Categories: Fitness

Does the Flex Belt Really Work to Get a Flat Tummy?

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Does the Flex Belt really work?Does the Flex Belt really work?Flex Belt represents the ultimate in the lazy person’s attempt to six pack abs. Wanting to get fit without committing to a workout program is understandable, but believing in it to the point of purchasing it might be a fault.

These types of devices have been around for a long time. The more technology advances, the more consumers believe that they could possibly be effective, and affordably priced.

The Claim
Strap on the Flex Belt and let it do its thing. It will send electrical charges that will repeatedly activate your abdominal muscles, eliminating the need for you to do crunches or any other type of ab workout.

The Hype
The hype comes in the form of the promise at six pack abs by using the Flex Belt alone. This is evident in the negative consumer reviews that can be found by people that were delusional enough to think that all they had to do was use the Flex Belt and they would get six pack abs.

These kinds of products will always be around, and will probably become more and more popular in the future. Perhaps at one point there will be a machine that will work out your muscles with no effort needed, and another machine that will burn fat, and a pill that will make you lose weight. At that point everyone on the planet will look like they are pulled from a fitness magazine. That may be the future, but whether it’s a good or bad thing it’s not a current reality.

The Cost
The Flex Belt is a whopping $200 and for something that sends electrical impulses into your body you wouldn’t want to bargain shop. Common complaints are that the pads wear out quite easily, forcing you to purchase replacement pads. This would increase the cost of the device considerably, if you used it repeatedly.

The Commitment
Other than the price of the Flex Belt, all you have to do is use it as instructed and you’ll be on your way to a flat, sexy midsection.

Low-commitment weight-loss and muscle-building products usually enjoy some initial success in the market. They only need to have a shred of believability for them to be marketable. It does seem almost believable that Flex Belt could work, and this will lead many to whip out their credit card.

Many customers have reported at least an initial success when using Flex Belt. This is because it does do something. It will send the electrical charges into your gut and you will feel you abdominal muscles contract. It will be the same sort of feeling you get when you do a crunch or a sit up.

When you’re finished with a session, you might even feel that you did do a full set of abdominal exercises. You might even be sore the next day.

The biggest set back that most people are reporting is that they didn’t get the results promised from the ad on TV or on the website. They didn’t get a six pack from using the machine. This is because of the advertising used, and the false expectations it creates.

Getting a six pack requires extremely low levels of body fat. In almost all cases there likely is a perfectly formed six pack residing under a beer gut.

Our Final Flex Belt Review

It doesn’t not work, it just doesn’t work to the level that people expect, and isn’t a substitute for natural exercises like crunches, sit-ups, and other training.

Our Recommendation

The Flex Belt will not help you lose weight, and most people already have a well-defined abdominal wall. The problem is you can’t see it through the layer of fat in the way. Since it doesn’t help you burn fat you won’t see any progress unless you combine it with aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

The type of person that would be interested in shocking their abs into submission probably doesn’t have the sort of will power to stick to a diet and exercise regiment rigorous to get down to the 8% body fat or lower that it takes to get a visible six pack. Learn to love the abs you have, and rid yourself of the unrealistic goal of having six pack abs.

Best Alternative to the Flex Belt: The Diet Solution Program

What do you think? Does the Flex Belt really work?

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  • Okay, so here is my plan. I just ordered this Flex Belt and hope to have it by the end of next week. My goal with it is just to tone my core, possibly shave a little off my waistline, and hopefully increase my metabolism a little. If my pants get even a little looser, that will be a win as far as I am concerned. I plan to take before pics, and then some after pics in the 5th week. I am in average shape and have a bit of a pasta pouch. I eat healthy, and do some fast paced walking most days - but that's about it for exercise.

    I plan on sharing my 100% honest opinion on this product thread, good or bad. I don't think I can post pictures here, but maybe I can find a creative way to get them to anyone who might be interested.

    It's hard to know what to think with the range of reviews here, but I really must try it for MYSELF to know for sure if it's for me.

    Wish me luck!

    Also, for the record, I am a 49 year old female and I consider myself about 20 pounds overweight.

  • The controller failed after less then one month. The process to have the part replaced was extremely cumbersome and disappointing. They would not replace the so called "warranted" parts without first going through a very drawn out process. Troubleshooting then charger replacement, than batter replacement, than filing a formal product complaint, then assessment of parts after sending it back. Each step requiring a troubleshooting session and one week of mailing back and forth parts for each individual step. I am already two weeks into the process and anticipate about 6 more weeks to go through the back and forth process of unplugging and re-plugging. I purchased this item to use now, not wait months to "possibly" get something that may be functional one day (who knows?). Very poor warranty process and service.

