Categories: As Seen on TV

Does Grass Shot Really Work?

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Does Grass Shot Work?Does Grass Shot Work?Believe it or not it will soon be time for the first grass cutting. It also means time to repair those lawns. Does this mean that you will want to invest in Grass Shot for this? Let’s find out.

This product is basically a liquid grass seed.It is a form of hydro seeding, which merely means you can seed a large area in a short period of time. The Grass Shot container gets attached to your garden hose. Then you direct it at the area that you will want to treat. It will appear as a foam. That brown spot you are treating will turn to green, but its not instant grass. It is a dye that is meant to show you what has been treated with the product. The product is actually a mix of water, seed and fertilizer all in one. It isn’t some new discovery either as it has been around in other forms since the 1950’s.

The Claim
The company claims that once you spray the seed on, it sticks. So this must mean that its not going to blow away with the wind. They are claiming that its just as easy as watering your lawn. They indicate that it works well on most spotted areas. They say that the amount of product that you receive with your order is enough to cover 200 square feet.

The Hype
The fact that you don’t have to second guess where you have put the seed is one bonus, which is often a problem with traditional seeding. Then you don’t have to worry about mixing extra soil and fertilizer is another problem solved. When they indicate that the brown spot disappears though, remember this isn’t grass growth its more like green staining, so its not as noticeable.

The Cost
You can expect to pay $19.99 plus $7.99 shipping. Add an extra $9.99 and you will get what they call a gift which is the 25 foot pocket hose ultra.

The Commitment
There doesn’t sound like there is going to be much of a learning curve to use the Grass Shot on your part. So it is just going to be a matter of making sure your hose is hooked up and then going for it.

To properly evaluate a product that has just hit the market like this we need to look at the theory behind it. It is hydro seeding, so lets look at this for a moment. Hydro seeding is often used in a commercial application which implements large equipment to cover large areas. There are similar home use versions available on the market. One is called Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn. It sells for $27.99. On Amazon it is classed as a best seller, but when you look at the reviews its not so great.Out of 97 reviews it has only received a 2.9. rating. While we are talking about a totally different brand, it is still enough to raise some red flags. However, the technology behind hydro seeding is sound.

Final Grass Shot Review

We’re going to give the Grass Shot a risky try/buy rating. There is nothing in the advertising that seems to address the common complaints that are surrounding the competitive product Hydro Mousse. The other problem is, you don’t know what kind of grass seed you are getting so it could be totally different, than what you have now. It is

pretty difficult to return a product such as this if you aren’t satisfied because the results depend on a lot of factors according to your growing environment. As far as the pocket hose goes which is included for an extra $9.99 the reviews for and against this (not the ultra) is pretty much even.

Our Recommendation
It’s not fair to raise a problem like the brown grass spots then not give you a solid solution or at least some suggestions. In the past we did do a review on a product called Quick Lawn, which also was a, as seen on TV product. It has received many more thumbs up than down. Another possible solution is the Cutting Edge Grass seed that we talked about which is also getting good feed back.

What do you think? Does Grass Shot work or not?

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  • This product must have been an epic fail for the manufacturer/distributor, 99cents only is selling a package of grass shot, sprinkler spray attachment and all for $1.99, refills for 4 applications sell for as much.(Jun 08, 2016)
    But, hey, can't complain with that practically give-away price. Can use the sprayer for other things, too. That alone is worth the $1.99 discount price! Stock up!

  • I was super excited to try this product because I have a rather large bare spot in my yard. Followed the directions, no green foam, no green at all it was just grass seed mixed with water . It seemed to have pretty decent coverage. I guess I will see what happens but I don't have much faith in this product as it so far has not delivered what they said.

  • Just found it at a local dollarvtreevfor $1.99. Refill litbwith two bags of seed and two bottles of fertilizer were also "$1.99. Hooked everything up and mixed it as directed. No green foam, just clear water. Perfectly great speaker but no green foam. If nothing happens, I'll only be out $3.98. I guess the magnitude of complaints would make it easy to understand why it's made its way to a dollar store.

  • After reading all the reviews it helped me to make my decision on not to buy it. I thought it sounded to good to be true after I saw it on tv . Thanks everyone for writing your response. This helped a lot.

  • I just applied the grass shot to a bare area in my back yard where a tree used to be. It did NOT spray a thick green foam like on TV. It just sprayed water with a few weak bubbles in it and little to no green coloring. The seeds were spread quite thin and I have little hope for decent coverage. At least I got it on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond and will only be out $10.

    • Well after reading the comments, I can see why it must be on the clearance shelf. Thank you, I will not waste my money!

  • I tried Green Shot this afternoon. The green component is either extremely diluted or beyond its shelf life, but I noticed no trace of green where I sprayed the seed. I can see a spattering of what looks like seed, but at this point I don't expect results better than hand broadcasting seed. My impression of this product is that is nothing more than late night TV hype. The instructions even said to wear old to clothes to keep from staining better clothes - what staining? There isn't any.

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