Foot Care

Does Baby Foot Really Work?

A lot of our recent posts have been geared towards getting ready for the warmer weather. This means working on…

9 years ago

Is Using Amope Going to Make You Feet Feel and Look Beautiful Again?

During the summer months, a lot of people want to take extra care of their feet. It is the time…

9 years ago

Does Dr Scholl’s Foot Mapping Solve All Your Foot Problems?

Dr. Scholl's FootMapping is a kiosk that is located in stores and is supposed to tell you which parts of…

12 years ago

Foot Loose and Fancy Free With O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet Cream Care

Having dry skin on your feet is a common occurrence. It can be uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful. However, there…

13 years ago

Does Gravity Defyer Footwear Really Work?

  For many people finding the right footwear that is comfortable and compatible with many conditions can be a difficult…

13 years ago

Does Using HeelTastic Mean Your Dry Cracked Feet Will Feel Good Again?

We all know what can happen when the feet are in less than perfect condition. Not only from a mobility…

13 years ago