Categories: Kitchen Products

Do Keurig Commercial Coffee Machines Really Work?

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There is little doubt that most of us enjoy a few cups of coffee throughout the day, and for those of us who are in the working world a great cup of coffee in the workplace is a real bonus. The question is though, is that work coffee really that great?

There are tons of different brands of commercial coffee machines on the market just as there are home brewers. A lot of people have really taken to the Keurig home coffee machines that seem to perk that perfect one cup of coffee so conveniently from the great selection of pods. To be able to have that same coffee experience at work is a real bonus to the Keurig coffee enthusiasts, and it is possible with the Keurig Commercial Coffee Machines.

The Claim
Being as we are looking at the entire line of Commercial coffee machines by Keurig we need to look at the claims that the Company makes about their products in general. The commercial line has the same ability to make the single cup coffee that so many coffee lovers enjoy because of the freshness and choice of blends.The company claims they are the leaders in single cup brew systems in North America. They believe their systems deliver the perfect single cup coffee.

The Hype
Coffee lovers place a lot of demands on what they would consider the perfect cup of java. It has to have a wonderful aroma,be fresh and capture the taste of the chosen blend. It has to be delivered hot and retain its qualities. All of these demands are aptly covered in any of the promotional material that is applicable to each of the Keurig Commercial Coffee Machines.

The Cost
The cost of the Keurig Commercial Coffee Machines can really vary depending on the model and where you purchase it from. For example, Amazon carries some of the commercial models like the Keurig B145 OfficePRO for $134.50 or there is the Keurig B3000 SE for around $885.

The Commitment
One of the greatest benefits about the commercial Keurig line is that there doesn’t have to be one employee assigned to making sure that there is always coffee brewing for the staff. All it takes is for a worker to go and make their own cup. It will require someone to be in charge of cleaning the machine and disposing of the pods at the end of the day, and making sure there is lots of coffee on hand so they will need to do the ordering.

There are lots of good reasons for encouraging any size business to make use of the Keurig Coffee Machines. The quality of the coffee sends the message to employee’s that their employers value them and want to provide them with a quality product for their break. It saves money, as often in the business setting a lot of coffee gets thrown away because it sits in the pot too long. It also saves time by not having staff standing around in the coffee room waiting for a full pot of coffee to brew.

Final Keurig Commercial Coffee Machines Review

We are going to give the Keurig commercial line a thumbs/up rating. We did the same in our review of the Keurig Vue and we believe the commercial line of this brand of coffee machines is made with the same quality and meets the demands that the business world places on them.

Our Recommendation
For the everyday needs of the business entity who wants to have quality coffee available for their staff then they can’t go wrong with the Keurig line choosing the one most applicable to the business setting. The one drawback to these single cup coffee makers is when you want to be able to serve coffee to large groups. Having everyone line up for their single cup brew is not very practical. The good news is that Keurig has come out with the solution to meet this need. You will want to check out the new Bolt Carafe Brewing System that works around a pod that is able to produce 64 ounces of coffee in about two minutes.

What do you think? Do the Keurig Commercial Coffee Machines work or not?

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  • As a coffee lover I extremely love to try this new coffee machine. I read a lot of good comments about this machine. I'm sure it will be successful in the market.

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