Categories: Gadgets

Does Arctic Air Ultra Really Work?

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Does Arctic Air Ultra Work?Does Arctic Air Ultra Work?It is hard to believe for some that the warm weather will soon be arriving. Now is the time to start thinking about cooling systems before the prices become escalated. A good option to think about is the Arctic Air Ultra.

The Arctic Air Ultra is a portable cooling system that can easily be from room to room. Why pay for whole house air conditioning when it may not be necessary. Or there may be one room in the house that becomes excessively hot and needs cooling down more than the others.

The Claim
The claims being made about the Arctic Air Ultra is that it a cooling system that also helps to humidify and purify at the same time. They are also claiming that it can be used outdoors as well. It runs on 350 watts of energy so finding a power source for it should not be an issue.

The Hype
The hype for the Arctic Air Ultra is that it is so lightweight and portable as well as being cost efficient to run. It is a much better solution than a fan as there is more even cool air distribution.

The Cost
The cost for the Arctic Air Ultra is a very low $39.99 and for an extra shipping fee of $19.99, a second one can be bought.

The Commitment
The commitment for the Arctic Air Ultra is to apply common sense to the expectations placed on it. One is not going to get the same effects as what a standard air conditioner would deliver. But to get the air to a more comfortable temperature then this unit may be exactly the solution being looked for.

Not everyone wants to enjoy the cool temperatures that standard air conditioning delivers. Many just want to bring the temperature down to a more comfortable level and not to the point where a person has to wear a sweater. For those who have these types of demands, the Arctic Air Ultra seems to be a great choice. It has some great conveniences to it which are being portable, but another one is that it is super quiet which is a big change from a fan. It does not contain any Freon either which is a big plus. It operates off of hydro-chill technology and just plugs into a standard plug. It is ideal for campers or garages or areas where computer equipment is that it needs to be in a cooler environment.

Final Arctic Air Ultra Review

We are prepared to give the Arctic Air Ultra a thumbs up. It is convenient, serves a purpose and is affordable. It would be ideal for those who are in dorms, or rent rooms or even small apartments. It is a great solution for helping to cool down the kitchen when cooking, or to use in the bedroom.

Our Recommendation
There is another version of Arctic Air that you can check out

What do you think? Does the Arctic Air Ultra work or not?

View Comments

  • I am looking forward to using this I bought this last year
    just got the power plug for this machine
    now my office room is going to be like my 6th -8th-grade classroom where they had
    central heat and air conditioning

  • I've had mine for a couple yrs and it basically just cools me in the room not the whole room which is 12x12.

  • the initial feeling is of a cooling sensation very similar to how sweat works on our skin, adding humidity to the air WILL NOT cool it down, instead it holds more heat, want proof? have a read on that. how are people so dumb? how are there no bad reviews? and yes i have owned one. do they pay off these sites for good reviews? seems so, will not trust this site "does it really work" ever again.

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