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Does the Solar Camp Shower Really Work?

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With camping season rapidly approaching we have focussed our attention on a few posts on some great items to make that camping trip just a little more comfortable and friendly. This product is one of those amazingly thought out products that makes camping more enjoyable for even those who may not like the great outdoors.

The Solar Camp Shower is designed to make the excursions into the outdoors more palatable for those who prefer the comforts of home.

The Claim
The claim is that by using the Solar Camp Shower you are able to have a refreshing shower no matter where you may find yourself in the awesome countryside that North America has to offer the outdoors enthusiast.

The Hype
The hype surrounding this and products like this are simple, the more comfortable you can make your camping trip the more fun it will be over all. Additionally, there are some people who prefer to not camp because they miss regular things like showering for instance, and this lets them get in on the fun while still being able to adhere to the structure that they prefer

The Cost
The cost of the Solar Camp Shower is a low $17 . Great price for a very practical item.

The Commitment

Other than the commitment to keeping clean while in the bush there is really no commitment required for this item. You simply fill it when you are going to use it and then simply roll it up and pack it away for the next time. It takes up very little space in the backpack or the camping equipment storage bin and fits just about anywhere you want to store it.

The Solar Camp Shower is exactly what the name implies. A solar heated reservoir that holds up to 5 full gallons of water that you hang from a tree limb or other suitable structure for the purpose of showering when in the bush. You let the magnificent sun do its work heating the water and then use the on/off valve to let the warm water trickle down on the user. Obviously, when using any outdoor shower unit you cannot let the water run as you soap up, you should turn the water off when performing that chore and then turn back on when it is time to rinse off.

Final Solar Camp Shower Review

As we mentioned above, there are many among us who choose not to camp because they miss the comforts of home and the ability to properly stay clean is a big deterrent for many. This simple unit eliminates that excuse and makes the act of showering when in the bush that much easier to do. A great idea and great product over all.

Our Recommendation
The Solar Camp Shower does exactly what it says it will do and that is quite enough for us to give it two hearty thumbs up. The fact that may get more people to put aside their excuses and hit the outdoors is just an added bonus! For another great camping product check out this grill.

What do you think? Does the Solar Camp Shower work or not?

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