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Are You Ready For A Ghostly Encounter With Ghost Radar Classic?

2.5/5 - (2 votes)

To understand what Ghost Radar Classic is all about, you first have to be curious whether paranormal experiences actually exist, what they are, or can they all be explained through scientific investigations. Ghost radar uses your cell phone to examine some of these phenomena.

What Exactly Is The Paranormal?

The definition of “paranormal phenomena” is anything that is classed as “beyond the normal” and generally includes events like clairvoyance and telekinesis,  not to mention seeing apparitions like ghosts or spirits, or anything else that cannot be explained through the scope of normal scientific explanations..

What Is Ghost Radar?

Ghost Radar is an app that has been developed by Spud Pickles software and is available to be downloaded on the majority of new mobile phone platforms. The platforms that are supported are Apple products, Google Android, and Blackberry phones. These phones that allow downloadable apps are known as smartphones.

Ghost Radar is an entertainment application that has a slight twist of the supernatural.

How Does Ghost Radar Classic Work?

  • Ghost Radar is a free app that can be used on a variety of cell phones.


  • The technology behind it is that the components in the phone in conjunction with the app are able to detect the paranormal source.


  • It works like a detector that can find electromotive forces or “EMF” for short.


  • Apparently this app allows your phone to pick up intelligent energy and can use vibrations through your phone’s sensors to locate the presence of paranormal energy.

The app’s blurb also contains some written context containing some incredible statements about how this application works. Such claims are that it uses electromagnetic fields, vibrations, and sounds to detect ghosts and paranormal activity in and around the device.

Interpreting the Results

The screen on the cell phone will give readings that need to be deciphered as the sensors pick up the paranormal activity.

  • Red: Is a bad activity
  • Yellow: Is between
  • Green: Is good

The Cost
Ghost Radar Classic

is available for free on the Apple, Android, and Blackberry Market app stores. This does mean that the developers sell advertisement space within the user interface that they use to create money, and so there will be scrolling adverts along the bottom and top of the screen during use.

Does Ghost Radar Work?

This is where the controversy is going to come in because there are so many variables. Such as:

  • Which phones are being used
  • What kind of paranormal activity is going on in the area
  • How sensitive is this activity to the components of the app

The Theory


Some have the theory that if two identical iPhones were used then the readings should be identical.

One fellow from YouTube did run a test using identical phones and in different areas but only came up with inconclusive results. So this test alone would not be enough to validate the authenticity.

Is It Easy To Use?

Unlike the expensive equipment where you need a lot of training just to understand how to use it, this app can be used by just about anyone.

If you can download the app then you are ready to go and you simply have to turn it on and then point your phone in the area you are curious about.

It could be noises you hear or perhaps a cold spot you feel, and once you have the phone directed in the questionable area you just have to watch the screen for words or blips to appear.

Ghost Radar Reviews


Some people that have used the Ghost Radar Classic app have found that after pointing their phone into the areas they think are suspect they have actually had readings that included letters names or notifications of energy present and this has been backed up by having several readings from different phones all showing the same results.


The negative reviews are from individuals who have used the app with a partner to verify their results and have found readings that have varied from one another. Apparently, the information on each device was significantly different enough to suggest that the app was not working as described.


Overall this ghost detector has had a lot of reviews which is understandable as its been around for a while. Out of 1,796 ratings, it has a 3.7 5 star rating. With about 20% giving it a 1% and the rest in between. So it shows that the negatives and the positives are fairly equal.

The final conclusion is that the app is really meant to be a form of entertainment and ratings will be made by most based on the way they perceive this.

An Extra

If you don’t want to be carrying your phone around with you all the time on the hunt for ghosts then you may find this Grip phone mount to be ideal.

Don’t forget to share your Ghost Radar Classic experiences with us.

