Categories: Weight Loss & Fitness

Does the Venus Factor Really Work?

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Everyone that wants to lose weight will quite often try many different resources, as some of these weight loss programs work for some and not for others. Today we are looking at the Venus Factor to see what kind of results it is getting.

The Venus Factor is a weight loss program that is just applicable to weight loss for women. It is brought to the market by John Barben. His credentials regarding weight loss focus around his consultation involvement with designing top brand weight loss supplements. However, the Venus Factor is not supplement orientated. The success of this program revolves around what is being considered as the master hormone regarding weight which is Leptin.

The Claim
The website supporting this product is extremely detailed in its offering of information as to why the Venus Factor is successful. It gives the facts supporting its claim where weight loss begins almost immediately, and should stay off once the weight loss goals have been reached. In addition there are many different before and after photos which do look impressive, however you will have to form your own opinion on these. The entire focus of this weight reduction program relates to where on your body you need to burn the fat the most.

The Hype
The hype really addresses a concern that many women with a weight problem have, which is knowing that they are not able to address their weight loss issues the same as men. Plus two other big concerns are not being able to lose weight quickly, and then once they do manage to shed the pounds keeping it off. Both of these issues have been well talked about in the Venus Factor presentation. Something else that really appeals to the women viewing this product is that it refers to being able to enjoy the smaller dress sizes which is another big issue with weight problems.

The Cost
No doubt you are going to see many different types of offers throughout the internet but to save time and confusion you can buy the product directly from the Venus Factor website for around $47. depending on where you are ordering from.

The Commitment
All of the marketing material makes it very clear that you will have to follow the program which is called the 12 week fat loss system step by step. It doesn’t seem like there will be any shortcuts, and they make it clear this is not a magic bullet for shedding pounds. You are going to have to start with the determination that you are really ready to give this program a try and finish it through from start to finish before deciding whether it works or not. While the program indicates that you can still eat the foods you like don’t be mislead into thinking that there won’t be exercise involved, because there is.

As with most weight loss systems there is always some unique term that is zeroed in on and is the answer as to why that particular system works. In this case the buzz word is leptin. So lets do a recap of the indicators that are present that could very well make the Venus Factor a truly successful weight loss program. First, it is being introduced by John Barben who has some impressive credentials in the world of weight loss. The approach of the program makes sense because women’s bodies are different than mens so it would make sense their weight loss efforts have to be different. The indication that women may have twice the resistance to Leptin really supports why targeting the right time to make use of this natural hormone of the body would work. When you consider the high price of many other weight loss programs it is really reasonable.

Final Venus Factor Review

After much analysis we are going to give the Venus Factor a thumbs/up rating. Not because we believe that every single person that buys it is going to shedding every single excess pound that they want. Our rating is based on the solid approach to weight loss for women and supports the fact that women are different to men, therefore need a different approach.

Our Recommendation
If you find after further review of Leptin that it really makes good sense then you can also check out our review on the LeptiBurn which takes a different approach to making Leptin work in regards to weight loss. Overall though, we like the fact that with the Venus Factor you are not relying on any type of supplement to achieve the results that may be waiting for you.

Official Website: Venus Factor

What do you think? Does the Venus Factor work or not?

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