Categories: Women's Health

Does GluteBoost Really Work?

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Does GluteBoost work?Does GluteBoost work?GluteBoost is a way to get a bigger booty without all of the lunges, squats, and other exercises that target the area. If you’ve ever toiled in the gym on your lower body only to have trouble walking the next day you probably thought that this just wasn’t for you. So can the answer really be found in a once-a-day pill?

For decades larger breasts were the item to have, and while they’re still in demand the backside is getting about equal attention these days. You can even get implants and injections to make it bigger if you don’t want to go through the pain and soreness of lower body exercises. Of course there’s also a few pills out there claiming that you can get the results you seek without any pain and suffering, and without taking a drugs in order to get it.

The Claim
The makers of GluteBoost claim that it uses all natural ingredients and works for 499 out of 500 users. They say that their product is safe and even healthy to take.

The Hype
Celebrities add the hype to having a big booty. Coco of Ice Loves Coco takes it to extremes, but the real originator of the hype surrounding a big butt is Jennifer Lopez, aka J-Lo. The term J-Lo Booty is still very much alive, and the torch has been passed to other large-derrière’d women like Kim Kardashian and Beyonce.

The Cost
GluteBoost is sold on a tiered system, where you’ll pay the most if you just buy one bottle, and experience larger discounts the more you buy in advance. The price of one bottle is $50, two bottles is $90, three bottles is $140 and currently gets you a fourth one free, effectively lowering your per bottle price to $35. Their “best deal” is on a one year supply entailing 12 bottles for $480 getting your per bottle price down to $40.

The Disappearing, Hoop-Filled Guarantee
They say that they guarantee their product, but when looking at the details of the guarantee it’s only on the 6 month package which is completely missing from their order page. They have one month, two month, three month, four month, five month,

and then skip to a 12 month package. This means they should not put wording like “100% GUARANTEED” on their site because this is misleading, and unless you check the fine print before ordering you’re going to be upset that you aren’t going to get your money back if it doesn’t work.

They also require you to submit milestone pictures as you go along, and write a 100 word essay like you’re in grade school. Forget to do any of these things and you’ll surely get the runaround, if you’re even able to find the 6 month package.

Since there are so many GluteBoost affiliates trying to cash in on their affiliate program, getting an accurate read of how effective it is is difficult. One tactic that many all-natural products try to employ is to say that their product works best over time, trying to get you to commit to a longer trial period before making up your mind. In fact they go so far as to say that the best results are seen at the one year mark, knowing full well that the average human being isn’t able to commit to taking a supplement for that long on a reliable basis.

There’s also a major flaw to the theory here: They say that this works by increasing the fat in the butt area, but the big booty look is not only due to larger amounts of fat in that area. A perfectly round booty is a combination of muscle and fat, and if you’re taking pills to increase the amount of fat without taking steps to provide the amount of lift to hold that fat in place, you’re just going to end up with a fat ass, which isn’t the goal for most people. Granted they do say that you should eat a healthy diet and follow a regular workout, but at that point how can you tell what is making the difference, the exercise or the pill?

Why not make a one-year photo-a-day time-lapse journal piece to show the product working? Before and after pictures have no credibility these days.

Final GluteBoost Review

GluteBoost is getting the Thumbs Down rating from us, due to lack of credible third party reviews

showing reliable proof that it works, the guarantee that really isn’t, and a how it works page that doesn’t say how it works. The amount of misinformation out there is astounding, with phony reviews and comments, so take everything you read with a grain of salt. It’s nice to think that a product like this would work, but it’s really a matter of finding the right dietary plan and workout combination so that you feel good about your butt when you look in the mirror, and also get the health benefits of the workouts and eating right.

Our Recommendation
If you’re serious about getting a bigger booty, why not earn it? In order to target the specific muscles necessary to get the sort of shape you want you’ll want to use a program like Brazilian Butt Lift. This will make it so that you’re not getting big thigh muscles, but just focusing on the triad of muscles that make up the gluteus region of your body and give your butt the shape you’re looking for.

What do you think? Does GluteBoost work or not?

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  • I always maintain a diet that includes omega, avocado, and other recommended foods for my butt growth, as well as exercise 2 times a week. Until my cousin recommended that I use DermalMD's Glute Booster, so that my butt had curves, I have been able to perceive a change in my body, without causing allergies or adverse symptoms, I have noticed a proportional increase and softness in my skin.

  • I’ve taken Gluteboost for a month and got no results. Took these in addition to a workout regimen of squats and donkey kicks.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t realize you need to take it for 4 months in order to get a full refund. If that’s the case they should reimburse my one month investment, and send me 3 more bottles to see if it’s realky about “time.”

    Very disappointed in this product. And they say if it’s too good to be true. It usually isn’t true. Take my word for it. Gluteboost does not work.

  • For everyone doubting gluteboost!! Well these little pills are truly magic pills. I used last year for 1 month. And I loved my results so much I ordered a 6 month supply about a week ago. My husband shows me everyday that it's making a difference. And the funny thing is...he doesn't even know I'm taking butt supplements, he thinks my butt is just growing on its own! I'm a married woman with 4 kids. So I would definitely not spend my money on a product that I think is a ripoff, but this here "gluteboost" well it's my new best friend. And it's helping me to heart my heart! Thanks gluteboost, I'm a believer and a actual user!

  • Dermalmd glute booster serum definitely works and does wonders my booty. I got a firmer bottom that has a perfect shape and size. I can try all kind of dresses.I feel much younger.

  • about a year ago, i bought 3 tube of gluteboost , and message them into my breast almost everyday, but i see absolutely no effect. I was no my normal diet. But im quite a petite and on the thin side. So im not sure if it only failed on me.

  • BiG Scam do not buy!!!!! They make it so impossible to return your item and they charge your credit card monthly, read their return policy its a total joke! They make you pay fee for canceling subsrcritption! I never even ordered the second bottle!!! Plus they make you pay for shipping back the product and a 20 % restoking fee! Horrible

  • Can someone tell me some I been using all of it the pills in cream for a month now in my butt have not got no bigger so I want to no is dis a scam it dont work or its just me

    • Well if your very flat like I was then you will see a difference, maybe not that noticeable but definitely it done something to your butt. Also if you already have a lil something back there then you may not notice like the flat butt people. Also doing squats while taking gluteboost will definitely give you results!

  • Yes, Gluteboost works! I had a saggy bum but gluteboost made my bum curvy and attractive. I am very happy that I invested in Gluteboost and got the bum I always desired.

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