Categories: Cleaning Supplies

Does the Miracle Cloth Really Work?

2.5/5 - (2 votes)

Does the Miracle Cloth workDoes the Miracle Cloth workThe Miracle Cloth is a cloth that is supposed to be able to clean just about anything and everything in and around your home. It’s billed as the last cloth you’ll need to buy, and some of the things it’s claimed to do would really make it so it earns its miracle title. But how well does it really work?

It can sometimes be a little annoying with all of the different cleaning products it seems are needed just to get things looking good around your house. It seems each different item and room needs its own collection of sprays, brushes, and cloths just to get the job done. But here they’re presenting a product that could be seemingly brought throughout the house to tidy up just about anything and make it look better than before.

The Claim
The makers of the Miracle Cloth say that it can clean a plethora of different items around the house, including musical instruments made of both wood and metal, tools from the tool box, doors and windows made of different materials, your car’s bumpers and trim, a set of golf clubs, guns, fishing lures and hooks, motors, and more. They say that it’s also good at removing things like scuff marks and heel marks from floors, as well as stains found in bathtubs and sinks, and can even take care of that nasty film that builds up on your car’s headlights from driving around.

But it’s the range of different materials that make the claims so extensive. They say it can work on basically anything, from that set of sterling silver cooking set you have to your plated silverware you eat with. They say it also works wonders on different metals like pewter, gold, chrome, steel, aluminum, brass, nickel, and bronze. They say it’s delicate enough to use on your antique furniture and ceramic tiles, but tough enough to remove the corrosion from metal.

They say it’s a polishing cloth, so you won’t

have to buy a bunch of polishing agents like pastes, powders, brushes, and more. They say that it’s able to be reused again and again until the natural cleaning agents it’s infused with get used up.

The Hype
At the end of the day there’s only so much a cloth can do, right? The hype is in the amount of things they say it can clean, and the amount of time and money you could save if this does in fact replace other cleaning products.

The Cost
The Miracle Cloth is sold at their official site for $16.45, but you can find it at Amazon for $6. Both prices include shipping, and we’re not quite sure what the reason is for the price discrepancy. Neither price is too bad if it does what it says it can do, or even a fraction of what it says it can do.

The Commitment
You’ll still need to be the one that uses this cloth to get the items clean. But that will be the case until they get robots to clean up for us like you see in futuristic movies.

The Miracle Cloth is well-reviewed by the majority of users, and even scores well with professional cleaning product critics. There’s no indication that this won’t do a good job on the task you have in mind for it, and would be a good thing

to have handy for your regular cleaning duties. At the same time, there’s no way that it can clean everything, so there is a chance that you may have picked a job that it can’t handle, but the likelihood is small, and at this price point even if it only works on 99 out of 100 uses it’s still a great find.

Final Miracle Cloth Review

The Miracle Cloth is getting our Thumbs Up rating based on a slew of positive feedback from real users, and a long track record of success. They’ve piled on so many different uses for it, and it seems to be shining in almost every area. Obviously there will be some buyers that get it for a specific purpose and find that it didn’t quite live up to expectations, but when you look at the full range of experiences it’s easy to see that in most cases people are really happy with the job it does.

Our Recommendation
Basically, every home would need one of these for the different things it can clean better than whatever you’re currently using. If you own a car, you should get this to keep it looking spiffy. If you have any sort of product made out of metal, including brass items, you should get this to keep them looking shiny and new. With all of the different uses it has you’re sure to find something to do with it, and since they’re not gouging you on the price it’s a solid buy that you won’t regret.

What do you think? Does the Miracle Cloth work or not?

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  • I have used these since the late 70’s (1970’s) and have found them to be a great product. I liked them so much I have bought bulk so I could sell them to friends. Even really old ones still try to deliver the goods. I’m willing to buy them for their unique capabilities. Not a narrow niche product. It really does perform across a broad range of needs. It’s just one of those rare products the does what it says. Do Not Wash it! If it make your hands dirty, wear gloves.

