Categories: Toys

Does the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game Really Work?

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Once Christmas is over with there are several long dreary months to get through before spring arrives and you can get outdoors for some fun. This is the perfect time though to have friends over, and there is no better way than to entertain them then with some great games like the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game.

The Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game is a game for older youth and adults and works well with four or more players. One player will be the judge and the rest of the players are potential targets. These plays run the risk of getting stuck with a card that the judge will read out and feels is most appropriate for one of the players. The cards each have a focus that contain certain traits. The judge has to determine who he/she thinks among the players would most likely possess those traits or would be likely to carry out the actions noted on the card. The player who is chosen will have the opportunity to argue against this.

The Claim
The promoters of the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game promote the game as being tons of fun. However, it should be used with caution with people that are sensitive or make take the game personally.

The Hype
The hype surrounding the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game is really a version of name calling or picking on someone but in a totally fun way. If you are looking for a light hearted way to create a lot of laughs then this may be the perfect choice for doing so.

The Cost
The Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game costs $16.00 but will vary depending on which country you are buying it from.

The Commitment
If you are the host then you must make sure that your guests are going to be open minded enough to play the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game without taking offense. This is a game where there are not any winners but only losers. What this means is the person who ends up seven cards is the grand loser.

The Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game really is controversial and may even seem cruel in a sense. If can only be played if participants can really accept the fact that it is just a game.

Final Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game Review

We are going to give the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game a Try/Buy rating. It certainly has proven its popularity with 841 reviews offering it a four star rating. It has also become a best seller on Amazon. Our hesitation to give it a thumbs up is because it really isn’t a game for everyone. It is directed to the party target market that is open minded and can take some fun loving criticism that may not even be factual.

Our Recommendation
If you are looking for a party game and the criteria of your guests fits what the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game will offer then this is a good choice. If you are having a mixed crowd then you may want to find another game that is not quite so judgemental as this. If this is a family gathering then you want a game that will include all age groups and you certainly won’t go wrong with Pie Face game.

What do you think? Does the Drunk Stoned or Stupid Party Game work or not?

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