Categories: Health & Beauty

Do Wen Hair Care Products Work?

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WEN hair care is enjoying a lot of success these days, with their products available at their official site, and through retailers like Sephora. But is it all just clever marketing, or are real users giving it the thumbs up?

With so many different hair types, styles, and problems, it’s usually hard to make a hair product that’s a crowd-pleaser. So we weren’t too surprised when we saw that the reviews for WEN are a mixed bag of happy campers and disgruntled customers. So who to believe? The answer: all of them. Individual results don’t mean too much, you have to look at the consensus to make a final determination.

The Claim
WEN hair care products are taking on the task of educating consumers on a new way to cleanse the hair. According to their claims, most shampoos lather up and contain agents in them that can strip hair of its natural oils. They claim their one bottle of cleansing conditioner actually takes the place of 5 different products in your arsenal. They say you’ll no longer need to use a separate shampoo and conditioner, as they say it works to not only keep your hair clean, but also deeply condition it and detangle it, the way a leave-in conditioner works.

A New Approach to Hair Care
Chaz Dean is given credit for the formulation of the WEN line-up, and he boasts several celebrity clients that he hopes gives him enough credibility to change your mind about the way you’ve been washing your hair all these years. It can take a little getting used to, since we associate shampooing hair with lots of lather and suds, and when it rinses out we know it’s all out because there’s no more foamy bubbles left.

The Cost
Some have said that one drawback to WEN is the price. Their basic kit comes with a few different products and is $30 for a 30 day supply. At $1 a day the price seems reasonable, considering that you’re getting their flagship product, the cleanser, as well as some additional items that will help you take better care of your hair. It might be more expensive than shampoos and conditioners you can buy off the shelf at your local department store, but it’s supposed to work better than those, so you’d expect the price to be higher.

What’s interesting is that the lowest prices for WEN are found at their main site,

but there’s no way to opt out of their recurring shipments. You can get a bottle of their cleansing conditioner at Amazon for $40, but you’re not getting the other items that are combined into the basic package. However, this would be the best method for those that usually forget to call in and cancel an auto-shipment.

For Everyone
We chatted with a customer service rep who assured us that both men and women can use WEN hair care products. We needed some clarification because most of the imagery at their site is focused on women.

What Users Are Saying
Any time you introduce a new way of doing a long-held ritual, you’re going to get some resistance from users. Such is the case here, with some saying that the products irritated their scalp, or made things too oily, and in extreme cases there are reports of hair falling out. Others said that they preferred the old fashioned way of taking care of their hair. But still others said that it worked as promised, and they experienced stronger hair with less breakage

Even accounting for the newness of this product, the consensus is that it’s not a reliable way to treat your hair. Horror stories and glowing reviews cancel each other out, and what you’re left with is an overpriced product for the results it provides. For all of the hoopla surrounding it, it should knock your socks off, and for most, it simply doesn’t.

Ordering Woes
There’s enough evidence of trouble during the ordering process to motivate you to get your supply of WEN from a third-party supplier if you want to try it out. This will help you avoid such things as being charged twice for the same product, being forced into a subscription plan, and seeing charges on your card a month later. The way it’s set up is that it’s $30 with free shipping when you first get it, but 30 days later they pop you for $98 and send you a three month supply unless you remember to cancel if you don’t want it.

Wen Hair Care Review: The Bottom Line

After cutting through all of the hype, it’s pretty clear that WEN hair care products don’t deliver for everyone that tries them, and there’s only so much you can chalk up to user error. What’s interesting is that there are also quite a few people that say it did work for them. An overwhelming number of users say that it’s not a solution you can use for the long term, or as the last cleansing product you’ll ever need.

When a product is claiming to be revolutionary, you’d expect it to have mostly positive reviews. Chaz Dean may have had luck with celebrity hair care, but perhaps his formula is not scalable for the rest of us. Maybe if you received personal treatment in one of his salons it could work, but it gets lost in translation when put into an at-home program. It seems they are relying mostly on an infomercial and an auto-ship program to promote their product and bolster more sales, rather than simply sell it straight up, which is typically a red flag in any industry.

Best Hair Care Recommendations
You’ll want to come up with a hair care regimen that is customized to your particular hair type, and addresses any specific problems you have. It’s rare that you’ll find a single product kit that hits all of the different areas. It’s a process of trial and error, and mixing and matching until you find the right combination that provides the best results for you.

What do you think? Is Wen Hair Care worth it or not?

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  • I would not recommend this product. It is not shelf stable. Like most women, I have numerous hair care products and depending upon the season like the horrid Wisconsin winters I may use some products longer than others. WEN sweet almond mint became slimy and moldy and the nearly full bottle had a rancid odor.
    Chaz Deans company was unwilling to replace their product. I will nolonger buy from this company who does in no way guarantee their product!

  • A friend got us 2 bottles of wen so I thought why not go ahead & try it, yes it does feel like its hard to wash out but overall I like the product. It leaves my hair shiny & soft & works as a great detangler, so i'm able to comb through my hair easy when i wash it, which is a big problem for me usually when using store bought shampoos & conditioners. Will i continue to use the product...probably not because the cost is a bit much for me, now if wen was more affordable then yes i would continue using it. Over all its A good product! Dont listen to all the hype, you just have to try it yourself & see if it works for you & your hair type!

