Categories: Pet Care

Does PetArmor Really Work?

4.7/5 - (7 votes)

PetArmor is a brand of flea control for cats and dogs that is priced lower than competing products like Advantage and Frontline Plus. They say it works just as well with the same active ingredients, so we had to check out how well it proves it in real scenarios.

The bane of many cats’ and dogs’ existence is fleas and ticks. Take those out of the equation and they’re probably going to have a pretty nice life. For several years now there have been products available to treat your pet on a monthly basis so they aren’t susceptible to these biters. At first they were only available from your vet, but now you can buy them directly and apply them at home. The only beef that many pet owners had was about the cost involved.

The Claim
PetArmor claims that it’s a way to keep fleas off of your pet, not only because it kills and repels adult fleas, but all because it kills the eggs that end up turning into fleas later on. They say it kills a variety of parasitic pests in addition to fleas, like ticks and chewing lice. They say it works quickly, and lasts a long time, up to 30 days so you don’t have to keep applying it every day or every week.

They also say that it’s waterproof, so if your dog loves to get wet you don’t have to worry about it. They also say you can use it on pets that are as young as 8 weeks so your puppy or kitten doesn’t have to suffer. And perhaps the claim that gets the most attention is that it’s priced better than the competition, giving it a distinct edge if it lives up to the rest of its claims.

The Hype
Pet owners want the best for their dogs and cats, so promising that they’ll have a better quality of life automatically adds a bit of hype to a product. Also, asking consumers to compare your product to a well-known competitor is a bit of a risk, but it’s one that they take here.

The Cost
Alpecin claims that it’s not as expensive as competing brands, and

since this is a product that you’ll use on an ongoing basis it’s good to keep costs as low as possible. We found one version of it at Wal-Mart for $28. We also checked out several other online retailers and saw that the average price was around $30 for a one-month supply. Comparing that to $50 or more for other leading brands and it’s clear to see that they’re winning the war on price.

The Commitment
Since this is only applied monthly it means that there is not a lot of commitment on your part as the owner. Be sure to mark your calendar so you know when to reapply it, as this can be a stumbling block and cause you to miss an application, allowing the fleas and ticks time to regroup and reattach. Compared to using a daily or weekly treatment this is a much smaller commitment level, and when you consider that you won’t be having to give your pet a flea bath, or use products like flea collars, flea sprays, or other methods, this is pretty easy for the owner.

The biggest question that seems to pop up is whether PetArmor works as well as Advantage or Frontline Plus. From everything we’ve looked at the results show that it is just as successful as these other products. Doing a cost comparison reveals that it’s also cheaper across the board. So you’re getting the product you need and paying less for it, which is a double bonus. The reason most are skeptical about the product is because of its lower price point and they want to make sure that they’re not getting less by paying less. We’ve determined that this is not the case here.

Getting the application process is crucial here, as some pets don’t really like it when it’s time to get their flea medicine. Be sure to get someone to help you if you know that your pet doesn’t like to sit still for these sorts of things. Also, approach them in a calm manner so they don’t get overexcited or overanxious. It’s not painful for them, it’s just a matter of applying it in the right spot. Follow the directions and tips that are included to increase your chances of success.

Final PetArmor Review

PetArmor is getting our Thumbs Up rating, since user feedback for it shows that it works just as well as other top sellers in this market, and at a lower price point. There’s no reason to pay significantly more for flea control for your pet when it does the same job or better. One claim we were specific about verifying was the one that states it works on a broad range of blood-sucking insects. Users have confirmed that it works at eradicating all of these sort of bugs, so you can have the peace of mind that your pet is protected.

Our Recommendation
Keeping your pet safe from biting and burrowing insects is a top priority, so you don’t want to overlook it. This represents a quick, easy, and monthly way to make sure that they can go about their business without getting bit up. That makes it a great product to try out for your cat or dog, and it gets our recommendation.

What do you think? Does PetArmor work or not?

View Comments

  • After giving my dog a dose of PetArmor Plus I broke out in terrible welps ALL over my body. He tolerated the med's seemingly well, it seemed.
    Just wanted to give some of you a heads up.

  • My cats have flees, I’ve used another (more expensive) flee med & did good, due to financial issues, I’ve gone with Petarmor Plus & my cats are covered in flees more than what they were & flees all through my house AGAIN!!! They are constantly scratching! I definitely would NOT recommend this product!!! WASTE OF MONEY! Next time I will go with the more expensive product.

  • My cats have flees, I’ve used another (more expensive) flee med & did good, due to financial issues, I’ve gone with Petarmor Plus & my cats are covered in flees more than what they were & flees all through my house AGAIN!!! They are constantly scratching! I definitely would NOT recommend this product!!! WASTE OF MONEY! Next time I will go with the more expensive product.

  • We used the flea spot treatment (PetArmor) on our 14 lb poodle around 9:30 PM. The next morning 6:30 AM she was lethargic and not eating. Within 24 hours she developed a fluid filled mass on her neck then within a a couple days she developed a fluid filled mass on her hip that the vet kept diagnosing as a "hematoma" but could not explain how/why she spontaneously developed a hematoma. Both masses rapidly increased in size filling with more bloody fluid. Our Poodle has been evaluated in the VET ER/follow ups; prescribed antibiotics, labs, xrays, biopsies, and aspiration of the fluid....Labs/pathology negative for cancer. Worked up for possible salivary gland mucocele and now given the working diagnosis of Autoimmune Disorder. The fluid filled masses finally ruptured but the mass on her neck slowly returns. The veterinarians are not interested in hearing about the flea product used less than 12 hours before the symptoms began. In fact the vets say the flea drops are safe and not absorbed into the system which is the exact opposite of what I've been reading! Our poodle was perfectly healthy until we used the PetArmor Spot treatment.

  • Do not waste your money on this product. Used it in 3 very small dogs (all about 5 lbs each) and it did nothing to control or kill fleas. Will never buy this product again.

  • I’ve tried different types of these types but After the vet said u can use the less costly brands but just pay attention to the ingredients. They said common sense plays a big factor. You must always treat your yard, and read. If it states the ingredients are equal and it’s less expensive than the higher cost then that’s going to tell u what to do. I use the plus on the products along with always reading the precentages. Plus I get more for the money as well. A+++ on pet armor plus

  • On 6 17 21 at 12.15 I called to make some information known but got smoke blown up my ass by heather and Luke I don't want a refund I want my pets to stop suffering they are not in my yard and I don't want to subject them to dipping I WANT SOMETHING THAT WORKS I COULD HAVE DONE BETTER AT THE VET FOR WHAT IT COST

  • This product does not work. I got rid of all my dogs fleas. Then less than a hour later they were back. Do not waste your money

  • Hertz Petarmorcat flea medicine didn’t work at all on my 2 indoor cats. They’d been bathed, carpets had been cleaned, and I used the drops exactly as directed, even clipping fur away from the skin to be sure of contact.
    I didn’t save the box, but my receipt, as a few days after using the drops, I put on same brand flea collars, which I got a complete refund on a week later. Anyone know how I can get a refund?

  • Pet Armor and/or Armor Plus does not work very good period. I am allergic to fleas and we used the Pet Armor and it has done nothing for our cat!

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