Do DHT Blockers Really Work?

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DHT BlockersDHT BlockersHair loss is a fairly common problem for men, and many men consider DHT blockers as a possible solution. It has been estimated that nearly fifty million men and women suffer from hair loss worldwide, and many look for a solution as soon as they discover the problem.

Understanding the DHT Connection
Men and women across the world are experiencing run-ins with a new abbreviation.  DHT, whose scientific name is dihydrotestosterone, is the product of a natural reaction that occurs in the body.  In the scalp, an enzyme known as alpha 5 reductase is produced.  As men age, the constant reaction with testosterone begins to create DHT.  This byproduct then reacts with the hair follicles, shrinking them, and causing them to become thinner and thinner until eventually, they fall out.

As you age, DHT become more prevalent, ultimately thwarting any hair growth whatsoever.  Studies suggest that 95% of hair loss can be attributed directly to DHT.  Naturally, as a problem arises and becomes more understood, cures are blasted at the market, looking for something to hook.  The latest fight against male hair loss has come in the form of DHT blockers.

What Will a DHT Blocker Do for You?

DHT is, as far as studies are concerned, of absolute no benefit to the human body.  In other words, if you hinder its production, you won’t be causing yourself any

harm.  This primary finding paved the way to the most logical hair loss prevention possibility available – blocking DHT production altogether.  As with many things, there are a variety of ways to go about creating DHT blockers.  Different brands of pills are intended to produce the same results, though through different means.

There are essentially four main ways to block DHT from causing hair loss in the market today.  The first way is to prevent DHT from attaching to the hair follicle.  By avoiding the follicles, the DHT will remain in your bloodstream, drifting in a way that is said to be harmless, as the compound hasn’t been attributed to any health issues besides hair loss.

As a result, though, there is said to be no further occurrence of hair loss.  Another main way for a DHT blocker to work is through inhibiting the production of the actual byproduct.  This is said to be done in two effective ways, either halting the conversion of testosterone to DHT or by reducing the production of alpha 5 altogether.  The final alleged way to block DHT is through reducing the substances that produce alpha 5 such as cholesterol.

DHT blockers, depending on their supposed methods of producing a similar effect, are made of many different compounds.  The unfortunate part of blocking DHT, though, is that without any further vitamins or treatment, the process only prevents further hair loss. It can’t actually do anything to replenish what hair has already been lost.

The Bottom Line: Do DHT Blockers Really Work or Not?

Guaranteed effects are not provided by any DHT blockers out there, whether they are completely organic or not.  It simply is not within modern medicine to prove such results.  However, consumers continue to rely on customer reviews and media coverage to gain some idea based around the myths and facts concerning hair loss.  The reality, as concluded from gathered information, though, suggests that while blocking DHT could help end hair loss, it’s hard to tell whether the formulas on the market actually do.

What Do You Think? Do DHT Blockers Really Work?

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  • I’ve read that DHT Blocker also need other vitamins to supplement it and make it work better. Like Vit A, Multi B, Hydrolyzed well as the Saw Palmetto.....
    My concern is this. Does it produce an all over growth of hair or just on the scalp?
    I don’t have bald spots and have been taking Biotin which is helping with my hair loss.
    I would hate to have a lot of hair growth on my face because of DHT Blocker.

  • Thanks for the informative article. Yeah, no hair support gives any guarantee for hair regrowth and they always said it will help to regenerate the hair growth. I'm facing androgenic alopecia and I have tried many products out there and more and less have some effects but now eye catchy result. But I have at last found something that worth money and effective. Amplixing hair support shampoo actually works on my scalp since I have brought it as a trial pack. I hope the result will be amazing.

  • Yeah I started the shampoo about 3 months ago and my hair went from frizzy and having no body to much much better. It helps to include a minoxidil regimine with the DHT daily as well. I've used only pura d'ore and my hair has only been progressing since! <3

  • These hair loss preventions. like "natural" DHT blockers are BS and only intend to separate you from your money. Like "consumer reviews", which if you actually read their "recommendations" do not actually claim hair growth...because while in principle they sound like they should work, there is no REAL science comparing their eifficacy, onlly reviews by supposed users. That is not real science. When you actually do the science, you will see no difference in effects between any of these natural products (like saw palmetto)...

  • My mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 years ago. I cut my hair( very long hair) off to support my mom while going through her treatments of chemo. Now, I'm having problems growing my natural hair back. I have a small afro and it won't grow anymore. My self esteem is awful, due to my short hair and no solution. Please help me.

  • I went all natural and use saw palmetto oil for my head and take natural dht blocker food and supplement. A lot of organic carrots, some cilantro, celery and cucumbers. My hair actually started sprouting back. Only one month in a half. I would probably have to keep doing for a year to get a full head of hair looking at the pace it grows. But it works for me. I'm 27 and my hair started falling off at around 18.

  • DHT blockers are a class of prescription drugs of which propecia ( finasteride) is good example.

  • I think dht blocker works if anyone use it properly. Here are some dht blocker food which is totally natural and no side effect. some dht blocker can taken as supplements or pills. this kind of dht blocker also natural.

  • I've been taking saw palmetto 1200 mg soft caps . Only been 2 months and see new little hairs coming up.not fuzz I mean dark hairs .
    Taking 2 caps daily. Let's see how it goes

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