Categories: Kitchen Products

Is the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite Really that Great?

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Does the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite work?Does the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite work?The Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite is bringing its A game, so if you’re serious about juicing, it is up for the challenge. The first thing you’ll notice about this is that it’s built sturdy, and looks like something you might have seen at a juice bar. Many juice bars actually use these for their business, so it’s got to be doing something right. But let’s get to the bottom line and see if this is right for your home.

In the world of juicing you have several options. There are juicers you see on TV That go for $100 or less, and then there is the professional grade juicers that go for $300 to thousands of dollars. It really depends on how much you want to get into juicing, and whether you’re going to be using it every day, of if it’s just a passing fancy and you’ll tire of it after a few days or weeks.

The Claim
Breville claims that the Juice Fountain Elite provides commercial performance from the convenience of home. They say that they are always spotting their juicers in juice bars, meaning that this is what the pros use when their reputation is on the line, and when they need something that can provide reliable results, use after use. They say that it has between 1000 and 13,000 watts of power behind it, which enables it to get 30% more juice than a conventional or lower quality juicer. They also say that it has thousands of pores that filter out the stuff you don’t want to drink, providing a smooth consistency every time.

The Hype
Juicing diets and juicing in general have gotten a lot of hype over the years as a way to live healthy, clean out the system, have more energy, and live longer. Jack LaLanne and Jay Kordich have to be given a lot of credit for spreading awareness about the health benefits of juicing, through their respective juicers and infomercials showing how they work. Nowadays a juice fast is a popular way to lose weight before a big event, or just to give the digestive system a rest.

The Cost
The Breville Juice Fountain Elite goes for $300 at Amazon right now. While seemingly pricey at first, when you see what it can do and realize there’s nothing else like it at this price, it starts to make a lot of sense.

The Commitment
In order to get your money’s worth, you’d want to use this at least a few times a week.

If you’re already getting your juice from a juice bar, or already using an inferior juicer this many times per week, you’re already committed enough to buying this. As far as using it, many people say that it’s really easy to use and clean up when you’re done, and when you compare it to other juicers, it’s easier to use because it can accept larger pieces of fruits and vegetables so you don’t have to prep as much.

The Juice Fountain Elite gets stupendous reviews, and it’s almost unanimous that this thing does what it says it does. The user’s manual gives very clear instructions on how to get started, and even includes some recipes to get you started. We always like to take a look around and see what’s out there as competition, and at this price point you’d be hard pressed to find another dedicated unit that comes close. There are some blenders out there that give it a run for its money, but they are multi-function and not solely used for making juice.

The benefit of having a standalone unit that is just for making juice is that you never need it for anything else, and therefore it’s always ready to go when you want to whip up a quick drink. Many times when you have a multi-function device you’ll be using it for something else at the time you want to juice something, so you’d have to stop what you’re doing, clean it up, juice what you want, and then go back to making what you were making. It can be a big hassle, and happens more often than you’d think.

Final Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite Review

The Juice Fountain Elite is a crowd pleaser, and has won us over as well. It’s getting our Thumbs Up go ahead for those that are no kidding around when it comes to juicing. If you’re making it a part of your lifestyle, you can’t miss with this. It looks great on your countertop, even if it does take up its share of space. But if you’re using it every day, you won’t mind, and the convenience will more than make up for it.

This is the kind of product that can be a real enhancement to your lifestyle, as well as your life. This is so easy

to use and clean up that you will find yourself making juice more often than you ever thought you would. And if you didn’t like the idea of wasting so much expensive fresh fruit and vegetables, you’ll be happy to know that this is using as much of them as possible, and not just pulping them up to be thrown away.

Our Recommendation
This would be the juicer to get if you want something that is dedicated to making juice. If you want more of a multi-purpose blender and juicer you should consider a Vitamix. It doesn’t make juice the same way this does, but can be used as a juicer, and it also blends smoothies and shakes and can also be used as a food processor and other functions as well. But like we said, if you want a machine that can make juice quickly and easily, and provides consistent results, you’ve got to go with the Breville.

If you’re already hooked on juicing and are looking to upgrade from your current juicer, this is the one you’ll want to go with. The statistics are heavily in your favor with more than 9 out of 10 people really liking, and even loving this.

buy it

What do you think? Does the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite work or not?

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  • Please send me info on this Breville 800 JEXL Juice Fountain Elite. Thank you.
    Joseph A. Cook.

  • I wish I was in a position to be able to afford stuff like this. The truth is that despite all the amazing claims that this product makes, you can achieve essentially the same effect with a blender that costs $20 from Costco. The thing is, the $20 blender will probably last about six months and won't work particularly well. I know, I have one. However, a $300 blender is more than a blender, isn't it. It's an expensive looking ornament. Any one that buys this has enough money to have a 'nice' kitchen, and they only want appliances that match the interior. Hey, I'd do it if I could.

  • I know quality juicer makes a big difference in the quality and the taste of juice you drink but I'm really torn about the price of Juice Fountain Elite. It's got some great reviews everywhere but $300 is a lot. There are cheaper machines but I'm thinking I'll probably make up the difference with the extra juice Juice Fountain Elite can make due to its extra power. You get what you pay for, that's what my sister tells me all the time. All the great reviews.. maybe she's right.

  • Wow...kind of pricey, though very cool looking (and fancy!). For something that costs this much, your commitment to juicing must be intense! ha ha. Or you'd have to use it a lot... If you were really dedicated to trying a juicing diet, then this might be the way to go, but I'd suggest you at least try it with a cheaper model first (but, like the article says, they're all kind of pricey). The thing is, though the benefits are SO great (I can attest to this as I've done juicing cleanses before with friends), most people don't have the will-power to continue long enough to pay for the cost of this expensive model. You always hear about the benefits of juicing (weight loss, more energy, nutrients not lost from raw foods), but you never really hear how hard it can be the first week (fatigue, hunger, not to mention just caving into real-food cravings). I've known far too many people who purchase an expensive juicer, filled with excitement, only to have it sit unused on their counter for months after. So, while I would suggest trying this kind of diet (or just a simple cleanse), I might not do it with this model until you know it's the right dietary aid for you.

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