Categories: Fitness

Does Body for Life Really Work?

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Does Body for Life really work?Does Body for Life really work?Body for Life was created by Bill Phillips, and started off as a best-selling book. It has an accompanying website that offers videos, and other information to help you get started, and also shows before and after pictures of success stories. With so many workout programs out there, it’s hard to know which ones are legit and which ones to avoid. In this report, we’ll tell you whether or not BFL is something to get started with.

Body for Life involves taking a three-headed approach to turning your body into something new. The first step is to get your eating under control by following the dietary guidelines outlined in the book, and simplified on the website with an authorized food list. the second step is weight training, following the specific lifting methods and exercises shown in the book. The third step is cardio training, but not like anything you’ve ever done before.

When combined, these three techniques synergize in your body doesn’t have much of a choice but to succumb to your weight loss, fat burning, strength-improving new habits.

The Claim
Body for Life claims that you can get a brand-new body in 84 days, following their 12 week program. You basically start on a Monday with weight training and following their eating method of six meals a day. The next day you do a cardio workout, and of course still follow the eating plan. You go like this back and forth through the week all the way through Saturday. Sunday is your three-day when you don’t do any exercise, and you eat whatever you want, in whatever quantity you want.

The Hype
The hype mostly comes from the before and after pictures of the success stories they have showcased at the website. It shows many people that have gone from fat and flabby to fabulous. The reason this is hype is because most of these people combined lots of different weight loss strategies, supplements, diet pills, and extra exercise in addition to following the Body for Life method. They also use other tactics like shaving their hairy bodies, and tanning their pastey white skin. All of this gives the illusion that they made a major transformation just following the Body for Life book.

The Cost
Getting started with the Body for Life program is pretty low cost. You can find the book from a used bookstore very cheaply, or purchase a new from online retailers. You can also get started just by visiting the website. Of course, the people behind Body for Life would prefer it if you used their supplements, and prepackaged meal bars, in addition to Myoplex after your workouts. But you don’t have to use the supplements in order to take part in the challenge or get started.

The Commitment
The quote that Body for Life used to make about their 12 week challenge was that “finishers win, and winners finish”. You definitely have to be committed to staying with the program, because some of your most dramatic results will happen at the eighth, ninth and 10th week.

After completing a Body for Life challenge, I can definitely say that it works. I followed the system to the letter for 12 full weeks, and even got the T-shirt. My sister said that she couldn’t believe how skinny I had gotten, and I definitely went down a few pant sizes. While I didn’t have the striking results that are shown in the before-and-after pictures, like six pack abs or big fat deposits disappearing, I also didn’t start off being extremely overweight so the results weren’t as jaw-dropping.

The Book
Bill Phillips does a good job of getting you excited enough to start a big journey like this. He focuses a lot of attention on your mental state, and he lets you know what it takes to make a big leap into the unknown like this. He’s a good success coach that really helps you get prepared, and many of the tips and strategies can be applied to other areas of your life. For example, if you’re in business there are many similarities between changing your physical body, as well as your work performance. You’ll have a clearer mind, and be able to achieve goals in other areas of your life as well.

Training For Life
The workout system is solid, because if you don’t know anything about lifting weights it teaches you the proper form and a good technique on how to build muscle. It says that you should start off with a lighter weight and do 12 reps. Then gradually increase the weight as you do 10, 8, and 6 reps at a heavy weight.

Aerobics Solution
With this cardio technique you won’t spend 40 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical machine and be bored out of your mind. It’s 20 minutes flat and the effects last for the next 24 hours. You start off with a warm up, and then gradually build up to your peak, before bringing it back down again. Repeat this 3 times and then give it all you’ve got for the last minute. Then you spend another minute cooling down and you’re done.

Eating for Life
The eating system is not hard to follow, but it is hard to create six different meals for yourself in one day. Most people end up supplementing a few meals with meal replacement

shakes, and I went with Myoplex as is recommended and promoted by the book. My cousin tried the same program, and he did it without using any supplements. You basically combine a carb and a protein at each meal. Toss in some veggies at one of your meals, and you’re all set.

Final Body for Life Review

There’s no denying that you’ll definitely see results by following the Body for Life system as outlined in the book by Bill Phillips. There’s just no way that you can’t. It involves eating fewer calories and burning more calories both at the same time, while building muscle which increases your metabolic rate. The end result is you be burning calories 24/7, even while you sleep.

Our Recommendation
Body for Life was good for its time, but since then Bill Phillips has moved on to his most recent endeavor which is Transformation. He has taken the best that what works for Body for Life, and expanded on it to include other areas of your life like your mental state, and your spiritual side. That’s why we recommend going with Transformation, instead of Body for Life. You’ll still be able to get that body you’ve always wanted, but you’ll also have a happier life all around as well.

What do you think? Does Body for Life work or not?

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  • I love Bill Phillips!
    I followed Body for life when it was first released and it changed my life!
    I dropped a truck load of weight and am now really proud of my body.

    I've just ordered his new 'Transformation' which i'll be using to take myself to the next level and really build myself an impressive body but also tone up my brain and mental strength at the same time :)

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