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Does the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle Really Work?

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There are so many things that we need to carry with us whenever we go out that it creates the need for some sort of carrying device such as a purse or wallet. But what about those times when you only want to carry a few small items like some money or your keys? What adds to the problem is your don’t have any pockets. The solution is the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle.

The Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle looks just like a water bottle but the bottom of it is designed so you can stash your valuables.

The Claim
The promoters of the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle claim that this is made from a real water bottle. It is basically comprised of two compartments. The top section which holds water like any water bottle, then the bottom section which acts as the safe for your valuables.

The Hype
The hype around Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle is that it is so unique and convenient. It is so well designed that one would be hard pressed to determine this was not just an average water bottle.

The Cost
For the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle you can expect to pay $13.65. However the label on the bottle may differ depending on what promotion the makers are running at the time.

The Commitment
The commitment for using the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle is really going to come down to whether you are comfortable using an item such as this. If so, then you will have to remember to keep the bottle with you at all times.

While the concept of the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle is unique and innovative the big concern is what if you or someone else happens to toss the bottle out? It can easily happen if you set the bottle down. Otherwise you have to make absolutely sure that you hold onto the bottle at all times. The other scenario is if you are c

arrying a bag or purse you can always keep the water bottle in it. In this case it makes far more sense to use the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle. This way if someone were to go through your bag they wouldn’t think that your water bottle was holding your valuables.

Final Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle Review

We are going to give the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle a Try/Buy. As said our biggest concern is it getting tossed out by accident with your valuables in it. However, it is quite a popular product. There are several others very similar to this on the market so you do have some choices in style.

Our Recommendation
If you are thinking that you would like to try the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle then just remember to stay alert about what you have stashed in it. In today’s world we are all about security. This is just one form of protecting your valuables to give you security when on the go. Another form of security is that which we use around the home like the Superswitch.

What do you think? Does the Aquafina Water Bottle Diversion Safe Can Stash Bottle work or not?

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