Categories: Money

Does Nerd Wallet Really Work?

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With the start of a new year perhaps you have set a New Year’s resolution to take more control of your finances. If so then you may have checked out some resources to help you with this. One that you may have missed is Nerd Wallet

Nerd Wallet is all about providing you with the right resources and tools to help you better manage your finances. There are plenty of resources on the internet that can help you do this. The problem is it can be really time consuming to resource them and then learn how to use this. With Nerd Wallet much of what you are going to need is all here.

The Claim
The promoters of Nerd Wallet are basically claiming that they have the modern day solutions for helping you take and keep control of your finances. They began offering this back in 2009 and work with a selection of tools and the offering of advice to get you on track with your finances then keep you that way.

The Hype
The hype for Nerd Wallet really revolves around convenience and being a great starting point to get your finances organized. This alone can be a big step in helping you to manage your money. Better money management can be just what you need to help you get out of debt and avoid getting into financial difficulties.

The Cost

It appears that you have to become a member of Nerd Wallet in order to be able to use their resources. However, it doesn’t cost you anything for this. Nerd Wallet claims that they make their money from some of the resources that they are recommending that you use. It may be that if you take advantage of some of the third party resources being promoted by Nerd Wallet then you will have to pay for their services.

The Commitment
The commitment for making Nerd Wallet work for you is that you will really have to learn about everything they offer. Even though there may be fees for using some of the resources they promote it may be worth the investment. You won’t really know this until you have done your homework and really researched what they are about.

There is no doubt that there is a need for a resource like Nerd Wallet. At the very least you have one good platform to access to determine what kind of financial resources may be available to you for your specific financial need. You are free to check out the resources then determine if the price they are setting is worth it for you. At least you will become more informed even if you don’t use any of the resources.

Final Nerd Wallet Review

Really in order to keep control of your finances you have to

be money savvy. Simple requirements like choosing the best credit card for you can have some significant financial implications to it. This is just one area of help that Nerd Wallet offers. This alone could be the best reason for you to check out what Nerd Wallet has to offer. Based on the concept of this Company we are prepared to give it a thumbs up.

Our Recommendation
Staying on the subject of money it may also be that for the upcoming year you are thinking about looking at some money making venues. If so check out what we had to say about some money making schemes.

What do you think? Does Nerd Wallet work or not?

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  • Nerd Wallet is a scam. Some of the info is helpful but they manipulate you by reporting false information after you lock with one of their advertisers. Consumer beware. Always use multiple sources, IP's and accounts so they dont know where you are coming from.


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