method is, and they stress how much fun they make the learning process. You’ll have to be the final judge on how fun their lessons are.

The Hype
Rocket Languages gets most of its hype from its reputation of being a solid language learning program. There aren’t many programs out there with the kind of clout that Rocket has. Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur are the only two that are more popular, mostly because they have been around longer.

The Cost
The cost of Rocket Languages depends mostly on you, and how you want to receive your lessons. If you want the physical CDs it costs about three times as much. They have similar pricing on most of their different languages, charging $300 for 20 CDs, or allowing instant online access for $100.

The great thing is you can get a free trial that yours to keep before you make a purchase. This gives you an excellent idea of whether or not you will like the full software, and if this is a match. The trial doesn’t run out so you have plenty of time to test it fully, or go over it as many times as you need to in order to make your decision.

The Commitment
Learning a language is a major undertaking, so you don’t want to step into the slightly no matter which program you go with. Be sure to dedicate at least an hour per day to language learning. It is a cumulative process, with each lesson building on the next. You don’t want to go too many days in a row without practicing what you learned, and learning new material. Be sure to take a long-term view of things and commit yourself to studying until you reach the level of competence that you want.

There are many opinions on what is the best way to learn a language, but it really depends on the student and their type of learning style. That’s why you have to try several different programs to see which one resonates with you. Some rely heavily on audio based training, others are more visual in nature, and some keep your head in a book, focused on reading and writing.

To fully learn a language you do need to focus on all four aspects including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. If you’re just interested in conversing with people from another culture you can focus on speaking and listening. However, if you plan to study in a foreign country, or plan to do research in that language you need to be more well-rounded.

The Rocket Languages programs claim to be an effective mix of all four areas of language. They do rely somewhat on audio learning, but it is supplemented with plenty of visuals as well as reading and writing activities to be completed on paper.

Rocket Languages Program Reviews

Spanish is the first program ever offered by Rocket Languages, and is still their biggest seller. Spanish is one of the most popular languages for people to learn because it is spoken in so many different countries, and because it is a Romance language. Beginning Spanish is still taught in many high schools in America, with students following up their education with study abroad programs in Spain or Mexico.

There is no shortage of Spanish language learning programs out there. They range from the good to the not so good. The system put together by Rocket is potential either most well thought out and put together of all the different languages they offer. This is mostly due to the fact that it is their oldest program, and has undergone the most updates and revisions.

If you’ve ever tried to learn Spanish with a different system and it didn’t work out, you owe it to yourself to try the program offered by Rocket Languages. At least try the free trial to see if it jives with the way you learn.

Learn more about Rocket Spanish

Korean is not one of the most popular languages in the world, but South Korea is one of the most up-and-coming Asian nations, and promises to get more more attention as we move forward in the global economy. Koreans absolutely love it when you try to learn their language, and it’s a great way to connect with people and get a deeper sense of the culture.

Learning the writing system is definitely recommended because it is very intuitive and easily picked up. Once you know it, you’ll be able to sound out words and impress almost everyone you meet with your ability. If you’re planning a trip to Korea, or are going to be teaching English there, it’s a good idea to at least learn some of the basic phrases. This will increase the fun and excitement of being there, and give you a better experience all around.

They say the Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn, comparing it to Chinese

and English. There’s no doubt that it is somewhat difficult to learn all the kanji that’s needed in order to read Japanese, but speaking and listening is not impossible because there are a limited number of sounds that are used, and they always sound the same.

Getting fluent in Japanese is another matter entirely. My Japanese instructor said it would take about six years to reach near-native fluency. And that was with immersing myself in the language by studying abroad, living in Japan and studying intensively. So with the program like the Rocket Languages Japanese system, you can expect to learn a lot but don’t get your hopes up too much. There isn’t much that can replace visiting a country and spending hours a day practicing.

Learn more about Rocket Japanese

Italian is one of the most popular languages that people attempt to learn, coming in behind French and Spanish. There’s something about the lure of Italy that makes people want to try speaking Italian. Perhaps it’s because it was the language spoken by great thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Perhaps it’s because so many people go backpacking through Europe and spend extensive amounts of time touring through Italy.

Whatever your reason for wanting to learn Italian, the Rocket Languages approach will definitely keep you engaged and motivated. They can be exciting learning something from a language program like this and then trying it out in the real world in an actual real-life setting. Once you see that what you’re learning is working, you’ll be hooked and will want to learn even more.

So whether you want to be able to get around more easily on your next trip to Italy, or just order your favorite coffee correctly at the local Starbucks, you can’t go wrong with Rocket, so at least download their free trial and see how you like it.

Learn more about Rocket Italian

Rocket Languages has one of the very few Hindi language learning programs available for purchase. Even though it is spoken by over 200,000 people, and is one of the official languages of India there doesn’t seem to be too many people actively seeking it out as a new language to learn. With India becoming more and more of a power player in the new global economy, it makes sense to study up on the native language.

