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Does NOHO Drink Really Work?

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Does NOHO Drink work?Does NOHO Drink work?If you had a big night out NOHO Drink wants you to believe you can avoid the aftereffects by taking it before you start to drink. It’s supposed to create a sort of nutritional firewall so that you can load up on the vitamins and minerals that your body loses when drinking alcohol, thus preventing a hangover. But how well does it really work, and what are real users saying about it?

Hangovers might make good fodder for movies, but they’re just no fun to suffer through. If you find that your hangovers are lasting longer and are more severe than when you were younger, or you just want to be able to let loose and have a good time without worrying about losing a day the next day, you’ve probably done some research on how to get rid of a hangover. The theory here is to prevent getting one, or to make it as easy to deal with as possible. Proactive is always better than reactive, so let’s see what else is involved here.

The Claim
The makers of NOHO Drink say that you can prepare your body for the depletion of vitamins and other good things by drinking their shot before drinking your first alcoholic drink. They also say that if you have more than 5 drinks you should do another shot to account for the additional onslaught. They say that a hangover can’t be cured, but it can be prevented. The only flaw to this theory is that you have to know beforehand that you’re going to have a bender of a night, and often the best benders are the ones that you weren’t expecting.

The Hype
We all want to have fun, and if we can do that without suffering the consequences the following day so much the better. The idea of outsmarting the body and circumventing a day filled with headaches, nausea, and lethargy provides enough hype for this product, and it makes a great impulse by if you’re out and about and happen to see it near the register.

The Cost
You can get the per bottle cost down by buying in bulk. They’ve got a 6 pack that goes for $22 which puts the per bottle price at under $4. Of course it will be more expensive if you buy a one off at retail locations like 7-11 as retailers will need to make a profit.

The Commitment
The point of this is to reduce the amount of time that you have to devote to recovering from a night of drinking and partying. Since you don’t have to keep drinking it while you’re partying, it’s easy to take it and then carry on as normal. One other thing you should try and do is keep yourself hydrated both while you’re drinking and before you go to sleep. The combination of loading up on vitamins and keeping the water flowing should do wonders to help you avoid a day of severe malaise when you wake up.

Hangovers have been stymieing scientists for years now, and they have a lot of different theories as to how they’re caused. There’s also a big debate over what works for a hangover, and what doesn’t, with no clear winner emerging yet. For a company to say that they’ve figured out the cause and the solution as well seems like a tall order. There’s little doubt that the NOHO Drink would have some benefit to it, and would be better than not taking anything at all, but you should set reasonable expectations when you decide to take it.

It’s sold in the same sized bottle as Five Hour Energy, and a lot of partygoers have taken to the idea of using energy drinks and alcohol in conjunction with each other to extend the night, as well as basically taking an upper and downer at the same time. The problem is that this is just more toxins for the liver to filter, and works to dehydrate the body further, worsening conditions the next day. By taking a supplement like NOHO Drink you’re giving your body a jolt of what it will need in order to defend itself for the coming attack, which does make sense.

Final NOHO Drink Review

Taking a shot of NOHO Drink before a big night out would put you in a better position than

not doing anything at all, but the only sure prevention of a hangover is to drink moderately and not go too far. You could use this as a safety net though, for those times when somebody brings that extra shot that puts you over the edge. While there isn’t a surefire way to avoid getting a hangover, taking proactive measures is a better idea than trying to deal with the hangover once you have it. If this can lessen or even drastically reduce the lousy feelings the next day, it’s worth it.

Our Recommendation
For some events you just can’t seem to help drinking past your limit, whether it’s your friends wedding, a bachelor or bachelorette party, a trip to Vegas, or some other time when you just want to let loose and get crazy, the point is you can see it coming. In those instances you can prepare for things, and take precautions to try to limit the damage done to yourself, and help get back to normal the next day.

What do you think? Does NOHO Drink work or not?