  • I bought the belt in the spring and it actually did work for me. I lost about 40 pounds and got in the best shape ive been in in 20 years. I did have to change and ignore some of the instructions. I use the belt about 6-8 hours a day on max, including when I sleep and drive - (told not to do that but I do.)
    I have found that when I use it for an extended amount of time that it reduces my appetite, strengthens my stomach muscles and makes me feel over all much better. I actually love the belt, you do have to make it part of your day. when you don't use is you will start sliding back , same as when you stop working out. If anything it could use an increase in top power but I give it a 2 thumbs up

  • Thank you @Guy Smith @Julie @Makeety Makondo @Judah!!!! I am interested in getting the Flex Belt because I can't really do crunches since I hurt my back. It's pretty clear that it is not a weight loss device, I mean I looked at all of their videos and reading reviews everywhere (other than here, why only 2 stars though?? Not sure they actually tried it?) I mean I can't even comprehend how someone in this review could think this would burn fat? Anyway, I am looking for something to help me tone my abs and I know this works for that, WHICH IS A LOT. One last thing just to make things fair, this review also says the price is $200. What???? This is not really accurate with the times, because there are deals to be had. I've easily seen $50 off and more on facebook for the flex belt. Good luck everyone!

    • I got the Flex Belt and it has helped make my abs and also my back stronger. It is a great additional aid in a workout regimen. I do recommend it. It is kinda pricey but well worth it. They do have sales. I got mine for $130.

  • I have a Flex Belt and I know it works. Does it burn fat? No. It also doesn't do my laundry or drive my kids to school, because that's not what it's for. You don't go into a gym and criticize the bicep curl machine because it doesn't strengthen your legs or help you lose weight. You seem like the type of person that would hate someone without ever having spoken to them.

    The technology has been around for a really long and is in physical therapist and weight training facilities all over the world. It works and there's no doubting this - it's a fact.

    I do olympic lifting and we have chains, resistance bands, and stim devices that we use for our legs to help increase our squat strength. The flex belt works but if it's sitting under your clothes on the treadmill you bought last January, it won't. I don't believe anybody that says it doesn't work has used it.

    It seems pretty clear that the author of this "review" doesn't have any experience with weight training. My abs are very visible and I am 20% body fat, not 8%.

    I had doctors tell me not to lift, tell me how to lift, and tell me how often, but none of them had any experience with it and therefore were giving bad advice. Stick to what you know from experience folks

    It's pretty clear that all the author is trying to do is crap on this product without ever tying it and is just trying to get readers.

    I read the Nordictrack post and I didn't see anything negative about them having fit people on their website and how they are misleading people. Am I missing something? You don't get mad at the gym if you don't have the muscle definition you want when you haven't been there consistently.

  • I'm a little dissapointed by your 100% negative review...the advertising promises may be rediculous but the technology is legit. Not everyone can do crunches and such for reasons you are not giving consideration to. Being overweight is a whole other subject. Sometimes people need a little help like the car you drive with power steering or the TV channels you change via remote. You can drive without that power steering but are you less of a person because you use it. Calling people derogetory names is kinda lacking on your part....

    I used the original belt version not because I'm lazy or too stupid to know any better or whatever other happy little thought crossed your mind I had a back issue and walking wasn't enough. It helped and I saw a difference and that's what counts.

    This is another way to see the basis for the belts ability:

    Electric stimulation therapy is a therapeutic treatment that applies electrical stimulation in treating muscle spasms and pain. It can help prevent atrophy and build strength in patients with injuries. It is also helpful in keeping muscles active especially after any type spinal cord injury or strokes. Physical therapists and other medical practitioners attach electrodes on the patient’s skin, causing the target muscles to contract. With electric stimulation, the patient can maintain muscle tone and strength that would otherwise waste away due to lack of usage. Electric stimulation works by mimicking the natural way by which the body exercises its muscles. The electrodes attached to the skin deliver impulses that make the muscles contract. It is beneficial in increasing the patient’s range of motion and improves the circulation of the body.

  • Brought flexbelt 2wks ago used it got up to 70 impulse placed it under belly button area first two felt great could feel the workout as though I did actually sit-up week 3 before I put it on I had thanksgiving week rest period----/today I put it on same area my abdomen went into immediatel Charlie horse so I lower it to 50 same results then around 30 I just took it off and now I'm Leary Charlie horse really hurt any comments?

  • Thanks for giving us clear, realistic overview of this product. You're right , there's no substitute to diet, exercise, some pre disposed genetics to get the 6 pack eveyone so desired. I noticed that the models or people who are giving positive feedbacks are people who really ARE in excelled form. They have very low body fat already!!!! But for an average Joe who doesn't get to the gym full time, diet are not on point...this will just be a disappointment, waste of you're hard earned money. To see 6 pack muscles is dedication, hard work and low caloric deficit. .no magic pill ,belt, , teas or some sort.

  • Calling customers "delusional" seems unnecessarily insulting and hostile, "naive" would be more appropriate... Except the product has mostly very good reviews on Amazon. Where are all these negative reviews? lol

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