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Does DDP Yoga work?Does DDP Yoga work?DDP Yoga is a yoga program developed and hosted by Diamond Dallas Page, a former WWE professional wrestler. Not the typical host you’d expect as a yoga instructor, and that’s kind of the point. They say this isn’t your mother’s yoga routine, and it’s meant to shake things up while also giving you a good workout. So does it deliver?

One thing about typical yoga programs is that they have an air of spirituality and can be a bit esoteric. This can be off-putting to the beginner that just wants to benefit from the increased flexibility and strength that comes with striking different poses and holding them. Diamond Dallas Page is known for his no nonsense style in the ring, and the way he teaches is indicative that he’s not going to take any excuses, but he’s also going to make sure that you take the steps necessary to be able to perform the exercises without hurting yourself.

The Claim
They claim you’ll be able to own your life, and they say that no matter what your background is and no matter what you’re trying to learn yoga for, you’ll be able to do so with DDP Yoga. They have plenty of success stories and testimonials that attempt to back up these claims and show what’s possible, but you have to remember that all of these should be considered exceptional results, and your results will definitely vary. But what it does show is that if you stick with the program and make sensible changes to your diet, results are possible. Such is the case with most workout programs on the market today.

The Hype
All the hype that is needed is provided by an emotionally charged video showing a partially crippled Veteran go from being obese and needing the assistance of crutches to move around, to being able to sprint and being at a healthy weight. It’s the sort of video that gives you goosebumps and gets you to well up, and if you were on the fence about buying the program it might put you over and get you to whip out your credit card.

The Cost
There are several different pricing options for DDP

Yoga, but the most you’ll be paying is $120 and that gets you pretty everything they offer, in what’s known as the Max Pack. That gets you a total of 15 different workouts. If you don’t think you need that much you can get 6 workouts for a total of $70. Everything is broken up into monthly payments, so there’s a low barrier to entry. There are also some free videos for you to check out at the site so you can see if you jive with Mr. Page’s instructional style.

It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you use the monthly payments, and you don’t like it, you haven’t risked much upfront to give it a go, and you can get your money back by returning it, with no more payments due.

The Commitment
This is the part that is up to you, you can throw yourself into it completely for the best results, following the plan that is laid out, and sticking with it week after week. You’d also want to commit to healthy eating while on this, so you can see the most rapid results and stay motivated.

This isn’t Diamond Dallas’ first foray into the world of yoga. He originally produced a book called Yoga for Regular Guys which has received positive feedback and is lauded for the way he breaks down the different yoga positions and doesn’t just skim over several different exercises. The whole point of the program is that it goes against the grain of all other yoga programs. If you were a fan of DDP when he was a wrestler, you’ll probably be used to the way he interacts with you on the DVDs and will probably be set from day one.

If you are looking more for a program that teaches you how to meditate along with learning the yoga steps, or that takes more of a spiritual approach to learning yoga, you’d probably benefit more from other systems and packages, or from one-on-one personal training.

Final DDP Yoga Review

DDP Yoga is getting our Thumbs Up rating, based on the feedback it’s received from real users, and the fact that there isn’t really another yoga program out there

like it. If you’ve wanted to try yoga, but wanted to avoid the artsy fartsy way it’s usually presented, this might be for you. If you wanted to get down to the mechanics of each of the moves, and wanted to spend less time focusing on chakras and spirituality, this might be for you. Basically if you’ve wanted someone to give you a no nonsense approach and help you get the benefits of yoga without turning into a pseudo monk or health guru, this might be for you.

Our Recommendation
This program isn’t going to appeal to everyone, and we recommend checking out some of the promo videos at the site before making a purchase. If you like the delivery of DDP, then you will most likely be able to learn from him, and progress through the course. But if you find that he’s too brash, or too in your face, or too “this is how it is” then you probably won’t be able to tolerate the way he teaches the different exercises.

What do you think? Does DDP Yoga work or not?

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  • I have rotator cuff issues. Does ddp help with that? Also, I'd like to get back into lifting weights. I understand that this is good body-weight strength training program as well as for flexibility, but has anybody used this program in addition to doing weight lifting and what were the results?

  • Please can someone help me?
    I am 19 and don't have any serious injuries and am not overweight etc...I do workouts often and enjoy fitness etc
    I am looking into DDP yoga as it seems such an interesting concept...I am wondering whether it will do anything for me apart from balance and flexibility? Is it just for beginners and for people with injuries?
    A lot of questions but don't want to invest if it's not going to challenge me and get results!
    I would seriously appreciate your feedback and help!
    Thanks in advace

  • My wife and I (both mid-30's) LITERALLY started this morning. 5:30 am Wake Up yoga. We're following the routine, meal prepping, watching our portion intake. It's a lot of work. But as a guy who's been overweight his entire life (110 lbs in 2nd grade) I need a change. I have 2 kids that I want to be there for. I'm currently around 355 lbs. My goal is to get under 300 by winter.

    My wife is my rock and she's doing this too. She doesn't need to (in my eyes, she's perfect). But she is my motivator and cheering section. My son (10 yo) says he wants to do it too every morning.

    I'm excited and terrified. This is a lot of change, but I just need to remember 4 words: "I CAN DO THIS".

  • I have lower back spinal Stenosis and bulging disc. Someone told me to try DDP Yoga. I have never heard of it. What is it like and is it better than just regular Yoga.

