5/5 - (8 votes)

Does Navage Work?Does Navage Work?Along with the cold weather often comes some health issues and one of these can be sinus congestion. So will a product like Navage bring you some much needed relief?

Navage is a product that allows you to rely on nose irrigation for that plugged up nasal feeling rather than having to totally rely on nose sprays or medications. The difference is with this nose irrigation system you are relying on gentle suction to help remove some of the built up congestion in this area. With other systems you are required to push the saline solution through your nose. The Navage system still requires the use of a saline solution.

The Claim
The promoters claim that they are the world’s only nasal irrigator that uses gentle powered suction. They say it is clinically proven to relieve sinus congestion. They are indicating that with regular irrigating of your nose that you will end up breathing much better.

The Hype
They are focusing on the easy use of the Navage and the fact that it takes very little time to prepare it for use. Their buzz words are safe and convenient, fast and effective.

The Cost
You have to purchase the Salt Pod 30 pak which costs $9.95 in order to get the Navage for the price of $29.95. They are indicating that the normal

price of the unit is $59.95. There is a price chart for the salt pods available in the promo material,which should be looked at carefully. The $9.95 price is only applicable if you are purchase in groups of 6 30 paks at a time.

The Commitment
The promoters are indicating that to get optimum results you need to use the Navage on a regular basis. You will find these indications in their explanation of nose irrigation, and it is evident in at least one of the testimonies.

Nobody enjoys having a stuffy nose, and a testimony to this is the significant sales that are made for other types of remedies for this problem.One of the most common and unpleasant cause of the stuffed up nose is sinus problems. In the past we talked about a product called Sinus Survival. Some people even end up with headaches as a result of their sinuses acting up.

Final Navage Review

We are going to give the Navage a Try/Buy rating. Not everyone likes the thought of nose irrigation. For those that have to deal with a stuffed up nose whether it be from sinus or allergies some are ready to try anything that could give them some relief and they prefer not to have to use medications for this. The one big factor with Navage is that you are restricted as to what kind of saline solution you can use in order to get the best results from the unit. It is indicated that it will only work with the Company recommended Salt Pods that they offer.

Our Recommendation
Any time that you are something with any type of health issue it is always first recommended that you seek out the advice of your health care provider. Once other potential problems of your stuff nose is ruled out by these professionals then you can discuss with them the merits of performing at home nose irrigation. If they approve then you may want to consider the Navage.

What do you think? Does Navage work or not?

View Comments

  • I bought the unit and starter kit using a 40% off coupon for any one item at CVS. It was a good purchase. While it took some getting used to, daily use has opened my nasal passages making breathing through my nose possible again.
    One tip is for CVS customers to look for discount coupons that can be used to buy the unit and the saline packs.

  • The Navage system is fantastic. Had been to 3 eye, ear nose and throat doctors and they couldn't determine why I mwas having such sinus problems. I purchased the Navage about a month ago and my sinuses have calmed down and I have stopped sneezing all day long.
    My wife has also said that I seem to be a quieter sleeper not snoring as much. This is one of those TV ad products that really work!!!!!!

  • I finally watched a video on how to use the Navage. I've had issues with sinuses for years. I've tried all the nasal irrigation product but I didn't like that fact that if you bent down 10 minutes later water flooded out of your nose. This is painless, weird at first but then you feel absolutely nothing as it works it's magic. I truly believe it shortened the duration of my last cold

  • How about the fact that the lady is an employee and I heard maybe even the wife of the founder and the medical doctor that is also in the commercials (Levine) and recommends the product is on their board. This is so deceitful the FTC should look into it. No wonder he was kicked out of congress what a sham

  • This is the best..I have sinus infections..living in hot weather climate..I bought the navage..boy I can breathe..I love this product..but I am not using tap water..it really works and I feel the difference right away..

  • All I wanted was to read reviews and some people have to add politics to something that sucks mucus out of your nose.....geez, the world of people really suck when you can't even get a review on a product without dealing with the crazies!!!

  • After I used this product, I started getting scabs just inside my nostril area. The suction pulls the fluid out, and apparently it wasn’t well received inside my nose. I do have particularly small nostrils. I’ve gotten the flu and a severe virus 🦠 for the first time in a decade. I think with the broken skin I became way more susceptible to infection. I did really like how much sinuses were cleaned out, but don’t want to chance the tears it caused.

  • I came on this sight to learn about a product that might help me with a serious problem, not listen to you sniveling liberals who are still crying over loosing an election and as usual are more concerned about your personal political bias, than helping someone in need and what’s good for the country. Thanks to everyone who gave an honest review.

  • Only one "president" that I've been alive to see and feel the effects of could divide our country so thoroughly. I'm guessing billionaires dont leave many reviews for garbage products, so the faceless folks supporting that cretin are likely racist(stupid), stupid(stupid), or a combo of both(dangerous). Hes a horrible creature, and great again could only refer to when slavery and unequal rights for women was the norm. If only he could become dictator... you know he'd have such a glorious gold throne. Buy stuff you like and need. Rich scumbags are a dime a dozen and they sell all sorts of trash. But make a tiny difference and buy some stuff locally this year- and dont get in a fight over Sam walton's deep discounts

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