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Does the Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack Really Work?

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Does the Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack Work?Does the Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack Work?While searching for a decent bike rack for cars and SUV’s to review we fully expected to find racks that ran the gamut of prices from very expensive with all the bells and whistles to the bargain basement rack with nothing that you do not need for an affordable price. We did not expect to find a rack that had the above mentioned bells and whistles for the incredibly low price that the Allen Sports 2 Bike Mount Rack sells for.

The Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack fits almost all vehicles and comes with quality tie downs for security. Then to protect your vehicle from scratched and dents it has a padded lower frame.

The Claim
The claim by Allen Sports is that this Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack will do everything it much more expensive counterparts will do, does it better and for much, much less than you would expect to pay.

The Hype
Much of the hype surrounding the Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack stems from the fact that it is an excellent value for the money and does the job of transporting your bikes efficiently and safely without breaking the bank or doing any damage to your vehicle in any way, shape or form due to the impressive construction.

The Cost
The cost of the Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack is

only $32.61 at…yes, that is the price….$32.61…No typo! When compared with units that have a much higher price point there is simply no comparison. It does EXACTLY what it says it will do but for a much lower price.

The Commitment
The Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack requires little in the way of commitment other than the commitment to getting out and enjoying your bike more and in better places to ride! The unit sets up quickly and folds flat for storage when not in use.

When buying a bike rack to transport your mountain or racing bikes the most important thing is that the rack does its job safely. The bikes have to be secured firmly so that there is no danger of accidental movement. You also want to make sure that the rack cannot scratch the painted surface of your valuable vehicle either. The Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack does both very effectively. The additional strap that is included ensures that the bikes remain motionless while in transport and any parts that come in contact with the vehicle like the stabilizing bar are all fully padded, so the vehicle remains free of any blemishes. The fully patented design will fit a wide variety of cars, minivans and SUV’s and the way the straps are configured keeps the bikes from contacting each other as well as the vehicle.

Final Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack Review

The Allen Sports 2 Bike Rack is by far the best rack for the money and has been at the top of the list on many review sites. It does what it says it will do for a great price!

Our Recommendation
If you need a rack to get your bikes to more interesting places to ride then this one is right up your ally! Great price and works well….what more could you ask for? If you are looking for a rack that will carry other items on your vehicle then check out the Rightline Gear.

What do you think? Does the Allen Sports 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack work or not?

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