Categories: Cleaning Supplies

Does Febreze Really Work?

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Febreze has come a long way since their early beginnings as a simple fabric refresher. Now they have an extensive line-up of products ranging from scented candles, to room deodorizers, to being an additive in laundry detergent. But is their success due to a clever marketing campaign, or are people buying it up because it really works? We put our review team on it to come up with the answer.

It’s often the case that when a product becomes successful it branches off into spin-offs and other useful items for the home. Such is the case with the Febreze product line, and now you’re armed with all sorts of ways to get your home, car, or office smelling the way you want it to.

The Claim
The basic claim behind Febreze is that it isn’t just adding a new scent to items or the air, but rather that it’s eliminating it entirely. The process behind this is patented and involves the use of a special sugar molecule that acts to entrap offensive odors and remove them from our sense perception. So it’s not as if it’s getting rid of the odors, but encasing them so we don’t smell them.

The Hype
They run a pretty steady amount of ads for Febreze, which keeps it in your subconscious for when you get to the store. You might find yourself instinctively reaching for it in the grocery aisle, or wonder why you’re suddenly looking it up online to see if it really works. It’s one of those hard goods that is very effectively sold through a combination of product placement in the store, and a steady stream of television ads that usually results in purchase. This can be good if you really do need an air freshener, or it might lead to an unnecessary purchase if their psychology works.

The Cost
The prices on Febreze range from about $3 for their vent packs that go in

cars, to about $5 for a bottle of their more traditional spray bottle. Their prices are pretty competitive, and they don’t jack up the prices due to all of the advertising that is spent on them. You might pay a slight premium for Febreze of another rival like Glade, but the theory is that the other products won’t be able to match the effectiveness because they can’t use the same process as it’s protected.

The Commitment
The nice thing about Febreze is that you don’t have to do too much to use it, all of their products are either set-and-forget or spray and walk away. In olden times, circa the 1990’s you had to keep a bottle of potpourri spray handy and use it to cover up a stinky room. If you had bad-smelling fabrics like sofa cushions or comforters it was a real chore to have to wash them just to get the smell out. Many times they weren’t necessarily dirty, they just needed some freshening up. So in that respect Febreze does make things easier.

It’s easy enough to try out Febreze and evaluate whether it does the job of getting rid of odors. It’s not overly priced compared to other room deodorizers and air fresheners, but the key is to play to their strengths. Any time a company comes out with so many different product types they’re sure to miss the mark on a few of them. But overall, users seem to be very happy with the performance of the various products, and have no worries about buying it in bulk.

Final Febreze Review

The concept behind Febreze is a solid one, and it does seem to really work on eliminating odors and not just masking over them. Of course there are some products that get better reviews, so it’s not always a sure thing. Here are some of the products they offer that hit the nail on the head: Air Effects (all scents), Fabric Refreshers (all scents),

Laundry Odor Eliminator, and their Allergen Reducer Air Freshener. These show strong user satisfaction, and you can be sure they’ll get the job done in your home as well. Some of the scents they make for other products don’t go over too well, but if you stick to the Gain scent, or their original scent you should be good to go.

Our Recommendation
The best line of defense against bad smells and odors is to avoid the offending source altogether. If that’s not an option then you have to bring in some reinforcements to get your home or car smelling good again. Overall Febreze has shown high levels of effectiveness and has proven that they’re not just a one trick pony. They’ve successfully branched out the label into other areas and continue to expand their brand, even going so far as to patent the process to prevent other companies from stealing their method.

What do you think? Does Febreze work or not?

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  • All tbis stuff does is cover offensive odor up-with another offensive odor that makes me sneeze. Sorry-if you want your house to smell good, you'll just have to clean it and take out your trash once in a while! And if you have pets who you aren't washing or cleaning up after, shame on you for thinking that spraying an air freshener on their litter or beds is doing your job as a pet owner. Scoop the dang litterbox and wash that dirty dog, or settle for a pet rock.

  • Fabreeze saves my daughter’s wedding. Her wedding dress came back from the fitting smelling like fried food. I was horrified. We used unscented Fabreeze the night before the wedding and it saves the day.

  • Here's a novel idea; find the source of the odor and clean it accordingly.
    Febreze is just a lazy way to cover up offensive odors without addressing the root of the problem.
    The chemical stench of Febreze just reaks of nastiness!

    Tv commercials brought me here.

  • I don't understand rave reviews which say they are using it constantly. If it works so well, why would it be necessary to spray on drapes, beds, upholstered furniture all the time? If it just works temporarily why not use any other less expensive spray?
    Or, what are people doing in their living spaces that requires this?

  • I HATE FEBREZE!!! I don't care if it works or not, the smell will kill you. And I am very angry that when I purchase a product that I've purchased in the past and have been happy with, they slide the Fabreeze crap in it. Will aggressively look at package labeling to make sure Febreze is NOT IN THE PRODUCT!!

    This stuff has to be bad for your health...

  • I am worried that the residue or next day odor left by initial spraying - - converts to something like cat urine odor. I am running around whiffing everything, planning on major scale deep cleaning, including cat urine, wondering if I have hidden pests . . . all b/c of this next day reaction. I don't have a cat, wash floors regularly, with Pine Sol and Oil Soap (another suspect); but it usually is pinpointed at having sprayed day before. Now I am bummed out! I have a ten item list just to clean mattress, in case it's culprit, as Bear Stearn's has rep., but its really heavy, next I can wash all clothes anywhere, look for rodents (no crap signs though). Steam clean the house, no carpet though; wash down walls (I do this,b.c sometimes I smoke). I hate to clean, btw, but I do it. Bummered out/

  • This product SUX. it is worse product ive evr used. EVER.. febreze make my house smell like doo doo. i left a pizza box in my room for a month and figure that i should mask the smel. it was stink. febreze didnt get rid of the smel. i was sad. the carl comericals arent tru. i had 3 gurl come over and they ran away because of smel.. just thougt u shuld know. send refund plz

  • Febreeze is a waste of money and does not work like they claim it too! I accidentally forgot to throw away the trash today before heading out and came home to a foul smell! Mind you, we have febreeze plug ins in the kitchen, livingroom and bathroom. What do you think we smelled upon walking in the house?? Definitely not the febreeze! But the garbage! we'll never purchase anything from febreeze again.

  • What is the danger of using fabrize to the point of making me sickish. What are the ingredients? Is there anything that is bad for health? I get a headache and sick to my stomach.

  • Ugh. I am distressed that I find Febreeze so effective. I even Googled why it works and wound up here. I have five cats and Fresh Step litter now includes Febreeze but I didn't like their odor shield version so I resisted buying Fresh Step Febreeze until that was all I could buy last week. To my surprise my apartment is only stinky now when cats actually do their business. Luckily I'm already in habit of cleaning litter several times a day so kitties stay happy too.
    Good job Febreeze.

    • How different is the new scent with Febreeze? My male kitty is VERY picky and of he doesn't approve he will hold in his pee until he gets bladder crystals.

    • Febreze is the best odor reducer on the market. I have cats, dogs, and one stinky husband. I have been using Febreze for at least 10 years--it works.

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