Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping is a system designed to identify, or “map”, the areas of your feet that receive the most pressure when you are standing, and therefore, experience the most discomfort and/or pain.
These systems or “kiosks” then provide you with a report that recommends which Dr. Scholl’s custom orthotic insert is right for you. This recommendation is based on the specific pressure pattern, type of arch, and length of your feet.
The technology of the kiosk provides you with a “custom” fit. It can be expected that you will then be able to obtain a product specific to your needs, as opposed to a “one size fits all” product, which, let’s face it, seldom if ever “fits all”.
Removes the guesswork
It also helps to eliminate the potential of choosing the wrong product, which may end up resulting in making the issue you are trying to resolve worse instead of better.
Since Dr. Scholl’s Custom Orthotics is such a well known and popular brand, most stores that carry them also now have a Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping kiosk onsite.
Also, you can do an internet search for “dr Scholl’s custom orthotics kiosk near me”, and you should be provided with a list of stores near you where you can find a kiosk.
Anyone who has trouble with their feet, and is looking for a reasonably quick and easy solution to their issue would benefit from using a Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping kiosk.
Common foot problems include:
These things can make even simple tasks seem like a huge burden so having the right orthotic would be a huge benefit, and the Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping kiosk can certainly help to identify the correct orthotic for you.
Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping approach has been created to give a customized orthotic insert recommendation after you stand on the kiosk platform for the specified time.
This sort of analytical approach to correcting foot problems is not something that is new; however, Dr. Scholl’s is the first company to make it available in-store, so you don’t have to visit an orthotics specialist.
The Hype
Dr. Scholl’s is definitely proud of their product line, as is obvious from their marketing approach, which certainly ensures widespread awareness of the brand and the product line.
The promotional ads for their custom-fit line of products gets its fair share of TV time, and are featured front and centre on their official site.
This would seem to indicate their faith in the accuracy of their FootMapping technology, and their recommended product, which they are then hoping translates into customer satisfaction and widespread recommendations from current users to any number of potential new customers.
That is one of the great things about this system, there is no cost involved in using a Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping kiosk.
The only time a cost is incurred is when you decide to accept the recommendation that has been provided to you and actually purchase the custom orthotics that have been recommended to you. The average cost of these custom orthotic inserts is about $45.
This option is far less expensive than going to an orthotics specialist. The only question is will they provide the same relief that you would get from the orthotics made by a specialist. Or would some type of foot treatment be of greater benefit?
There really is no commitment. It only takes a few minutes to get your recommendation. And, you don’t have to wait to get your orthotic inserts, provided the one recommended to you is in stock.
Dr. Scholl’s has been around for years and they’ve developed a dedicated customer following. They have continued to improve on existing customer favorites as well as develop new products.
They do not take their popularity for granted but are always striving to use new technology to ensure they are providing the best product possible to their customers.
Compared to a general one-size-fits-all insert, this system definitely does a good job of ensuring you get the insert that is right for you.
Final Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping Assessment
There are many that have used the Dr. Scholl’s Footmapping system and are thoroughly impressed with it. Then there are some in the professional world that don’t believe that the mapping is authentic.
They provide some solid facts as to why this may not be the case. However, it doesn’t seem to address those who have had great success with the system.
The bottom line is you have to be the judge. Keeping in mind that using the Footmapping device is free. It’s only when you go to buy the orthotics that you will have put up some money.
Bridging the gap
This system does a good job of bridging the gap between the quick and easy one-size-fits-all option, and the time consuming and expensive option of going to a professional might be eliminated.
The option
Although the custom fit inserts are more expensive than their original product, they are also better suited to the customer’s need, and therefore worth the additional cost.
If you have had a Dr. Scholls footmapping experience why not share the details with us.
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View Comments
I'm a housekeeper, at the time that I purchased this product I was working as a housekeeper in a motel type setting. I spent 10+ hours a day on my feet. I was in so much pain after working all day that the drive home made me thank God for cruise control cuz my poor feet were spent & any amount of pressure was more than I could bare.
I stood on the machine, got my diagnosis, hesitated at the price tag but ultimately the 100% guaranteed money back convinced me. I had nothing to lose. And lose I did not. The very 1st day I wore them... I knew I found the real thing. I advocate for them strongly. I tell everyone who ever talks about feet in front of me. I say buy buy buy. They certainly changed my life. I'm a solid believer & eternally grateful I walked by that kiosk that day.
Absolutely the best, better than my podiatrist gave me. I have used number 230 for 4 years
My wife and son both tried the Dr. Scholls machine and the inserts and raved about them. I've had lower back problems for over 20 years. It's worse when I have to stand for long hours on concrete, and that's where I spend most of my time.
Since purchasing these inserts I have no lower back pain. They really have made a tremendous impact on my daily quality of life.
I went to the kiosk at Shoppers Home Care at Lawrence and McCowan in Scarborough and used the foot mapping system. I thought it read CF 120. I had other purchasers and I could not really remember whether it was CF 120 or 110. Today I went there and used the machine and it gave me CF 110.
The package was not opened and they would not exchange. Is there a bi difference between these two,if not, I will use the CF 120, otherwise I may need an exchange. Incidentally about a year ago the machine revealed CF 220 and I am using them which seems ok. Now I am really confused! Should I try the machine again. What is your suggestion?
I tried Yorkie us it says I'm flat footed but my orthopedic doctor says I need specially fitted Prosthetics because my Arch is so high that many shoes won't fit at all intended it so bad that without them it makes me flat-footed so your product and your machines are useless
I am halfway through a 12-week recovery from a tendon sprain. I’m not wearing a cast or boot in order to be able to use a pool for exercise. My ortho said my goal will be to eventually wear a firm/rigid arch support orthotic, but during this healing period, due to the pain, I may need to use less rigid support. I tried the inexpensive supports and they didn’t help. So I tried the kiosk analysis and the vivid pressure zones shown on the screen certainly matched my foot pain. So I bought these and went online and submitted the online $10 rebate request. They feel much better than the inexpensive ones. Each day they feel more helpful. They are not as firm/rigid as the ones I will eventually use, but they are very helpful right now. They are providing support and cushioning in places that are different than the less expensive ones I was guessing at, so the analysis seems accurate. I used the kiosk on a day when my feet really hurt. The surface covering is much more comfortable on these also. I recommend them. I noticed that online Dr Scholls now offers a 3D analysis as an alternative to the kiosk. I already knew (from my ortho) the structural characteristics of my feet and wear the shoes for my particular feet and gait. What I needed and got was some additional comfortable support.
I paid over 50.00 and my feet still hurt just as bad as they did before.
I’ve had a problem with my feet hurting when I walk most of my adult life. 2 days ago I went to Walmart and did that dr shouls foot machine thing and it gave me custom orthotics for my shoes. I walked all day around the amusement park and could walk another 10 hours if I need to these things are awesome if you have any foot pain at all.
I was having foot pain for about seven years I went to a foot doctor and she made custom insoles which cost 500 dollars never helped one bit which I thought was terrible so last week while at Costco I decided to try the foot mapping machine the machine recommended 440 for my feet I purchased them and boy what a difference at the end of the day I had no tingling in my feet I can say that the foot mapper really works and is a lot cheaper than 500 dollars thanks doctor scholls
There's one in the Costco in Sudbury, Ontario.