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Does the Spinbrush work?Does the Spinbrush work?Brushing your teeth can be fun when using a battery operated toothbrush like Spinbrush, manufactured by Arm & Hammer. While it wasn’t necessarily created to make tooth brushing easier, as the chore of cleaning your teeth is easy enough, but was constructed so that you can get more in those 2 minutes allotted for brushing your teeth. But, does a mechanical tooth brush such as the Spinbrush really work? Read on to see what we’ve discovered.

It is extremely important that you follow good hygiene habits, especially for your teeth. Our mouths are said to be home to at least 600 different kinds of germs and bacteria. That is absolutely disgusting if you think about it, which is why you shouldn’t skip brushing after meals. Dentists recommend we brush our teeth at least three times a day, but in reality, most of us only brush our teeth twice a day. So, if time is of the essence and you can’t squeeze in that extra tooth brushing session, then a product like Spinbrush might just be what you need.

The Claim
Surprisingly, Spinbrush doesn’t make any over-exaggerated claims like a lot of their competitors. It seems like all the data they cite is based on actual research and tests. It is stated that the Spinbrush can remove almost 70% more plaque than a manual tooth brush and you definitely want all that plaque build-up gone when you brush your teeth. It can make your dental visits a breeze when there’s not so much build up to deal with.

The Cost
The price of a Spinbrush battery operated tooth brush depends on which one you decide to purchase. Arm & Hammer offers eleven different kinds of Spinbrush toothbrushes, all targeting a certain problem that manual toothbrushes seem to have. You can find the Spinbrush in almost all major stores such as K-mart, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, Target and Walmart. The prices may vary between selling chains, but should be around $6.49 to $13.99. We found it on Amazon for less than $10.

The Commitment
Pearly white teeth can only be obtained through good oral hygiene. Spinbrush doesn’t require a whole lot of effort to use, but you do have to see to it that you brush after every meal. Other than that, this battery operated tooth brush will do the work for you.

Spinbrush is an especially good idea for kids. It can be stressful to try and get any child to get into the habit of brushing their teeth when they wake up, as well as before they go to bed. A mechanical tooth brush will give them enough interest to want to do it on their own. Many parents have happily announced that this has worked for their kids.

There are certain places in the mouth that cannot be reached by a manual toothbrush, therefore it ends up not getting cleaned. This can lead to all sorts of complications like cavities, gingivitis and bad breath. Using a product like Spinbrush will do more work for you in the same time it would take if you were to use a regular old toothbrush.

The major problem that people had was changing the batteries. It was incredibly difficult for some to remove it for replacing. One user exclaimed that he was replacing batteries every other week. So, it seems like this product likes to munch on batteries. So while this might have a low up-front cost, you could end up spending a good amount in battery costs, which is bad for the environment as well.

Only one or two people complained about the size of the head of the brush, saying it was too big and didn’t feel comfortable in their mouths. You do have to understand that there are a range of Spinbrush tooth brushes being offered. It’s just a matter of choosing the right one for you based on your preferences. Another issue was maintenance. It seems consumers don’t like the fact that they have to remove the brush head to rinse it off. Some have even reported that water gets stuck in the handle of the tooth brush all the time and has to be cleaned.

So as you can see, there are some drawbacks to the Sprinbrush that you might have to overcome in order to be happy with it. At this price point you can expect to have some things that aren’t quite up to snuff. Other electric toothbrushes can be 10 times the cost or more, so you have to take that into consideration.

Final Spinbrush Review

We’re giving the Sprinbrush a Thumb Sideways review. This is because while there are a considerable amount of complaints being had with it, it still is one of your cheaper options when it comes to switching from a manual toothbrush to an electric one. After you factor in the battery replacement, you might find out that it’s smarter to go with a more expensive rechargeable models. In today’s economy you want to be sure to get good value for your money, and not just buy something because it’s cheap on the front end.

Our Recommendation
We recommend putting your money towards a model that comes with a charger and lets you keep it continually charged. You’ll also get a better quality brush with more features that does a better job. A few different models got our Thumbs Up review, including the Sonicare line as well as the Oral B family of toothbrushes.

What do you think? Does Spinbrush work or not?

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  • I absolutely cannot get the Spinbrush open to put in new battery. I even watched a YouTube video on it (apparently I'm not the only person having this problem) and still can't get it open. Total piece of junk.

  • I like it, great. I' not spending a lot on a toothbrush. A toothbrush? I wish I would have learned about this long ago. It may be early for a review, as I've just used it 3 or 4 times now. I don't see how they can make one that spins AND vibrates for that amt. I' not complaining. Now that I've read some reviews, I'm no longer ignorant, and I'll have to clean the brush.

  • Already wrote a long list of problems, it didn't take so will not waste my ti.e to do again. Very unhappy with this product.

  • I've had nothing but problems with these. Every time I change the batteries it doesn't work cuz of the little blk rubber seal. It won't close right, then take the rubber seal out and goes on slow and off then fast. Sorry, but a waste of money.

  • My spin brush works great. Just buy rechargeable batteries for your brush. Mine have worked for three years and counting. At around $7 for the brush at Walmart, you can justify this brush over the more expensive ones. Buy one every two years and you're set.

  • I cannot speak highly enough of this toothbrush! I have tried the competition, cheap & expensive, & nothing comes close to the quality, ease of use & how effective this brush is! My kids are all on spinbrushes now, wouldn't bother with the rest of the field, they are uniformly dissapointing! I have bought extra of these brushes as gifts for friends & family! Never had to throw one of these out, they just keep going! Pat yourself on the back for [bringing us]this product, Guys!

  • Bought two of these just a year ago, now can't replace heads, new ones don't correspond with # on our brushes and don't work

    Refuse to buy another brush just to get a new head that works and will not pay shipping to get the older heads from amazon or anywhere else

    Ploy on the part of the manufacturer to get you to buy an entire new brush every year to replace a discontinued one.

    Threw them out!!!

  • I purchased my spinbrush 4 months ago and it has stopped working. I changed the battery twice since the date of purchase. The spinbrush is a huge consumer rip off. I will purchase a manual toothbrush from now on.

  • the spinbrush is unfortunately poorly designed and quality control is subpar.one big problem is that rechargeable batteries don't fit in the compartment.Rechargeable batteries are just a hair wider than disposable ones, yet they designed the compartment so that they are too tight to work. Inexcusable. The other big problem is both bad design and poor quality control. The reason why so many people complain about them beginning to run slow and new batteries not making a difference is because they leak! Little by little water and toothpaste gunk get in and not only short out the batteries but clog up the mechanism. My first one did this. I know because I took it apart. I made the mistake of getting a second one and the same thing happened even sooner than the first. Never again. Don't waste your money on this this and all the disposable batteries that go with it.

  • spinbrush is almost impossible to get it back together when changing the batteries does not click back togerther very well

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