  • I used to workout a lot when I was younger (24-27) mostly just did running and weight training. Was in great shape then got into a long term relationship, got incredibly lazy, and went from around 180lbs to 240lbs. I am around 6 foot tall and I guess from having worked out I still had a good base to work with. Recently I decided it was time to get back into shape and start eating better and actually pay attention to my health. I am 34 and decided now made more sense then any since I am still considerably young.

    I have had the DDP DVD's for a while. A couple of years ago I tried to start with the Diamond Cutter workout right out the gate after not working out on the regular for years. Stupid move on my part. I got through like 10 minutes and gave up and never went back. This time I got smart and started slower and followed the plan that is laid out. Also with eating better I have gone from 240lbs to around 225lbs in about 5 weeks and feel so much better. I still cheat a little here and there with meals on the weekends. But hey everything in moderation is the way I see it.

    I have only done Energy and just started Fat Burner which I can see is a little more intense and has a quicker pace which I like. Currently I am only doing the 3x a week schedule but might go to 5x a week and include in the weekends. Mostly because I have a desk job and don't do much cardio other then my commute to and from work. I have even started to get off at the stop before my normal stop on my train and walk and extra 15 blocks home to get some extra steps in.

    Overall DDP Yoga works and is a great workout. I have sweat pouring off my face and entire body during the workout. I can already see the definition in my arms and muscle returning. I think even if you did DDP Yoga on the daily along with even light cardio and better eating you are going to see results.

  • I'm a 44 year old man. I own a pest control company and my job is very physical. Over the years of working under houses, using a rotor hammer and carrying a 50 pound pack pack sprayer has worn on my neck, my back , and my left shoulder. Last spring I fell down some stairs and screwed up my shoulder even worse. I've always at least done light weight training and stretching so I can stay in somewhat okay shape but since hurting my shoulder I quit working out. During the last several months I put on 20 pounds and felt every ache and pain , on top of constant stomach acid issues. 3 weeks ago I started light weight training again, juicing daily , and paying somewhat attention to my diet. Last week I bought the ddp yoga and started using it immediately . In 3 workouts , my abs and legs burn , I'm standing straighter than I have in years and I can already do 90% of what he asks you to do without modification. I look trimmer, my shoulders look wider and my arms look more tone. For me the results have been almost immediate . I use the ddp program 3 times a week and lift light weights , do push-ups and use a pull-up bar 2 x a week. Maybe 15 -20 minutes a day and the difference already is impressive. I couldn't fit into my pants anymore , already my pants into only fit they are loose on me.I'll admit I wasn't in bad shape compared to others but was in bad shape for me.i also know my body is different than most people's . I put on weight very easily but I also lose it very easily . I know working out is a necessity for my body or I'll end up dead early. My stomach issues are much better and I feel more clear mentally. I admire ddp for giving his life to help others. He's authentic and he cares about what he's doing. I felt the need to support him because he's changing people's lives. I greatly respect what he's done for others. As the host of the workout program he does a great job. He's motivational , encouraging , and constantly shows ways to alter the workout so anyone can do it. It's not about how well you do it , it's about your effort and you can't fail if you work hard for your goals. It's not cheap but it is affordable, ( much less than a hospital stay or even a dr's visit ) and it works.

  • I've had the domino table of injuries. Plantar fasciitis, IT band, patello stress femoral, and sciatica all throughout my 20s. I haven't been able to do impact exercises for about 15 years because I was never able to properly rehab. My whole body was always tight, no matter how much stretching I would do. I pretty much walked around in pain a good 10 years.

    I did the first workout and felt an immediate difference. I was incredibly loose for the next few days. Six weeks in, my body feels better than it did when I was 21 (I'm now 35). It strengthens all the little muscles in your body that keep you stable and increases your flexibility in every muscle. Anyone who is in need of physical therapy should give this a try. There's not a muscle that it doesn't target and when you get all those stability muscles working, the pain fades away and you start to feel amazing.

    The best part of this workout is, the basic workout, "Energy", is not very challenging but it is incredibly effective. The other workouts are very challenging but doable. Anyone asking if their problems would hinder them from doing it, I say, give it a try. There is absolutely no impact and he has someone in the background doing alternative modified positions for those that have difficulty.

  • We've worked DDP Yoga into our routines for a while and I have to say the DDP Yoga is worth the investment. Anything worth its salt requires investments more than just time and effort. I make films (Rock Bottom Creek - 2012, Creek County - 2015, Creekers - 2017) and there is always someone with an ideas or wanting to "direct" something but never willing to crack a wallet to get it made. Those people are still chilling, sipping beers, and talking about what they want to do or what would be cool to do but aren't willing to back up their words and make things happen. DDP Yoga works. It has kept me on the Judo / Jiu Jitsu mat for years, and it is helping my friends through our BreauXoga routines.

  • Should I get the max package or the app? Do you get to use the app if you but the max package? If the app has everything the max package does plus some, why buy max?

  • YES this works. I have numerous heath problems. At times I can not do a full work out.....BUT I can do the stretches and they help me stay to the point that I can actually walk without a cane. I can bend down and pick things up from the floor without crawling to a chair to get up. I am so proud to say that I went from 2 or 3 X tops to a medium. I also went from a 20 size skirt to a 12. Losing a total of 12 inches off my waist.

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