Categories: Hair Loss

Does ScalpMed Really Work?

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Does ScalpMed work?Does ScalpMed work?ScalpMed comes in two types, one for men and one for women, and says that it’s clinically proven to target the cause of your hair loss. We all know that the results you see in TV promos are not typical, but they are still very persuasive. That’s why we looked further into this to see what the details are, and whether or not you can expect it to work.

Losing one’s hair can be a traumatic experience, and out of desperation you might be tempted to try just about anything. Manufacturers know this and so they’re always bringing to market possible solutions that sound plausible. They know that all they have to do is create a shred of hope and they can make a sale. That’s why it’s best to tread lightly when evaluating any hair loss product, take the claims with a grain of salt, and research the active ingredients listed to see what the general consensus is.

The Claim
The makers of ScalpMed claim that they’re treating the cause of hair loss right at the source, which we’re guessing they’re saying is the scalp, since that is where the products are applied. They also say that you won’t need hair transplant surgery, wear a toupee, or experience any sexual side effects from using it. They say that they guarantee the results, but after further research it appears that you only get 30 days to try it out, not 60, and they only accept unopened packages, so you won’t get a refund on the products that you’ve tried.

The Hype
There’s always hype involved with products that say they fix hair loss. With this one they add to it by saying that their formula has been patented, which indeed checks out, but patents are for products that are unique and novel, not necessarily ones that work. Basically they’re selling Minoxidil mixed with other ingredients, so they’ll need to hype it up enough for people to think it’s going to give them different or better results than using Minoxidil.

The Cost
The cost is what raises the most concern. While ScalpMed might look tempting enough at the $25 price point, that’s only for a trial, and the

actual price is $80 for a one month supply. If you don’t call and cancel you’ll get billed for the trial, plus you’ll get sent additional product and charged for it at the normal retail price.

When you consider that you can get a three month supply of Rogaine foam for $50, and this is a formula that has been tested and retested and has a high efficacy rating among users, and contains the same active ingredient, it’s hard to justify spending an extra $63 for

The Commitment
They say that you’ll start to see results with this towards the end of the 60 days they recommend for the trial period, which seems rather convenient. You’ll also have to consider the long-term commitment because the results you get with this are not permanent, so you’ll need to keep using it as long as you want to maintain your appearance. You’re also committing to paying these prices if you continue on it for multiple months. While they do have a loyalty program that lowers the price after each consecutive purchase, their lowest price point still clocks in at several times the price of other options.

When considering whether to buy ScalpMed or not, it has to be the clear winner over other competing products promising similar results. In this regard they just don’t measure up, because they only make claims that are just like all the others. The product won’t do anything more spectacular than other Minoxidil products. It won’t work if you’re totally bald, it won’t work on frontal hair loss, and if you stop taking it your hair will start to fall out again. These are all features of Minoxidil use.

One aspect that might separate it from other products is that they say it won’t cause some of the side effects that are reported with other hair loss solutions. Namely they bring up the sexual side effects that have been reported with pharmaceutical drugs like Propecia. But Propecia is taken internally, is not a topical solution like ScalpMed, and does not use Minoxidil, it’s a totally different drug altogether. So the claim that you’re avoiding these types of side effects could be made by any distributor of a Minoxidil product.

Final ScalpMed Review

ScalpMed is getting the Thumbs Down due to its inexplicable price point. Because it contains Minoxidil it will work for those that respond well to Minoxidil. But regardless of whether it works or not, it’s still many times more expensive than other products that contain the same active ingredient. For that reason there’s no need to spend through the nose to try it out and see how well you like it, you can simply buy generic forms of Minoxidil or Rogaine and conduct the same experiment.

Our Recommendation
Since it’s unclear what all of the other ingredients are, and since we know that the main ingredient is Minoxidil, it makes better sense to simply use generic Minoxidil that can be purchased rather cheaply online. You’re just not going to beat Big Pharma to the solution for hair loss, so don’t worry about being left in the dark on the newest most exciting discovery to regrow hair. When it does hit, everyone will know about it the same way everyone found out about Viagra.

What do you think? Does ScalpMed work or not?

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  • I have an MD, and here's some medical facts:
    Hair loss is genetic, once you lost it, you wont get it back. all claims about regrowth are fault. Continuous use of Minoxidil products may help minor re-growth in some individuals on back of the scalp only, provided the hair follicles are still there.
    Even hair transplants are not permanent. You will still need to use Minoxidil to keep the transplanted hair or they too will fall after a couple of years or so, because the genetic factors that caused the your old hair to fall is still there. In fact, some honest doctors will recommend you to use Minoxidil after hair was transplanted.
    Hair cloning may be a solution but that is still decades away. Get used to it like I did and adapt a new life style. Once is gone, it's gone. You will come to same conclusion after spending lots of money on these products.

  • This product simply does not regrow hair. Please read all the reviews and you will discover that the claims to regrow hair are not researched with factual data.

  • Followed Directions to a T for the recommended 3 months. Nothing! In fact my wife tells me It seems I lost more hair on back of scalp. They say money back guarantee.... small print. "need to register and submit a pic each month" then submit for money back. I didn't do that. My loss. Hopefully not yours. I heard there is a law suite .... Don't know about it. Save your $$$$

  • I have been using ScalpMED for 5 months and my hair is growing back more than I ever thought it could. This stuff is the real deal!


  • ScalpMed seemed to work, and but reading the article it wasn't necessarily any better than generic minoxidil in the women's formula, so I'll try that for a while. When I trie minoxidil before I may not have given it enough time to work.

  • I had thinning on the top and my crown was starting to show. I have been using Scalp Med for about 5 months and my hair feels and looks a lot thicker. I also use the shampoo and it leaves my hair feeling really clean and shiny. I recommend it to anyone who is looking to try it.

  • Scalpmed does work! I used it before and immediately my barber noticed that I had hair growing in around the crown area. I didn’t notice any sexual side effects as I was always able to perform, something that always scared me away from rogaine. One thing I did notice ,at the start , was that my scalp would get a little itchy and red but again that was only at the beginning. If I had to rate it on results alone I would give it two thumbs up but since I have to take price into consideration as well, I give it a thumbs up and one down. Remember you have to pay that price for as long as you want those results to stay around. It is a big financial commitment , almost $900 a year is a significant chunk of change.

  • You guys are idiots. Just because it doesnt work for you doesnt mean its a bad product. My buddy uses this and its working for him. Its not going to happen overnight its gonna take at least 3-5 months, AND you have to use it. Skipping a day or not following the instructions yeah its not gonna work. I bet most of you dont even use this right. I bet my paycheck on it. This is what what friend does. Sprays that peppermint stuff on 2x a day along with one of the capsules. The two small bottles, he sprays on and leaves on for 5 min before he showers. He did that this way for about 4 months and his hair is growing back. It might not work for you, so what. Accept mother nature and move on.

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