Categories: Cleaning Supplies

Does Just a Drop Really Work?

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Does Just a Drop work?Does Just a Drop work?Just a Drop promises you’ll be rid of bathroom odors by using just one drop of their anti-odor formula before you go. This would be music to the ears of those that are self-conscious about having to use the bathroom during social situations that can create embarrassing situations. So can this really solve the problem of public pooping?

Even though we all poop there’s still a social stigma to it and most would want to avoid it altogether, opting to go only at home. There are a few different ways you could use this. You could make it a staple in your own bathroom and encourage your family to get into the habit of using it each time they go to the bathroom. You could carry a personal supply with you in a purse or pocket to make sure you don’t leave the place smelly if you’re at work or visiting a friend’s house.

The Claim
Just a Drop has the claim right in the name. They say you only have to squeeze out one drop into the toilet bowl before you use it in order to eliminate odors before they have a chance to fill the bathroom. They say it gets rid of 98% of the odors you’re worried about.

The Hype
They hype this up by bringing up that it’s been on the Dr. Oz Show, The Doctors, Ricki Lake, and others, but this simply shows that endorsements on these programs can be bought. Dr. Oz and the hosts on The Doctors are doing those shows in order to make money, so their recommendations should be taken lightly, but more often than not they create a buzz about products out there that don’t really warrant it.

The Cost
The cost of Just a Drop is reasonable, and they say that it’s less than 2 cents a drop. The have two bottle packs for $16 and have it set up so that you can mix and match between the different scents. They also offer various sizes, including mini sized bottles, and larger family sized bottles for use at home.

The Commitment
One of the more interesting features of this idea is that you don’t have to use a spray when you’re finished. Nothing is more obvious than having to go, and then having to spray an aerosol spray with its distinctive sound. It basically announced to anyone within earshot that you just stunk up the place. But by dropping a drop of this in the toilet before you go, it’s noiseless, and as long as it doesn’t take you forever to release the goods then no one even has to know that you went number two.

Dr. Oz says the way this works is by creating a film on the surface of the toilet water that prevents the poo from being exposed to the air and therefore should remain odorless. But this explanation is not to be found on their website so it’s unclear whether this is what is actually happening to get the job done.

The reviewer in the above video calls this Just a Flop, but even he says it worked pretty good, but he deducted points because he focused on the term “eliminator”, and mistakenly thought that this was meant to eliminate the odor entirely. Most people are looking for something that reduces the odor to the point where you wouldn’t have to be embarrassed by it. There will also be a use-by-use difference based on the quantity and type of poop it’s dealing with.

Final Just a Drop Review

Just a Drop is getting our Definite Try rating, as it seems to produce sufficient results for the price. Most people say that it works to some degree, but perhaps not as well as you might have hoped. They readily admit that it doesn’t eliminate all of the odors, so it’s simply a

matter of whether or not the smell it leaves behind is strong enough to call it a loser. Perhaps guys might need to use an extra drop if they feel a big one coming on, but for most users one drop is enough to diffuse a potentially embarrassing situation.

Our Recommendation
If you’re looking for a fix either for workplace poos or when you’re on the go or at a friend’s house this should be of great help to you. At home the combination of this and traditional potpourri spray should be a one-two punch that takes care of odors completely. There’s really nothing to be ashamed of since we all do it, but it’s really an act of courtesy to others so they don’t have to smell your output. If we all took common courtesies like that the world would be a better place, or at least a better-smelling place.

What do you think? Does Just a Drop work or not?

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  • It really works! I never leave home without it. I was so amazed I went to the store and bought another one and kept the other one in my travel bag that I take to work.

  • Found it to work & am glad to have it at work! I also leave a courtesy drop for the next person!

  • Works great over here. I put one drop in when I started, after I was done and had flushed I put another drop in so the commode was ready for my next go. At 66, sometimes it can be a race as to who makes it first, me or the go...cut it very very very very close a couple of times, once I had to wait to add a drop and that was harrowing, so I predrop after the flush evrery time now.

  • I have used it a couple times already and could not live without it anymore. Where I currently live, if I open the window it just pushes the smell down the hall where it lingers which isn't pleasant. I would say it reduces the smell by about 97%, it also helps if you do a courtesy prison flush after it drops in. Amazon has about 700 reviews running at about a 4.2, so not sure about the people who say it doesn't work. It does for me and many others. I had previously used fabreeze or lysol, but it just made the bathroom smell like that and poo.

  • I noticed several people claim that Just A Drop is a waste of money & everyone should just buy air fresheners. Who knows why it doesn't work for them. Maybe their poo stinks worse than others. For many people, myself included, cannot tolerate the chemicals that make up the air fresheners & perfumes. I tried Just a Drop & it has worked perfectly for my family. My husband has a colorectal disease that requires him to take frequent bathroom breaks. He can take a small bottle of Just A Drop with him, unlike the large cans of air fresheners or the solid dispensers.

    I would like to offer a little advice to those who feel Just A Drop doesn't work. Instead of putting 1-2 drops before you poo, take the time to finish your poo, flush the commode & then put in 1-2 drops. The eucalyptus from Just A Drop will continue to clear the air & without the obnoxious odors of air fresheners that attempt but never take away the fecal odor. That way, those who visit the commode after you will enjoy the smell of eucalyptus instead of your putrid fecal smell.

  • My grandmother had Just a Drop at her house and it didnt not work for anyone who used it.

    This is what I would do at work. I'd go poo, flush and shut the lid quickly. Then while the water and..poo were going down I'd pour alittle but of bleach or lysol in the toilet. Then let the water fill up and again pour alittle bit more bleach or lysol..just abit. Then give it another flush..I swear by it. Eliminates odors and leaves a fresh clean scent. Another thing I might add...if your still self concious or just to take a precaution..spray just a light little flick of air freshener but too much...not enough for the next person to actually tell you sprayed it.

  • I agree with Rondha, this is a joke, it's useless. We bought Just a Drop at work (which is ridiculously expensive btw) and some idiot got rid of the air freshener believing that the product would work. Well it didn't do anything, not even the slightest difference, none at all. And we had to go buy air freshener immediately.
    The conclusion? The moment poo comes out of you it stinks, so by the time it hits the toilet water you're fucked.
    It's up to you to go and try it for yourselves so you believe us...But you'll see, Just a Drop doesn't do shit!
    You're better of with air freshener. It'll be obvious just as obvious that you pooped, but others won't have to suffer the consequences so badly.

  • Since the oil spreads out on the surface of the water enveloping the solid poo as it enters the water it would seem that a pleasant oil of most any kind would do. Subsequent occasional bowl cleaning must deal with this residue. Liquid poo is another matter but hopefully more infrequent. Maybe a bit of baking soda might possibly help. Being careful with diet might help. Pet monkeys are fed papaya seeds to keep their stools less liquid. Thanks for caring.

  • Just a Drop should be called just a joke. This doesn’t work at all. You could pour the whole bottle in the toilet and it doesn’t leave the bathroom without odors. I purchased Just a Drop for my husband as you know it was terrible smelling. He put several drops in and the smell still was in the bathroom. I thought maybe his poo was just gross so I tried it with mine and it does not work at all. It would be wonderful if it did, but it’s a waste of money. You are better off buying an air freshener.

    • Wow! That must have been a waste of money only to find out it didn't work! One of the most disgusting things about using the toilet is the vile odor it leaves behind. Like you said, you're better off just buying an air freshener. This is even more important when you have guests and don't want them to become overwhelmed by a stinky toilet. Unfortunately this doesn't do it at all.

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