Categories: Pet Care

Does My Spy Birdhouse Really Work?

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Does My Spy Birdhouse Work?Does My Spy Birdhouse Work? Not everone is into bird watching,but recently it is a past time that has been grabbing the interest of a lot of people. The My Spy Birdhouse is appealing to this new interest, but the question is does it really allow you to see the birds without scaring them?

Overview This product is a simple birdhouse that is held to your window with two suction cups. It has a two way mirror so you can see what the birds are doing when they enter it. While you can see them, they can’t see you so you are less likely to frighten them. It really is a unique way for bird lovers to get up close to be intrigued by the visiting birds.

The Claim
The Company claims that the product is made with sturdy materials and all weather suction cups to prevent it from falling off the glass. They claim that it will work on all types of glass. They promote the fact that it is an ideal learning adventure for children.

The Hype
For the My Spy Birdhouse it would be more appropriate to approach their marketing concept as appeal rather than hype. While there are tons of birdhouses on the market, and some even similar to this particular one like the Coveside Panoramic In-house Window Bird Feeder available at Amazon, the price of the My Spy is quite reasonable. The Company can rely on the fact that there are lots of people of all ages who love to watch birds.

The Cost
If you choose to purchase this product, it is going to cost you $23. which includes your shipping and handling. You also have a bonus option. This is a closeup bird feeder that you would have to pay just the shipping and handling for which would be an extra $8. There is a 30 day money back guarantee which excludes the shipping and handling.

The Commitment
This is going to take a 2 step commitment. First you are going to have to take a few moments to install the birdhouse, which appears to be quite easy. The real commitment comes to taking the time to observe the birds when they discover your bird house as their new home.

Whenever a product encourages the observance of nature then it is a good thing. There are many benefits to bird watching that is applicable to all age groups. This product is appealing because it does allow one to observe these beauties of nature without intruding on their priv

acy or frightening them. As mentioned there are several similar type products on the market, and for the most part the reviews in general for these are good. One word of caution though is, that even if the birds cannot see you observing them, you need to be quiet during your observations and not touch the glass as they could pick up on the sound and this in turn could frighten them. If they have had babies in this new home and the Mom gets scared she may not return to the nest.

Final My Spy Birdhouse Review

The concept of this birdhouse seems to be appealing to many and based on this and the overall reviews of this type of product we have decided to give the My Spy Birdhouse a thumbs up rating. It appears to be made of good quality materials and is durable for the elements. It is reasonably priced and offers a lot of bird watching opportunities for youngsters who want to study nature, and for the shut ins who will certainly be able to enjoy a little of what nature has to offer without costing them a fortune.

Our Recommendation
If you really enjoy animals whether it be the domestic kind or those who live in the world of nature, this product would be a good addition to your pet related products. A lot of time we put a great deal of attention on our domestic pets such as our dogs for example, and their safety and comfort. You can see evidence of this in our review of the Pet Cave which is appealing for both dog lovers and their canine friends. It is worth investing a little money in a product that allows you to safely get up close to the animals who live in the free world like our birds, so we think the My Spy Birdhouse is ideal for this.

What do you think? Does My Spy Birdhouse work or not?

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  • Ive had mine up on a window in my bedroom for a couple of years, sorta forgetting about it. Just recently, I started to hear some bustle and opened up a curtain that I rarely open and, alas! There's a nest in there. I'm excited to see what ends up with it! I hear the bird in there early every morning now!! I have a 2nd one i Haven't put up yet and now Im anxious to find a spot for it!


  • I have a friend that has been very pleased with hers. She has had babies in hers the last two years !!! I bought my 1st one today & cannot wait to mount it. I found the My Spy Birdhouse, as seen on TV at Family Dollar today for only $5 !! So glad I didn't order one on-line.

  • Imagine the pomposity of writing reviews for products that you never even saw? Maybe these "reviews" are paid advertisements or perhaps just the brain child of someone who really believes he's smarter than anyone else who looked at a picture.

    This "review" site is a waste of time and an insult to anyone fooled into wasting their time to read it.

  • I've had my house up for almost a year and while sitting in my yard the other day, I realized why birds won't go in it. When they fly up to it, they get spooked by their reflection in the window that it is mounted on. Unless you can put something on the outside of the window so they won't see their reflection when they fly up to it, they will get spooked everytime.

  • I have a male beta fish so I was worried a lot about the mirror. Chickadees surrender very easily and may leave a potential nest site upon seeing another bird wanting the nest. I simply do not use the mirror. I have gotten a black capped chickadee interested in my house. shortly after getting my my spy birdhouse i put two feeders near the house(15 ft and 5ft away) and put some leaves off of tulips in the house and the black capped chickadee has landed on top of the house(claiming the house) and landing near the perch. So it may work but it seems to me that birds and far more untrusting of this birdhouse.. who wouldnt be? With all the movement and on a window near activity. The place to put it.. if you want a chance at getting a bird would be on a window facing a nonactive area such as a backyard. And you cant put a feeder too near the birdhouse otherwise birds will be scared off by competition and possibly no birds will nest. But a feeder, nesting material placed in or around house, and a water source will help attract birds. I wouldnt dismiss this product I would just say you have to be patient and when you get a bird nesting very very cautious.

  • This is in ressponse to some other comments about the bird feces on the window.. there is a protective clear piece of plexy glass that goes between the birdhouse and the window so no feces or other debris would touch the window at all

  • I have a myspy birdhouse and i havent got a bird in it yet. I do not use the one way mirror thing because wouldnt the birds get spooked if the saw another bird in the house?? I do use the cardboard do not disturb sign though. But about the one way mirror.. I think that would spook them.. anyone agree?

  • My neighbor just posted that his I spy bird-feeder started a fire apparently by concentrating the sun's light on a fence next to his window where it was installed. Be careful with this product. If it weren't for an observant neighbor and quick response by the local fire department (a block away), his home could have gone up in smoke!

    • Can you say "parabolics"?? If you knew anything about them, you'd realize that there is NO way the I spy bird-feeder could have possibly started a fire. I smell a fish... a BIG fish. Do your homework - and science. If a fire marshall determined this was the cause, he is the biggest idiot ever or your neighbor is. I am not for or against this product, but this is clearly bologna at its worst.

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