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  • I had downloaded this app to my Ipad, not my phone, I do not make calls with my Ipad nor do I ever use the GPS on it, I was skeptical at first and well still kind of skeptical and yet not at the same time.... that is, until the night before last around 3 in the morning when I had put my dog out in the yard I had placed my iPad on a table not far from where I have many potted plants at, then the words of Grow, Growth had appeared, next followed the word Plants. I was like how it knows that? my iPad wasn't even pointed in that direction, then 3 blue dots had appeared to my left one was nearly on top of me, the other two were 25 yards and 40 yards from me, and then another word that said pretty. What convinced me the most was that this Ghost Radar had picked up on my plants. so yeah I think I am now convinced a little bit more than what I was at first, still trying it out tho, this evening I had covered the camera so we'll see what will happen then will provide an update at a later time.

  • In February of 2015 my family lost our home to a devastating house fire, lost everything including one of our dogs. We survived obviously, but 3 days before the fire, the kids and I downloaded the ghost radar app and were playing around with it throughout the house. This app warned us of the fire in detail and it all was exactly what ended up really happening. So, this app isn't a joke but definitely real scary as it sounds!! Definitely not a toy for young children but Definitely recommend.

  • It seems like a lot of us are getting the same random words such as family, law, war, explore, doll,excite. Mine has weird words sometimes like merely, quite, happen. I wonder if it just has a database of certain words. The names I've heard are Kristen, Tom, Harry,Drew and Mark. The person I want to connect with knew people with these names, but I don't know the significance.

  • I installed Ghost Radar and was, and continue to be skeptical. It also picks up one word comments, supposedly from the spirits. I did have one heck of a coincidence though. A man from the church I attend died. After attending the graveside service I returned to the car to wait for my wife. While I was waiting I figured, if any place has wandering spirits, it would be a cemetary, so I turned it on. The first word it picked up, within seconds of turning it on was "Virgina". The deceased man's wife for many decades was named Virginia. Now what are the odds of that happening?

  • The first time I tried it I was visiting my Sister and family's old home in LA. Oddly enough, the house was built in the late 1800's with a grave under it, name clear and DOB and DOD clear. The grave was directly under their restroom area which connected to my young niece's room (where she had been seeing an old lady coming from her bedroom closet (VERY close to the restroom and the wood frame home, the tomb stone). We downloaded the app, playing with it and no activity at all until we brought the phone into the restroom, bedroom, and bathroom area (which were very close together), then major words red dots all over the screen. I am not sure, but at that point was pretty much believing there was some reality to the fun app.

  • When I was 12, my mom, who was a teacher, was late returning from work. I started worrying. This app was open on my phone, and the app said 'business, crowd, learning'. I am a believer.

  • I opened the app. And then was distracted by my cat. The app said WALL and sure enough I had it pointing at the wall which was about 8" away. I do want to know why a green orb turns red.

  • (updated) I just started using it today! Within the first 20-30 seconds, the second word was "BRONWEN", which surprised me it was somehow in the word database, or is this phonetical? This is a very rare Welsh name, especially here in Canada... over my entire lifetime, I know of only one Bronwen, she is one of my dearest female friends, and has just MOVED BACK to my hometown here only in the last month or so after about 10-12 years living elsewhere. I have yet to visit her. She is into this kind of paranormal thing quite a bit. I don't even know her phone number or address, it is not in my phone. "Chance" JUST showed up as I was finishing the last sentence, and then "impossible" followed, now "label." Re-read the last sentence. Strange. And in IMMEDIATE REALTIME. And I'm typing into my computer, not my phone. And BRONWEN? What are the odds? WOW. Pretty striking to me... I do not ask spirits questions, I do not speak to anything but the divine, and only if the divine directs me to ask anything will I allow myself. I am not interested in making any kind of contracts with whatever. From what I understand, Entities TEND to lie, mimic and whatnot. Suddenly after a few hours of use, I started hearing all this knocking on my roof, and walls... over, and over, and over... didn't stop for more than a minute or so all night; I THOUGHT it was spirits until I realized we had the first snow of the year (4-5 inches), and it is melting and falling off the trees onto my roof! HOLY talk about timing! Scared the bejesus out of me. Hadn't had anything like this since last winter, but of course didn't pay attention.

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