  • I have used Wen for over 5 years. So far the product has worked well. Nothing is perfect of course. It may not be for everyone. One thing that I have always done is let my hair dry naturally. Putting undo stress on your hair period ... is not the best. If you really look, these factors are disclaimed in any product promotion. Nothing is a "miracle" product. Some are close.
    Any shampoo & conditioner, Pantene included will not be perfect if you over style your hair.
    Over washing it is just as bad. Everything in moderation. Just like the number 800 is huge until you compare it to 1. 5 billion. I don't see a contest there.

    If anything changes regarding my opinion of Wen I will keep an eye out; however, there are millions more that have great results. It is always easier to only list negative reviews, especially really negative.

    I prefer to see the mich larger positive. It is good to research things before you panic & post.

  • I have used wen for four years..follow directions..rinse..rinse..rinse...gummy hair with any product vould fall out...and...cleanse less often unless in elements that would dirty your hair...heavy hair laden with products left in and not rinsed, just pull hair and leave it to open to attract dirt, etc

  • I think I will continue to buy sulfate free shampoo and conditioner from Walgreens and
    Use marocan oil not to mention I only wash my hair everyother day.
    I don't blow dry my hair anyway. Naturally dry and only occasionally use a flat iron. Wanted to try Wendy
    But just not gonna risk losing my hair. the possible negative side effects kinda scare me. No thanks ks

  • Wen hair system caused my hair to fall out and now 6 weeks after using it, it is still falling out. Made my scalp itchy and red. Anyone reviewing positively is more than likely part of the company.

  • I have been a Wen girl for 5 years now. I use to have the shampoo and conditions from the salons
    spending lots of money and they really did not work. Tried Wen one time after that I was hook!
    It is the best thing I did for my hair its thicker,shiny and lots of body.
    I recommend this to all of my friends they have became Wen girls also. Its for every type of hair if your African American it works .Your don't have to buy the stuff for African America shampoo and condition or the detangler. Its all in one. I bur my from ebay or
    I just tell people try it one time you don't send it back.
    Thanks Chaz for this wonderful product I'll be a Wen for the rest of my life.(:

  • I too have read and heard by my hair stylist that shampoos do contain products that can actually harm your hair. The big problem with most shampoos is that they contain sulfates, which strips your hair of it's natural conditioner. If you remember back in the old days they used to brush their hair 100 times of each side, in essence creating your natural oils in your hair to condition the hair.
    Anyway enough of the history lesson. I too have wanted to try Wen, but am skeptical. I would think if it were the best of the best it would be on the news and all over, and in every retail store. Though I realize that sometimes the greatest of things seem to be in only certain stores and cost a pretty penny. I thing if Wen wants to revolutionize the hair world, then they need to bring the price down a little.
    I have tried the Loreal Cleansing Conditioner and I love it!! It doesn't contain sulfate, as do many of their new products, and it is approximately $6-7. I usually use maybe a bottle per month. Now I also don't wash my hair everyday, which you really shouldn't. Most people should wash their hair about every 2-3 days, unless you're doing strenuous activity where you're really sweating and your hair is yucky. Anyway, the Loreal Cleansing Conditioner, to me, doesn't make your hair over oily. When you use it its important to put a little water along with it when working it into your hair, it works better that way. When you put it in your hair, put a little water on your head and massage. When you start massaging it into your hair the product starts to have just a tinge of froth or lather ( kind of like shampoo), but this stuff doesn't strip your hair. I think this product is great and I recommend it over the Wen I actually got the idea from Wen and found this. Hope I've helped someone out there.

  • I'm with Allison. I have a lot of fine hair wavy hair and I have to change to my products out frequently. Not all products will work in my hair period but I stay on the high end of the low end and I always buy when it's on sale. I use a product line for a few weeks and have amazing, shiny, smooth hair and then it'll start frizzing out on me again and look dry. I switch to something else for a while. I also use a different type for whatever I plan to do with my hair that day. If I'm going to be using a straightener or blow dryer I used something meant for high heat. If I'm going to keep it super wavy I go for a wavy shampoo. If I'm leaving it natural I alternate between different moisturizing shampoos. The hair on your head is years old, depending on the length and rate of growth so it takes time to get it back to a healthier state. If you eat healthier, not around bad chemicals, drink a lot of water, not smoke, not drink then your hair will naturally be healthier. As well, you have to keep up with hair cuts and not abuse it with heat and styling products.

    I've always wanted to try WEN but everyone I know who's used it has hated it. That's 0% likes so I can't dish out $40 for a bottle of something I may only use once. If they truly had a great product they wouldn't be pushing autoships on their customers and would offer a small trial bottle because they would know they people would come back. If you have a great product like they describe then it will sell itself. I tried a similiar type of product and absolutely hated it. My hair was dry and I couldn't even brush it when I got out of the shower without adding leave in conditioners. That doesn't mean that WEN is the same but it definately makes me concerned.

  • I have "bad hair" genes in the sense that it is naturally frizzy and dry. I have spent many a pretty penny on cheap hair products, expensive hair products, fancy hair products, and plain hair products. And the one thing I have learned about my hair in particular is that it only responds well to a certain formula for a short period of time. Everyone has different hair so it may work better for others. But it doesn't make any sense for me to invest in a long lasting system because after a while my hair will turn against it anyway.

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