Although many people in India speak English due to the colonization by Britain for so many years, it’s still nice to be able to speak Hindi because it’s something that the people there will really connect with. A trip to India is said to be an unforgettable experience, and you can make it even more amazing by learning even an introductory level of Hindi. Like all other courses, this one is conducted by a native speaker so you know you’ll be getting accurate pronunciation so you’ll be able to speak confidently once you get there.

Learn more about Rocket Hindi

German is one of the more popular languages that people learn, and is still very useful today. While it may be true that many German people have a solid grasp of the English language, especially businesspeople, it is still a good idea to learn German is able give you a more in-depth view of the culture and all it has to offer.

They say that language is the key to understanding a different culture, and this is very true when you consider a trip to Germany. If you don’t speak German you’ll be forced to get around using English, and will be labeled as just another tourist. By showing an interest in learning the language you immediately prove that you’re not just a passerby. This will get you an immediate level of respect and people will treat you differently when they see you trying.

Learn more about Rocket German

French is one of the most popular languages in the world to learn, second only to Spanish. In many high schools in America students have the choice of whether they like to learn Spanish or French. It is the ultimate Romance language, and many people like to learn it because they think it sounds beautiful. When visiting France, a strong grasp of the French language will go a long way.

Although many people say that French people are rude, you’ll be able to melt them instantly with a few key phrases that you pick up using the Rocket Languages program. The French language lends itself to be picked up quickly because unlike languages like Korean, Chinese, or Hindi you don’t have to learn a new alphabet to get started. If you’re shopping around for French language programs you owe it to yourself to get their free trial and test out their method to see if it’s a fit.

Learn more about Rocket French

Chinese is notorious at being considered the hardest language to learn if it’s not your first language. Although many people say that English is the most difficult language to learn, there are so many Chinese characters that the task can seem daunting. Also, just a few slight variations in how you bounce a sound, the same word can have many meanings. For a foreigner, the Chinese language definitely merits a lot of intimidation.

But the Rocket Language Chinese program is designed to make this elephant a little easier to eat. They break this thousand step journey down to its basic parts so that you don’t get overwhelmed right at the start. You just start chipping away at what you need to learn, and with daily practice will start to believe that you actually can learn to speak Chinese.

Learn more about Rocket Chinese

If you’re thinking about learning Arabic, you will definitely rank on the interesting meter. Not many people are looking to study this language, and Rocket Languages is one of the few comprehensive brands of programs on the market. It is put together by

native Arabic speaker, and set up so that you learn all the different language components at the same time. This means you’ll be able to not only carry on a conversation, but also be able to read and write in Arabic.

Perhaps no other language in the world will be more well received when you try it during your travels. Not many foreigners take the time to learn this language in your efforts will be rewarded greatly by the surprised and happy faces you get when you break out some of your lessons. Even the amount of information learned from their free trial is enough to raise a few eyebrows when you travel through the Middle East.

Learn more about Rocket Arabic

American Sign Language
Rocket Languages is one of the few companies out there to put together a full program on American Sign Language. Unlike the other programs offered, this one does not focus on audio, but provides plenty of video and other visuals to get you signing like a pro. ASL is one of the most rewarding languages you can learn, and if you get the chance to use it you will definitely be glad you learned it.

Just like in any language there is formal sign language, informal sign language, and even slang. By getting your body involved in the process, learning ASL is unlike any other language learning you’ve done in the past. It’s really a beautiful language, and once you get started and it it’s easy to get addicted to learning more and more signs.

Learn more about Rocket American Sign Language

No trip to Portugal or Brazil would be complete without learning some Portuguese. Going to either of these countries equipped only with English will greatly diminish your experience. You don’t need to get fluent in Portuguese in order to have a quality conversation with a native. Since Portuguese is not a very popular language to learn, it is greatly appreciated by the people that live in those countries.

The lessons you get in the Rocket Languages Portuguese program are designed to keep you motivated and coming back for another tutorial. Give yourself at least one to two months to learn enough to get around in these countries. The beginning lessons found in the free trial should be enough to break the ice and leave you feeling somewhat confident while you’re there.

Our Recommendation
It doesn’t hurt to get the free trial for any language that you’re interested in learning. All it needed is your e-mail address, so of course you’ll get some messages asking to buy the full product. If you like what you see in the trial $100 is not much for a full course when compared to the competition. You’ll be able to advance to harder lessons without having to keep paying more and more.

Good luck with all of your studies, and safe travels!

What do you think? Do Rocket Languages work or not?

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  • I first came across this for Rocket German while listening to a sample lesson a while back. (I want to say around 2008-2009ish) and it seemed a lot more promising than Rosetta Stone but I have yet to try it myself. I'm wondering if anyone has really had success with this program and would they recommended by itself or just a supplement to learning that language.

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