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Do Style Snaps Really Work?

5/5 - (1 vote)

Do Style Snaps really work?Do Style Snaps really work?Style Snaps promise to be able to give you a perfect hem in just a few minutes, rather than breaking out the sewing machine, or cuffing them. The way they propose this is by using plastic snaps stuck to the inside of your pant leg with a reusable adhesive. If hems are something that you’re fed up with, you’re probably on the fence as to the effectiveness of this system.

Style Snaps are made by the same company that makes Trendy Top, so we came into this review with an open mind, since Trendy Top is a product we liked and rated highly. As soon as we saw what Style Snaps were about though, we quickly had our doubts and wondered if a product like this could actually work as it’s shown to on the infomercial.

The Claim
They claim that there is no sewing, no ironing, and no gluing involved. All you have to do is peel the backing off of the plastic snap, stick it to your pants where you want the hem to be, and then snap the two sides together, which pulls your pant bottom up, creating the desired effect. They also say that they use a special adhesive that lets you adjust, remove and reapply, and that is safe to use on fabrics.

They say that with their system you can change your hem just as often as you change your shoes, because with varying shoe heights it makes it hard to keep your pants from hitting the ground. For example, if you change from heels to pumps you’re going to need to change the hem of your pants, and sometimes you’re going to want no hem at all, if you’re wearing tall enough heels.

The Hype
The hype is that most of us have come up with a fix or a workaround for hemming our pants, either cuffing them up or buying the right size. The entire pitch is all about creating enough value to get us to justify spending the money to hem our pants.

The Cost
For $26 you’ll get double the amount of Style Snaps as you would normally get. This is because the offer is buy one get one free, just pay shipping offer, and that’s how you get to $26 from $10. Confusion can arise during the ordering process if you don’t realize that you’re not just buying one set, even if the quantity says one. You’re buying one double set, so don’t be surprised when it arrives and there are two sets.

The Commitment
You have to commit to actually installing the Style Snaps, which is not quite as easy as they make it look in the infomercial. Let’s be honest, things are never as easy as they are in the infomercial, nor is the situation as dire as they make it seem. Yes, hems are hard to put into pants and it can be annoying changing between shoes, but it’s not the end of the world and we’ve managed to survive this long with our current methods.

Most times a company makes claims about a special adhesive, we cringe. It’s true that we live in a Space Age sort of world nowadays, so it sounds like reusable adhesive is something we should have mastered by now, but we just haven’t. That’s why we were a bit skeptical about their claims of an amazing adhesive that can stay stuck on fabric for as long as you want it there, and then pull of the fabric and re-stick to a different fabric, without leaving a mark.

How would the adhesive know when it’s supposed to stick and when it’s supposed to come off? And how could it not leave a sticky residue behind that draws dirt and hair to it, essentially marring your clothes? The answer, as it turns out, is that it can’t. Products like these are made overseas and for as little expense as possible, so this is far from an adhesive breakthrough, and likely the lowest cost adhesive they could find that somewhat does its job.

Final Style Snaps Review

The overwhelming majority of people say to save your money because Style Snaps don’t work. They’re getting our Thumbs Down review, based on the consensus that the adhesive is not reusable, and it doesn’t even stick to clothing the way it should.

Our Recommendation
Pass on the Style Snaps. This is one they got wrong, and the adhesive is not as magical as they claim it is. As someone that can relate to this problem, I really wanted this product to work. I’m going on a personal mission to find a hem solution that actually works. I’ll update this page with a link to our review of a product that can fix your pant leg problem once and for all.

What do you think? Does Style Snaps work or not?

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  • I can see why people would like an easy solution to hemming pants, because who has time for that, but jeans look really cute when you roll them at the bottom and leave a little cuff. And other fancier pants are worth investing the time to hem because it will look a whole lot nicer than a bulky rolling snap solution. I can imagine these coming off and messing up your look by ending up uneven and weird. I'm not surprised they don't really work. Either flaunt the cute cuff or invest in hemming your pants. It will look a lot better than a weird snap thingy, I think.

  • I am so so bummed that this product has an overall poor review. I am that short woman that can never find pants that are short enough for her little legs. Every time I am in the market for a new pair of pants I always add a tailor's fee on top of the initial cost because I simply can't skip the hemming. I could sew up the hems on my own but I simply don't have the time. I was really hoping that the Style Snaps could be my dream come true, both saving me the money and hassle.

  • :( I got so excited when I saw these....I was wondering why I hadn't heard of them before. I guess because they don't do what they're supposed to, as I see from all the negative reviews. I could certainly use a product like this...being just over 5 feet, almost nothing fits me, and I end up having to pay expensive prices for petite-sized jeans and pants. Even maxi skirts always drag on the ground for me. I've tried hemming them myself before, but they never turn out right. I wish there was a product like this that worked!

  • I couldn’t wait until my Style Snaps arrived in the mail. I get so tired of hemming my son’s pants. I thought this is going to make life so much easier for me. Was I fooled! The Style Snaps are easy to attach to pants, the company is right about that, but what they don’t mention is they fall right off after walking for a short time. If they would’ve worked I would have been a loyal customer to them for life, but it just didn’t work for us. It can’t be the jeans as they claim it works great on jeans too. Oh well, back to sewing.

  • What an awesomely cool site. THX for all your honest reviews and articles.

    This review in particular save me some money and some heartache. After seeing this online I thought would be a cool functional solution to quick hemming problems but guess not. Oh well… will keep looking… what’s the point of holding on to Style Snaps if they don’t work!

  • In short: No, this does not work. First, the area I used these at ended up bulky. Secondly, they fell off while I was out and about. For lighter-weight fabrics, double sided tape is a better option.
    It is a nifty concept. With a little tweaking by the manufacturer, this could be a great product. Until then, save your money, buy sewing lessons, and tailor your own clothes.

  • It's a great idea, but it's an idea that fails i'm afraid. I was delighted when i found these as i'm in between leg lengths so most of my trousers need hemming. This i was hoping would be my quick fix solution - but it's just not strong enough and they end up falling down. back to the sewing machine for me

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