Categories: Hair Loss

Does the HairMax LaserComb Really Work?

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Does the HairMax LaserComb really work?Does the HairMax LaserComb really work?The Hairmax LaserComb is a unique device that stimulates hair growth with the use of laser phototherapy through a regular old hair comb.

Sounds like a big job for such a small device to execute, however many claim that this product actually does work. It was first designed and developed in Australia by the founding director, Henry Pearl, but is now manufactured in the US and has been sold worldwide to over 150 countries. Because of the growing interest in this product, we just had to see for ourselves what Hairmax LaserComb could really do.

The American Hair Loss Association states that two thirds of American men will experience hair loss to some extent by the age of thirty-five, and will notice significantly thinning hair by the age of fifty. About 45% of those suffering from hair loss are women. This aging condition is a tragic realization for many, and will only increase as baby boomers age and start losing more and more hair. Alopecia, which is another term for pattern baldness, is common in many adults as they age. Some even observe the beginnings of hair loss before they reach the legal age of twenty one.

The Claim
Hairmax LaserComb claims that within 12 weeks or less, there will be a 20% growth of hair on the top of your head compared to the first day you began using the product. It also states that hair is more likely to grow faster, and be more manageable and vibrant in color due to the reduction in shedding and energetic scalp stimulation from the laser.

The Cost
A product that utilizes lasers to promote hair growth has to cost a fortune. Having one in your bathroom is like having your very own hair clinic at home and now you’re basically the doctor treating yourself. There are actually several types of laser combs that HairMax offers. The Hairmax LaserComb 12 is being sold on the market for $190.00 plus an additional 2 payments of $190.00 therefore totaling a whopping $575.00.

The Hairmax LaserComb Premium is currently selling for $175.00 plus 2 more payments of $175.00 making the whole package roughly $525.00. Lastly, the Hairmax LaserComb Advanced 7 is priced at $110 with 2 extra payments of $110.00 equaling $330.00. Keep in mind, shipping isn’t included and will have to be paid for as well.

The Commitment
Customers need to possess a substantial measure of commitment if they want to see results, as Hairmax LaserComb isn’t a product that will give anyone who has used it the desired outcome overnight. Based on Hairmax’s official website, it is recommended that you use the product anywhere from 8-15 minutes at least 3 times a week for 12 weeks or until you get the results you want. Those customers who aren’t quite satisfied after 12 weeks may still continue to use Hairmax LaserComb until they’ve acquired the anticipated effects.

There are no special offers or freebies when you place an order for a Hairmax LaserComb. The package includes the device itself along with a charging cradle, premium leatherette travel case, power adapter and of course the ever reliable user manual that you probably won’t even read. What Hairmax LaserComb can offer however is a 2 year manufacturer’s warranty as well as a 20 week money back guarantee. This will provide you with an ample amount of time to test the product and see if it works for you. If it doesn’t, you can return it and get a refund.

Feedback from consumers was mixed. A portion claimed they did see improvements while others stated that nothing happened at all. Beginning with the pros, users noticed their hair to be fuller, as if it was just blow dried. There was also good progress when it came to the re-growth of hair specifically in the crown area, which is something that products like Propecia don’t’ claim to help with.

Now for the cons, many witnessed excessive hair loss at the beginning. This however has been noted on HairMax’s official website and the hair should grow back stronger and healthier in no time. However, a good handful of customers didn’t notice results at all. Others experienced mild rashes on their scalp, probably due to the lasers. Hairmax LaserComb is FDA approved, so it should be safe enough for any adult to use. And the last drawback, if you haven’t noticed, the price is tremendously high for a comb that might not even work for you.

Final HairMax LaserComb Review

The Hairmax LaserComb does seem promising however results may vary. For this reason we are giving the Thumb Sideways on this one. It’s a pretty hefty investment to try it out, and while you’re covered by the money back guarantee, it can be a hassle trying to return physical products, because you’ll have to ship it back, and wait for them to receive it and process your refund. It’s really up to you if you want to go through all of that to see it you’re one of the people it works for.

Our Recommendation
It wouldn’t hurt to try out Hairmax LaserComb, but you do have to be willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for a product that might not even work for you. If you get it and it does work, you’ll have to agree that it’s worth every penny, and if you get it and see some results but not as big as you wanted, you can send it back and it would still be worth the whole ordeal.

Official Website:

What do you think? Does the HairMax LaserComb work or not?

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  • I bough Ultima 9 Classic LaserComb recently, and it not work at all. No laser come out. I called customer services several times, first time they agree to pay deliver fee for return, but I never get a return label, I called again several times, finally a guy answered very rudely, you can return back on your own cost, or sent to repair, they can fix it then sent back to me. I live in Canada, I have to cross board several times for product never worked, never can used. I decided return it, and wouldn't buy anything from Hairmax. It's a Liar

  • Is this safe to use if I have a shunt in my brain? I can"t go thru the security machine at the airport because the microwaves would mess up waves in the shunt. I also can't have an MRI test because the magnetic field would be messed up.

    Please advise ASAP.

  • Any product by hairmax is garbage. And the company are scumbags and liars and the Ives. BOYCOTT HAIRMAX

  • So many people say negative things about this product...they are so misinformed! Scalp stimulation ALWAYS belps hair growth...and this is an intensie scalp stimulator....I got my hairmax exactly 3 weekx ago! I have had baby fine thin hair since my thirties! When I would massagr or feel my scalp...I could feel lots of skin ehere hair is not vrry dense. Tonight my head itched...and when I scratched it...I coulfnt brlieve it....I felt very short hairs growing on my scalp I nevrr felt this before! Very dense on crown of my head...and noticable at temples! IN LESS THAN ONE MONYH! You bet thix works!!! At least for me! I cant wait for the monthd to come!!I am also using wen products to nourish my new hair growth!

  • Looking at the article has made me think.... not for me..... but after reading April's comment, I will rethink.

  • We learned about these kinds of treatments in cosmetology school. They DO work, and they’re really recommended for anyone who wants to improve the condition of their hair and scalp-not just people who struggle with hair loss.
    Bald patches are not caused by a loss of hair-the hair just doesn’t reach the surface of the scalp. These types of treatments stimulate the follicle and encourage those hairs to keep growing.
    Most people feel a pleasant, tingling sensation, but if you have a particularly sensitive scalp, it might hurt a bit.
    Many salons offer this treatment, if you want to try it out before making the investment.

    • It seems like a great product for doing just that. I'm not suffering from hair loss per se but my hair isn't in great condition either. It will definitely test it out to see if it's worth it for my hair but I will take your suggestion before I actually decide to make a commitment. Since I do have a sensitive scalp it might be a bit painful but if it can improve the quality of my hair I'm sure it's worth in the end.

  • Hmm, I definitely want to try it! Especially now after you said they have a return policy. In fact, I do not have anything to lose. So I must try it!

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