Categories: Pet Care

Does the Flea Vac Really Work?

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Does the Flea Vac work?Does the Flea Vac work?Flea Vac is a combination of pellets that go in your vacuum, and a vacuum attachment that can be used to suck up fleas off your pet and other places around your home. It is pitched as an alternative to using flea medication and pesticides, so let’s see how well it performs.

When it comes to flea control with your pets you want to make sure that the problem is eradicated because even a few flees can cause discomfort and can quickly turn into a bigger problem. Today’s flea medications are proven effective and many pet owners opt for them, but if you’d rather treat your pet in a more natural and chemical-free manner it’s worth looking into a product like this one.

The Claim
The makers of the Flea Vac say that the first step is adding the pellets to your vacuum. This ensures that fleas that get sucked up into your vacuum are killed and are not left to escape and re infest your home or pet. They also say that the second step is adding their attachment so that you can go around your home and suck up fleas where you suspect they’re hiding, including on your pet. They say that the attachment is made so that it provides max suction without harming your pet or your vacuum.

The Hype
Pet owners get fanatical about their pets, so it doesn’t take much to get them into a frenzy about a new way of dealing with fleas. While the idea might sound silly at first, vacuuming your dog for fleas has a lot going for it when compared to other flea removal options, or compared to doing nothing.

The Cost
Flea Vac is listed at $20 but shipping information was not available at the time we tried to order. The kit is supposed to include what they refer to as “pucks” which are just canisters of the

pellets that need to be sucked into the vacuum so they can do their job, as well as the vacuum attachment. They refer to a year-round protection program, and we were unable to find details on that, but are assuming it involves getting regular shipments of their pucks so that you don’t run out and can keep the fleas gone.

The Commitment
This seems like it won’t take up too much of your time, since most of it involves things you’d do anyway, namely vacuuming. Only with this added to your vacuum you’re adding flea killing power. You might have to get used to the idea of vacuuming your dog, and they might have to get used to that idea too, especially if they’re afraid of the vacuum when it starts up. Once they realize they’re being groomed they’ll either lighten up or hate it even more depending on how your dog feels about grooming.

The Flea Vac system is using Bentonite clay in order to kill the fleas and still be relatively safe for use around the home. They do point out that their warning label lists it as being low toxic, not non-toxic, and they say that you should drink water if you ingest some of it, in order to dilute it and make it completely safe. Bentonite clay is often used in detoxing programs and baths because it is said to be able to draw out toxins. It is used in a flea killing capacity because of its similarity to diatomaceous earth. It’s shaped in a way that kills fleas by breaking up their exoskeleton.

They say that after 24 hours all fleas were confirmed dead, but that is enough time for them to potentially escape from your vacuum. You may want to vacuum up a few days in a row to make sure that you collect any escapees.

Final Flea Vac Review

Flea Vac is getting our Solid Try rating

because it seems to be providing a viable alternative to other flea killing methods. If you’re against using a monthly flea medication on your pets this may be a more natural way to go. It may also be something that you could use in conjunction with other natural flea treatments as part of a comprehensive approach to a flea-free home.

Our Recommendation
Getting rid of fleas is often priority one for a pet owner, and if you’ve decided not to go the route of Frontline or other flea medications, you’re going to have to try products like this one and see which ones work to provide free-free living for your pet and family. You may find out that it does the job all by itself, or that it does a good job of reducing the flea population and that with a little help the job is completely done.

What do you think? Does the Flea Vac work or not?

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  • We have a small pack of working outdoor/indoor dogs of various sizes and breeds, and we live in a rainforest. No product topical, systemic, herbal, medical or otherwise works for more than 6 months, as the fleas adapt and whammo, they're back again. In 100% humidity in the tropics, the fleas thrive spectacularly well! The ONLY method that works is directly vacuum g the dogs each day, then spraying the canister with insecticide after bagging the nasties. This, combined with thorough cleaning of all areas they live in, works wonders. I mean NO fleas. This is important because our 120lb dog has a serious flea allergy and one flea bite leads to a downhill spiral, ending in great discomfort and a visit to the vets. The vet thinks the reason ours are the only flea-free mutts locally is because the way we vacuum sucks up any eggs, as well as fleas. I can't say any of them love the vacuum, but we do it before morning feeding time and involve many treats and they tolerate it and know breakfast comes instantly they're done.