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  • Staff,

    I am the Sales Manager for Yellow Cab Arizona and have a BS, Exercise Science, cum laude from Arizona State University. I personally do not consume much alcohol; however, I am interested in the efficacy of your product. If it is effective, I am interested in the business opportunity. It is a natural sales & marketing tie-in for our industry. I envision direct sales, taxi-top advertising, advertising in our Concierges Magazine and event/social media co-branding opportunities.
    Have you done double-blind studies, which demonstrate the efficacy of your product. ASU has a great Human Performance Lab if you have not. This would jump-start your credibility and market penetration. Forgive me if I appear to be critical, but I am a salesman with a scientific orientation. I would love to see your product succeed and play a role in that success, if it really works.

    Yours truly,
    Salvatore Seno

    • Aloha Salvatore...I entertain for a living and was introduced to Noho a month ago. It worked for me and I'm now selling it. I invite you to my website

      I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Got 4 bottles from my friends and now I tried one. I was out with some friends and drank about three beers and one gin tonic. I forgot to drink one before, so I just drank one when I arrived home. The
    Taste.... something I don't like.
    Don't know if this works. I also ate a Hotdog on my way home and my state is pretty ok.
    So maybe I didn't drink too much this time to have a hangover when I wake up, but would be good if there was something to prevent it.
    I'll try it once more, but next time for real and with 2 bottles, like stated ;)

  • These comments are so staged. three of them use the same work coupling. take a look at the samples..
    This stuff works!!! I would not take a drink without it
    this stuff is amazing and totally works!!!! i wont drink without it!!
    The stuff is AMAZING! WOW! It works
    notice the similarities???..... now on to a more oxymoronic phrase stated here,
    Love the product. Read up on it and I like what I read. Good product. It is saying that the product is indeed a great product but read up on it and liked what was read. then it states THIS "Use as directed" when is the last time someone specifically said "use as directed." last i knew it was my healthcare provider or similar.
    All in all promote your product but dont put reviews for your product on a site, let it speak for itself. if consumers like the product it will be known.

    • Your lol just said everything. Don't like it ehen companies try to buy their products good reviews instead of waiting for real ones.

  • This stuff works! Great tasting when cold! I will never have a hangover again! I have found the miracle to prevent hangovers. Thank you NOHO!

  • The stuff is AMAZING! WOW! It works. Use as directed. If you are really drinking take an extra one. Love the product. Read up on it and I like what I read. Good product.
    I hear they also have some new items coming out. I am eager to try them.
    I recommend you get this stuff if you are drinking. YAHOO for NOHO!

  • Does it work? From my experiences, Hell Yeah it worked!! Being a thirty something i can tell you it saved my Butt in Vegas more than a few times and already a few times back home at local shin digs. The nights i went out drinking with out NOHO thinking i would be good, left me in bed for a day feeling like warm cheese and crap for a few more days. I believe if you take it the way it says it works better, at least it does for me.

  • this stuff is amazing and totally works!!!! you take 1 before your first drink and 1 at the end of the night...this covers you for about 10 cocktails. if you are hitting it hard, you really should have a NOHO every 4-5 if i am in vegas, i have 1 before...1 at the end of the night and 2-3 in the middle of all the partying. i wake up hangover free. every. time. i wont drink without it!!

  • This stuff works!!! I would not take a drink without it.. Plus they came out with this can, NOHO gold, which takes perfect with vodka. So tasty and no hangover the next morning. Totally recommended!!

  • My brother's visiting and I haven't seen him in months, so I know there's no way I can avoid the hangovers LOL. I still need to work and make money, so I really need NOHO to do its thing as promised. Have any of you drunks tried NOHO by any chance?

    • Don't expect a miracle with noho drink, but if you know you're going to get drunk like a fool then I suggest you keep couple of bottles handy. It helps a lot even if you drink a lot, but if you drink way too much then even noho won't do a thing to prevent the hangover the next day.

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