Categories: As Seen on TV

Does the Pocket Desktop Really Work?

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Does The Pocket Desktop Work?Does The Pocket Desktop Work?The Pocket Desktop is a small USB driver much like the ones you have probably used in the past to store or transport data with. The difference is that it provides you with a lot of security protection and comes with lots of programs loaded on it. The question you may want answered is how important and good is the provided security, and how valuable are the loaded programs?

This USB comes in three different sizes such as 4gb,8gb, and 16gb. One of its strongest features is the level of security it provides you with. It is based on military technology which alone speaks for itself. Many people are wary about surfing the internet because of the fear of their activities being tracked, and becoming vulnerable for the information that is stored on their computer to being tapped into. When it is stored on the Pocket Desktop it is far more protected.Plus when participating in online activity when using this product your activities cannot be tracked. Then another feature is the many different types of programs that come loaded on the stick.

The Claim
The Company is making some pretty strong claims of its level of data protection based on the military technology that it is using. This technology supposedly sets up a firewall for you that protects your valuable information. It is claimed to protect you from malware and viruses and downloads that you don’t want.The company claims that this USB stick is just like a small computer as it contains a whole whack of programs that you can access.

The Hype
It was not difficult to build the hype for this product as it all centers around the fear that most computer users have. This relates to hacked personal information, identity theft and malicious viruses attacking their computers. The promoters of this product aptly address all of these fears by promoting their use of military technology. Then the hype is carried forward to concentrating on the fact that everyone loves to get real value for their money. So promoting the multiple programs that come with the stick really sounds impressive. These two areas of hype cleverly address the wants and needs of the average computer user.

The Cost
The cost is going to vary depending on which size you order. For the 4gb it is $28, $48. for the 8gb and $68. for the 16gb. These prices include the shipping and handling. If you purchase the 8 or 16 gb unit the company will upgrade you to express shipping so you will get it faster.

The Commitment
You are going to have to dedicate yourself to making sure that you not only use the Pocket Desktop but learn all about its functions. As said, it comes with lots of built in programs, but there will be a learning curve to these. Depending the size of the USB that you order determines how many programs you get. The 4gb possesses 19 programs, The 8gb or 16gb has 21 additional programs and more storage.

There seems to be a lot of benefits to using this product especially when it comes to the security features. Upon a close analysis of this product it should be mentioned that there are reports that its not very user friendly. Plus a close look at the programs that come pre-loaded on the product indicates that these are all free programs that you can easily get on the internet. So the bottom line is you are really investing in its security features and the amount of space for storage. Then of course there is the convenience of not having to source out these free programs and load them on a standard USB stick yourself.


Final Pocket Desktop Review

We’re going to give this product a solid Try/Buy. There are similar products on the market like the SanDisk Extreme which is a 16gb that sells for $26. on Amazon. The fact that a product such as the Pocket Desktop seems to be high demand when you look at the number of buyers of this type of product is also what leads us to suggesting you give it a try.

Our Recommendation
If you are leaning towards buying this product for the security purposes then based on the price it provides good value. In respect to the extras you get with the pre-loaded programs you may want to give this some extra thought. Would you really use all these programs? Most likely not, and as mentioned you can get all of these programs free, so you could just get them and download them yourself to a USB. One of the reasons a lot of people like the USB’s in general is for putting their information on these as a means of backup. These are really not practical for this sort of use when you are looking to backup your computer in the case of a crash. If this is the type of protection you are looking for then you may want to check out our information on My PC Backup

What do you think? Does Pocket Desktop work or not?

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