  • This is kind of gross. So basically the product is saying that, instead of preventing or killing fleas with medications, you just let them get on your pet and into your home before vacuuming them up? That is really dumb, in my honest opinion. If you want to keep your pets free of fleas, you can try a variety of nutritional supplements and natural herbal remedies that are as effective as synthetic options that may have a lot of side effects. Keeping your pet as healthy as possible, too, with the right foods can do wonders at preventing fleas from latching onto your pet in the first place.

  • It sounds like something that could potentially harm your pet while it's trying to eradicate fleas at the same. It looks like it would be great but as others have said, some pets just won't hold still long enough to effectively use it. In fact some may be afraid of it too. Not to mention the potential of having escapees from the vacuum and then reproduce quite rapidly, as Phyllis mentions. I don't think it's worth it unless you have no other alternative. Meaning the pills are too dangerous for your pet to handle.

  • My husband order the Flea Vac and thought I would fall over laughing. You turn on the vacuum at my home and the cat runs and hides so imagine him thinking he is going to vacuum fleas from the cat. This is a joke. First like I mentioned the cat ran under the bed. My husband tried several times and the same result occurred. This was the biggest waste of money my husband ever spent. I have a flea comb that I purchased at Walmart for $1.99. My cat loves it. While holding your cat you just comb through their fur. The fleas get caught into the teeth, then you throw them away. How easy and for only $1.99. I would never recommend the Flea Vac unless you wanted to give as a gag gift.

  • This is a good investment if you have well-behaved and adaptable pets but I see some definite flaws in this idea such as getting the pet to keep still. This is as bad as trying to give a pet a bath that is not used to it. If just one flea escapes off the pet and skips off, you will have to deal with the nine million eggs it will produce anyway. I don't honestly see how it is going to do a good job collecting these tiny menacing creatures. If it used steam or water that actually soaked them with something I would be ,ore inclined but sorry not for me.

  • This seems like a good investment if you have pets. I personally do not, but I am dealing with a bit of a fruit fly issue at the moment, and I wonder if this could solve that issue as well? But if I had a pet with fleas, this would seem like a no-brainer. It also comes at a reasonable price, but I would want to know the shipping costs as well as the return policy before making a final decision.

  • So, I'm supposed to get my cat to sit still while I run the hoover over him? That seems unlikely, to be honest. I mean, Im all for innovation and whatnot, but this is surely a stretch. My cat doesn't seem to like me anyway, and I can't really imagine him responding favourably to being chased around with a device that, until now has made him flee (ha ha! get it?) the house and not return for at least a day. Basically I think my cat hates me, and were it not for the food that I put out for him everyday, I don't think he'd come back. I think I'll stick to putting pills in his food.

    • Andres:

      One would use this product to vacuum the floors, etc., in one's home, as treating the home environment is critical in the "battle of fleas." Personally, I use diatomaceous earth to dust the house, their bedding, anything they come in contact with. This product uses ben clay, which is the same ingredient in no scoop clay litter. I don't see how that would be very effective. I think the same could be accomplished just from vacuuming and dumping the canister/throwing out the bag outside and using diatomaceous earth. Funny visual, tho, trying to get near a cat with a vacuum attachment much less touching one with it :) I'd say one would be mauled to pieces!! However, I did have a really crazy foster kitten once who loved the vacuum.

  • Hmmmmmmm, a flea vacuum. Sounds partially genius and partially nerve wracking. I have to be honest and say as a pet owner, fleas can be the ultimate menace! Once you have one flea it lays a group of eggs and they hatch and lay more eggs and so on and so forth. That one flea can really be the beginning of the end and I wouldn't want to risk them surviving and multiplying inside that vacuum. If the Bentonite clay works, then great! Problem solved! But the "what if" is that it doesn't work and you're left with a flea filled vacuum and an infested house. Yuck.

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