  • I want to use this to remove a scratch from a ukulele, would it work? Would it harm the finish? The instrument has a gloss finish.

    • a scratch is actually a tear or cut into the might prefer a filler like "liquid wood" .....this is basicly polishing cloth,,that removes stains or rust..i buy mine on ebey..cheapest around

      • I use this cloth for cleaning ukulele fret board but not the whole instrument. (not dirty enough) but it could not remove a scratch, no cleaning product could.

  • I think it's a great product. It does the job I want on everything I use it on. I don't mind that it gets black. That shows me that the dirt is coming up. I fold, use it, fold it another way until I can't fold it anymore to find a clean spot. I don't mind handling the dirty cloth. I expect that I'll need to wash up thoroughly after cleaning anyway. The only problem I see is that if you use it for a lot of things, the cloth doesn't last long. Eventually you run out of clean spots. So I need to the cheapest way to buy it. There are sources out there for $3 a piece but you still need to buy 10 at a time it you have a lot to clean. I'm a trumpet player and it takes one cleaning per cloth per horn. I have 10 horns to clean and that's before I even get to my house.

  • We offer a 100 % back gurantee. Miracle Cloth cleans, polishes and protects all metal surfaces. We have legions of satisfied customers. $16.45 is way overpriced for one Miracle Cloth. We charge $5.95 for one Miracle Cloth. 2 for $8.95, 3 for $12.95, 6 for $19.95, 10 for $29.95 and $34.95 for 12.

    Visit our web site at:

  • I'm not being funny (okay, maybe a little...) but won't any piece of old cloth, wetted and used vigorously enough clean any surface? I mean short of being able to remove rust or strip paint (for which I'm presuming you would want to buy some sort of appropriate product anyway) then what sort of stains or messes do you need to clean up that require a 'miracle'? Now, I see that some people are saying that this product is good and that it works. Perhaps I'm just not experiencing the same kinds of problems around the house, because until now, I've managed just fine with a cloth that cost a few cents.

    • try cleaning silver,or a chrome piece that's got some rust it,,i work on motorcycles and it takes the place of several different types of gels or foul smelling hand irritating pastes

  • I agree that the price of this item is really far too high. My question is, can it be washed? If you are going to be using it on so many different items around your home and in your bathroom as well as your bedroom to get everything clean, I would think that you would want to disinfect it before moving on. Or do they expect you to spend all of that money on multiple cloths? I would have to buy quite a few if that were the case, and it would cost a lot of money in the end.

  • It doesn't look like an amazingly innovative product to say the least but, I'm willing to give it a try. Just to see how well it cleans up my apartment. Having things clean for when I have guests is very important, especially if you want to make a good impression of your living quarters. I personally like to keep things clean and organized so that way everything is in order and well-kept. It's also a pet peeve of mine to see something continually get dirty and dusty too. I also do this for the sake of my asthma. As long as it gets things clean is what matters.

  • I'm pretty cheap, so spending $16.95 on a cloth seems a little ridiculous, but when you take into account the prices of cleaning products, it may be worth the high pricetag. What I don't like is that you never wash the thing. I understand why, but in my opinion, that's just gross. Just a personal issue, but for that reason alone, I think I'll stick to my rags and cleaning products.

    • I doesn't seem right not to wash the cloth does it? Where is the dirt going to go? Does it go to a miracle spot, then disappears? I am like you in the aspect that it sounds nasty to never wash the cloth. I will stick to my cleaning products, paper towels and cleaning rags that I wash after each day of cleaning. I don't see paying that much for a cloth that I know myself would wash.

    • Yeah I am a little freakish about the cleaning thing too this is what stopped me along with the price tag. Yes, you may be able to find it for less on Amazon but who is to say, after you are hooked you don't get stuck paying a fortune for it again. I get really stuck to things that work and if I have to shell out--i get a bit upset. I am adept enough at cleaning that I can do more with paper -towels or a micro-fiber cloth which I really love and does all those things and more. You can wash it too! There has to be embedded germs in that thing. This seems a better invention for a bachelor ha-ha!

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